Seasonal resets must be gone

This is even more reason imo for adding all the content to Eternal at the same time as season. If you move the people who hate lvling to Eternal, we could get some real lvling game in Diablo 4 again. Instead of the current D3 nonsense, due to Season realm having to cater to both the people who like to start over, and those who do not.

Oh so you are telling me that the game does not have enough content?


It is becoming Diablo 3.
Seasons last a weekend.
If you are unlucky.


When everything is common and there is no leveling journy you end up with this.

S4 thankfully will actually have loot to chase with the crafting systems. The game from S1-S3 has become a mobile game. The changes in S4 actually brings back some arpg elements.

Currently the game has content but its design for casual bob who only plays 1-2 hours a week like D3.

Apart from uninteresting equipment setups and a significant reduction in endgame content, , weak UI, limited storage space, and the complexity of organizing storage space.

It’s not difficult to imagine that the officials always resort to the tactic of using seasonal resets to address the problem of duplicated equipment or items, while simultaneously promoting the illusion that resets are enjoyable. After all, the issue of duplication has persisted from Season 0 to Season 3.

Every season comes with a reset, so those current issues are deemed irrelevant, and they have no responsibility to address or explain them. After all, the official stance is that they will always use the next season to resolve any concerns you might have. It’s like they’ve got you volunteering to be an unpaid PTR tester every season!

Don’t doubt it… Locking seasonal journeys into a coerced reset economy and reset level mode, coupled with repeated instances of rampant duplication culture, is just adding insult to injury. It’s like pouring oil on a fire during a disaster. This real-time service game is an absolute catastrophe!

A game fundamentally based on looting and monster slaying ends up designed as a joke, where you voluntarily reset yourself to become a PTR season tester just to bash wallpaper? And then wait for the climax of duplication to arrive… It doesn’t affect me anyway? It’s just a monster-slaying game that’s all about bashing wallpaper.

OK, you’re right

You won me over on this one :slight_smile:

The game is designed for streamers that beat it in 36 hours, post a vid for all the “OP builds this season”, make a “tier list” and the game is dead for 2.5 months

So no, the game is NOT for the casual Bob, if it was there would’ve been actual focus and care for the leveling and spice the content up (not have it sped up and reduced to rubble even more)

In that regard it’s even worse, I’m just amazed as someone who understands that issue (of over/focusing at the destination and final result)

Doesn’t see this one also :stuck_out_tongue:

So now you are complaining while you acussed me of that?

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Seasonal resets are enjoyable, and enough people have taken a liking to them for it to be the forefront of the most flagship ARPGs of the genre. If they weren’t enjoyable, Path of Exile would have died long ago rather than grow, Last Epoch would have been DOA, Diablo III wouldn’t have had over 30 seasons of support, and Diablo IV wouldn’t have continued the trend.

I understand that there are a select number of individuals on the forums who feel the need to go in hard on seasons like they have some sort of agenda, but the observable evidence we have demonstrates that seasonal resets aren’t this monolithic, inaccessible wall for players, nor are they unpopular.

They absolutely do have a responsibility to address or explain them if they’re apparent enough to the average player for them to be of issue. Otherwise, the game crumbles (like it currently is) and there’s no one left to play it.

And for what it’s worth: Blizzard has been addressing player concerns. In fact, I’d argue it’s the only thing they’ve really honed in on with the game, almost to a fault. They’ve been slowly but surely giving us more storage space, they’ve nerfed leveling (though I’d argue this is a net negative, but it’s still evidence of them listening to the community), and they’re completely reworking itemization to feel more rewarding.

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Amen Borger. Very well said.

Like what?
The biggest issue for me, a new player from xbox gamepass, is having to start over again. A few of my friends tried the game too and liked it, but as soon as they found out that it resets every 3 months, they quit playing. They simply don’t have time to start over every three months nor have the desire to do so.
They simply moved on to games that don’t do that.


While I personally agree that season resets are enjoyable, we cant really conclude this from the above examples. It might simply be that the games were enjoyable enough, despite the season resets, for the games to prosper anyway.

They don’t want to listen to common sense. Well said.

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I’m not saying people like yourself don’t exist. I’m sure there are some people who turned away from Diablo IV when they found out about the reset, but to conflate the entirety of the player drop off solely to the reset is dishonest. It’s a bad argument, no matter how you frame it, especially when Diablo IV’s issues are well-documented.

Well, if that’s the case, then I think we can both agree that seasonal resets aren’t actually as big of an issue as people make them out to be if they can just be ignored in service of playing the game, and any suggestion that they are a detriment to this game is factually incorrect.

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Can’t conclude that either.
Like, a game might sell $ 1X with PoE style season exclusive content. Which might be considered enough to survive, or prosper.
But then it might sell 1.1X if it did not make the content season exclusive. Both would be enough to prosper, the latter would just make even more money than the former.

D3 also prospered, in some sense, without MTX. Blizzard still concluded, presumably correctly, that it could make even more money by selling MTX and battle passes. You cant exactly conclude that MTX wont bring in more money, just because D3 made a bunch of money without it.

Lmao . When they announce D4 they said it wouldn’t have offline mode. The negative amount of research you do. D4 is not an MMO never will be .My god how bad are you. The privilege you think you deserve. Move on seasons are here to stay dude

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Okay… but you do know that Blizzard has metrics to gauge this, right? They have ten years of data with Diablo III seasons, as well as their own observations of the ARPG market with games like Path of Exile, that would allow them to make an informed decision between one or the other. Blizzard clearly sees the value in the former and is choosing to capitalize on that instead.

Moreover, it’s a bad point to say “Diablo IV might be doing better if it did THIS.” There are a lot of things Blizzard could have done with Diablo IV to attract more people. For example, they could have forgone the isometric design in exchange for something more modern and contemporary. They could have done something to appeal to Zoomer demographics and younger generations. There’s an endless checklist of things Blizzard could be doing to appeal to broader groups of individuals, so I don’t see the value in arguing “what ifs,” especially when there’s clear, observable evidence of the success of the seasonal reset content model.

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You point out the exact issue, why Microsoft acquire Activision Blizzard with 70 Billion for a game that could not retend the Game pass player?

A game that will wipe your progress every 3 months will not stand out among the 100++ titles in game pass.

Call of Duty will appear in Game Pass in June, very soon Microsoft will find out Blizzard big brother will out perform them in player acquisition and retention. Heads will continue to roll in Blizzard if they don’t make a dramatic change.

I will join you in Game Pass when CoD is live there. I have tried MW3 during last free play week, I found the Zombie Co-op mode quite interesting.

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To be fair, Diablo was likely very very far down on a list of stuff Microsoft was interested in.

But yeah, simply give players a meaningful choice here, season and eternal, with the same content. Pick the mode you prefer.
Just like HC. It would be silly if HC got additional content, extra bosses, dungeons and what not.

No it wouldn’t. People just would understand that if they wanted to participate in those activities they would have to play HC. Just like the eternal players have to understand they have to play season to get access to the additional content. The problem is the eternal folks are too stupid to understand it. Duh-uh