Seasonal resets must be gone

That is laughable coming from the person that made the claim:

Sure, but this topic has been consistently showing up, across 3 different Diablo games, for decades, as well as for other A-RPGs.
You are going to have a very hard time convincing anyone that there isn’t a meaningful segment of people who prefer non-season game modes.

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Sure I can.

Blizzard has the resources to make it happen, yet hasn’t. Why?

The answer is pretty easy bud.

Meaningful to you, and meaningful to blizzard, are completely different things.

Blizzard got the resources to do all kinds of things, yet they haven’t happened.
That is not because it would be too costly for them to do it.

If you think it is just the same few people bringing it up across decades and different games/companies, then sorry, that is beyond unlikely.

I doubt they are, but it any case, it would also be a meaningful size to Blizzard. Heck, likely more than the group who plays HC. Which, unlike stuff like battle passes in Eternal, brings zero extra revenue on its own.

The vast majority of people never come to the forums.

Blizzards target market is those people, not you and I. It’s that simple.

Focus groups and surveys are far better indicators. The forum feedback is valuable, but not really that indicative or significant because it’s so biased.

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Which has no relevance for anything.
Besides, this topic is also not uncommon outside the forums.

To be fair, we don’t actually know the ratio of eternal to seasonal players. Having said that, I can’t imagine there’s actually a large portion of eternal players since the game isn’t built to support eternal.

At the end of the day, having seasonal content on eternal realms won’t matter all that much, but it won’t solve any of the issues already presented in eternal. Blizzard would have to recalibrate its endgame content cadence for eternal to actually be worthwhile, and that’s not something that’s ever going to happen.

The people clamoring for seasonal content on eternal want it because of longevity. Seasons will, at most, give you 2-3 more hours of play before you run out of things to do. This is especially true for any level 100 character who can blaze through content without any effort.

Guys, let’s not argue for something none of us knows exactly how things work, we can just assume and that’s the most likely reason why they don’t add stuff in 2 places at once, because:

1 - Bugs are easier to fix on one spot, balance/updates/changes are easier to add on one spot, and IN GENERAL => code is easier to manage when changes are done on one spot
2 - When decision is made “this will be permanent, rest will go” it is easier to just add the 5-10-15% that STAYS instead of revert the 85-90-95% that goes (and just in overall coding practice in general - adding/CP-ing stuff is much easier than conflict resolutions and reverts)

That’s all really, don’t see other reasons but I’d imagine these 2 carry enough weight overall :thinking:

Exactly. It’s amazing how people either don’t get that or are willing to ignore it. Maybe if players didn’t have to relevel every three months just to see new content, there wouldn’t have been so many calls to speed up the leveling. Everyone I knew that got into this game enjoyed it until S1 hit and realized they had to redo ALL that grind again. Few players in the year 2024 thinks long grinding is fun and even fewer think that redoing the same grind every three months is fun. The point of any RPG is to improve your character, not redo a character every three months.


I too wish to only work on one character, seasons have zero appeal to me


I hope people understand how disingenuous they’re coming off when they attribute the player drop off solely to the game’s seasonal content structure. There are dozens of issues that plague Diablo IV. Seasons aren’t even at the top of what could be considered an “issue.”

Sure, not saying there is a large segment of Eternal players right now, albeit I could easily see it being as large as the HC segment.
But the amount of players who would play Eternal, if it had the same content as Season? At minimum it is larger than the current Eternal playerbase.

Sure, but there is no reason that Blizzard should decide for those who would prefer to play Eternal, if the endgame content cadence is right for them or not.

The people who currently like the cadence offered in season would still have that.

Blizzard wouldnt have to change anything in terms of how often they patch, or how much new content is in each patch (albeit, if they want to be competitive with other A-RPGs, maybe they should?).

Yeah, but that is their choice. Why not just let them have it.

It is also worth noting, that some of the people who would like season content on Eternal want it there because they are lvling slowly/playing rarely, so they might not have that lvl 100 character who can just faceroll through.
Someone might prefer to start fresh in every second season, while keeping the same character in between, and so on.

I am generally not someone who think games should try to cater to everyone, as that just leads to bad games. But when it is small changes that would not harm anything, at most just reach more people, then why not do it.

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I think Blizzard is free to decide whatever they want, to be honest. It’s their game, and someone being a consumer of their product doesn’t mean they should have their every demand catered to.

I don’t run to Valorant or Siege demanding that Riot or Ubisoft prioritize frag-based game modes because that’s what I like. It’s clear what the pull is for those games, so I just go play the games that do prioritize frag-based modes. I’m not so entitled of a consumer to think that a developer should cater to me or anyone else.

If that doesn’t jive with people, nobody is holding a gun to their head. They can leave to play another game. If the number of people leaving for this very specific reason is large enough, Blizzard will surely divert and change the game’s trajectory. That said, seasonal resets aren’t a critical detriment to this game, so I sincerely doubt anything will change.

If Blizzard added it tomorrow, I suppose nothing would change. I’ve argued several times that there actually is value in having a server devoid of seasonal mechanics, but that’s besides the point here. At the very least, having seasons that are then removed is a better solution to this “problem” than stacking all seasons atop one another.

However, you have to recognize that seasons not being on eternal have to be a big enough issue for Blizzard to even care, and I do feel like I need to stress that eternal not having seasons is largely a forum-based issue. I think the people asking for it even know this, which is why they need to dishonestly conflate the player drop off in the game with the fact that it structures itself around seasonal resets.

And ultimately, if the seasonal content is added to eternal, those same people will still be here complaining anyways. If it’s not about eternal not having seasons, then it’ll be about how Diablo IV’s endgame is lacking and there’s nothing to do. They’ll continue to push the goalposts for a game that has no intention of being the game they want it to be, when they could instead be playing something else that does exactly what they want.


But also not the point. Blizzard can decide not to do anything, or something, “just because”.

Also not remotely similar, since adding a frag-based game mode would require development time for adding something new to the game.
While this is about not gatekeeping existing content to a single game mode (well, technically 2 game modes, in SC and HC)

Ofc you are confused with your IQ, I don’t blame you.

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Yeah, they could.

But it’s unlikely.

It should be noted that Siege and Valorant do have frag-based modes, but they provide nothing of value to the games themselves. Valorant’s Deathmatch mode doesn’t net you any EXP or any progress on dailies/weeklies, and you don’t make any progress towards unlocking new agents. It is purely a headshot training mode. The same goes for Siege. It’s very clear these modes are not the priority and are instead activities you play intermittently for fun.

However, a frag-based mode requires almost no development time to implement, even if they didn’t have them. They already have an established UI that they can coopt and readjust to reflect your basic TDM mode, and the maps can be recycled to fit a TDM pace.


Says the person not playing the game but still trolling on the fourms.

Then give the feedback to make that specific grind more joyable or useful, don’t skip it or speed it up (you know it’s there no matter what)

Either that or just move aside so people that can actually come up with useful ideas to fix that problem may give their best shot

It’s AMAZING how you guys keep screwing the game being obsessed with the final result (AT ALL COST) and then whine that the first thing that should’ve been fixed hasn’t been taken a single look at

Oh, and b.t.w. when that final result has been “achieved” within a week you “pile up” in a queue and QQ/ask for more

THEN, when someone says the game should be harder then you pushback that particular piece of feedback, when someone says that leveling should take more energy/focus you push back against that particular feedback also

Make up your mind for once ? :person_shrugging:

You are not playing also, you only play forums.

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Whatever you say. The season is over and I already have all classes at 100 min/maxed but whatever you need to tell yourself.

Don’t feed the trolls. They know this game is seasonal. At this point, responding to them is just bumping this pointless thread.