Selig Broke PVP

PVP in Diablo has always been an after thought. It’s mostly a nod to those who cry about no PVP. Being unbalanced this season or month is to be expected, it will change as time progresses and eventually a naked Sorc with nothing boosted will own a max geared Barb and then get owned by a Rogue with bare fists. Wait your time, evade the uber cheat builds (as viewed in PVP) and enjoy the game.

they are hotfoxing so selig wont work in pvp so prayers answered


What will you know if you are a child with characteristics of pokemon and fortnite, the end game is pvp (whatever they say)

well that hot fix only helps against the starlight aspect and in general the heal -fury regen when damage taken interaction. as long as barbs keep generating enough fury via shouts and 110%+ resource generation, its pretty much inexistent, Tibaults will exists!. UNLESS, it means that the amulet unique ability is completely disabled and is not taking 3 resources for every 1% of health lost, then the fix is more like a zone ban as the item would render completely empty. If so, I HOPE it doesn’t transcend to pve, as we know how our dear developers code where 25=35 <3.

Can someone familiar with barb guilds explain what the loop hole or thing they will need to close in PVE and how it works?

They will fix it for PVP in S2, because its killing server performance.

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so there are alot of things barbs gain from it atm. legendary node that gives you fortify on 100 fury usage. malignant ring gives guaranteed crit on 100 fury usage. the list goes on. and right now fury lost due to selig and taking dmg is counting as fury usage as if you used a skill

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Nope. There has been video proof its working exactly as designed. Just more lies.

But which one is the actual mechanic that gives you AFK ability? Or maybe I am misunderstanding how everything works.

For example when I read use 100 fury, I’m assuming a skill is cast to burn fury then regen fury (shout). Which means not AFK.

When I read generate 3 fury on taking damage, that’s 1% of life and most PvP’ers can do more than that to burn trough existing fury. And taking 33 hits to get to the 100 for fority doesn’t seem like it would enable the AFK.

So maybe it’s all the interactions together or something else? I genuinely don’t get how this is all coming together.

People can’t be immortal in real life so they turn to a game to satisfy their desire, and you whinners are saying this can’t be in the game? Go play with yourself in the real world FFS! We just want to have some fun after work!!! GDMIT!!!

I think being immortal on a non PvP mode is okay as long as it’s legit.

But on a PvP, both parties need to have good chances of killing each other. Being immortal kinda defeats that chance. I understand the thrill of being unkillable but it shouldn’t come from a broken interaction. If you are unkillable because you are godly at dodging and timing everything right, well you deserve to be unkillable.

Look at this on the other side. It’s not fun for someone who spec for PvP with all their best and still unable to kill someone because they are immortal and they are immortal just by being afk too.

In first person shooter games I am mostly immortal because I kill them first before they kill me. I am good with the map and know when to hide and attack, and it wasn’t because I had an item that makes me immortal.


I don’t understand what you’re trying to say. Are you trying saying the endgame of a PVE game is PVP, but threw in some random pop culture references to spice things up? :smile:

Sure thing, lets also fix for PvP:

Poison Damage from Rogues, doing way too much
Sorc Firewall one shotting
Sorc being immune repeatedly
Necro needs more Movement Speed

Selig is working as intended.

necro movement speed isnt an issue when they can just use mist constantly and be immune also

nah man, you can’t say that with a straight face.
there is no way perma immortality is intended xD
just look at the amount of player trying to kill that guy even when he afk …the enemy still dies through the thorns he has…

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I have met numerous Barbs like this in PvP. Totally unkillable when everyone else drops against my Firewall Sorc. It couldn’t be because my Firewall Sorc has bad DPS.

I can say it with a straight face as this is working as intended.

afk 100% win-rate pvp and pve is intended ?
oh well the devs must’ve missed the memo since it’s getting fixed…errr…nerfed :stuck_out_tongue:

yea im guessing quiet a few barb wanted to abuse that

If it’s working as intended, then they wouldn’t change it.


You are 3 secs in Mist mode and it has a base CD of 24 secs.