Seasonal resets must be gone

Title +

  1. Seasons must be integrated into eternal
  2. Resets must be gone, to not level again and again
  3. New content must be added every 3 months
  4. Even battlepass should be integrated into eternal

You dont need to play seasons. Lving has been gimped so hard it doesnt even matter anymore. If someone doesnt have the 10-12 hours it will take to reach 100 in an arpg with a 3 month cycl3 they should just stick to the eternal. Seasonal powers/gimmicks need to be seperate from the eternal servers.


Football should no longer have helmets or pads or a ball or rules.
Let’s just have all 22 players cuddle in the middle of the field.

That is how dumb this thread sounds.


I’ll never understand this crowd. Seasons are basically a mainstay in ARPGs. What would be the point in logging in to your level 100 character, stomping the new seasonal content in a couple hours, and then… do what? Complain there isn’t enough content?


You don’t ask for much do you?

I like the seasonal resets so I’d like to keep them.

New content does get added to the game every 3 months, the seasonal theme is new content. But devil’s advocate you mean new content outside the theme. This would be nice for sure but it’s not very practical. I’d rather have new content every other season that’s more polished that rushing stuff out.

You’ve been posting a lot. It seems like you dislike this game. Probably more practical to find a game that fits you need than to make demands that will never get met.


Haha or maybe thats the point? Op only wants to spend 1-3 hours in the game every 3 months?

Casual bob has spoken.


Some people really need to stay with playing checkers. :sob:


I see you here, but you can leave anytime you want


Only if there is cuddling. :hamster: :popcorn:


The seasons are important, but the most important thing has always been their competitive spirit. While for casuals it is nothing more than a fresh start.

I think the seasonal “competitiveness” should be promoted and enhanced and then add all the seasonal bonuses to eternal.

It must be said that the seasons have also always had a bit of exclusive content, but the battle pass and the season diary seem to be enough in that sense.

Let’s remember that everything extra about the season is so that the players want to play the season. Clearly no one would play it without these extras, so actually seasonal popularity is a false/fake/made-up popularity.

(Additionally, a fresh start is something that someone, who has already experienced much or all of the game, is looking for. It’s not something that appeals to new players.)


I feel like we’re missing an “or else” statement here.


Seasons are like that in Division 2 , i dont see really the problem . All the seasonal content is available to your lvl 100 characters . That way they just put MORE content into every season instead count with leveling , gearing , farming from zero .
Also Battlepass in Division 2 have WAY more cool free content in exotics , brands , sets , and cosmetics . Thats been like that for over 5 years with 3-4 seasons per year .


I recommend blizzard to setup a mandatory IQ test b4 anyone can purchase the game or post in the forum.

  1. Seasons must be integrated into eternal - why?
  2. Resets must be gone, to not level again and again -why?
  3. New content must be added every 3 months - says who?
  4. Even battlepass should be integrated into eternal - why?

Must? Or what?

/20 characters

  1. Players would be less divided which improves the long term health of the game
  2. It’s boring
  3. Jagdkommando
  4. To retain the seasonal reward system

Yea the game would be much better that way, but it’s not a simple task. Merging the realms would require careful planning so the seasonal experience wouldn’t change too much for those players who like creating a new character over and over again.

The best thing about it would be what @VekaDemonia said. If the seasons were built around Level 100 players we would get some actual endgame content, not just stupid seasonal gimmicks.

  1. Players would be less divided which increases the long term health of the game - Then you should play D3, we dont want D4 to be another rubbish game.
  2. It’s boring - Boring to you only
  3. Jagdkommando - sorry who is this guy again???
  4. To retain the seasonal system - hold my beer, you just say you didnt want season, are you delusional? You expect the 70 dollar you pay gonna pay an entire developer team to keep updating the game every 3 months?

Player interactions don’t matter now anyway. D4 is mostly single-player.

So don’t play it, but most of the players that keep playing disagree and they’re the target audience.

I don’t mind eternal having a battle-pass as long as Seasonal has it’s own battle-pass with better rewards, since players engaged in the full experience.


I wouldn’t have bought the game if it was single player. I play almost exclusively to socialize.

Leveling the character is just an inconvenience, I don’t have to stop playing.

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If leveling the character is an inconvenience then you’re in the wrong genre, or you can make suggestions on how it could be more fun for you. Or stay on eternal since some seasonal mechanics will slowly trickle to eternal.


What do you mean it’s wrong genre if there’s also Eternal realm where I don’t have to keep leveling my characters. Leveling character every 3 months is definitely an inconvenience. So far, first 3 times were fun while experiencing the new classes. It’s going to get boring after trying all 5 classes.

This thread is focused on improving the game, but some people are scared of change.