Seasonal resets must be gone

Fair enough. You are allowed to have your own point of view. We will just have to agree to disagree.

The game should not have to be played. We should just log in at the end of the game with all of our gear and stare at each other in town.

Wow, So much useless debate! Get it through your heads: D4 it’s a seasonal game and it’s not gonna change


Well you have your opinion and I have mine, and it is clear we are on opposite sides and not going to agree. This constant worry about “balance”, beyond the very rudimentary amounts, is silly, and not needed.


I don’t ever anticipate Diablo IV to be a balanced game.

That doesn’t mean we should throw any and all balancing out the window, especially when that balancing is only for a handful of individuals.

I mean, I think I’d be more receptive to your opinion on the matter if you actually explained it. My opinion is rooted in firsthand evidence of the decay of live-service games and how system, content, and power bloat significantly drag those games down (and potentially make them inaccessible for newcomers), and you’re basically asking for those issues to be exacerbated because… some people are just incapable of resetting every three months? What does “rudimentary amounts” even mean here?

So Diablo IV isn’t going to be balanced in your eyes, and that balancing is only needed for a small amount of people, and yet it is so important to keep them from adding features to the game?

I say balancing is not important because it is not. You are creating characters designed to get through the content. It is a PVE game. So what if some combinations of powers are powerful compared to others. The point is to have lots of options for said power so people can play. They can find their own preferred style to go through the game, as long as everything is powerful enough to get through it. “Rudimentary amounts” simply refers to fixing broken outliers, which they already do. Make sure each class has choices to get through the content, and that there are many options to do so with.

Those games that you stated before weren’t “dragged down” by adding content to them. They were dragged down by the poor experience those games presented in the first place. Which is the same issue Diablo IV is having right now. Adding content would only help, as the state of the current game is so lacking to begin with. It is not that people are “incapable” of resetting every three months. It is that the content that is given to the people who don’t like seasons is not worth resetting for. Thus adding to the eternal gameplay at least gives some of those people something to play for, rather than quitting altogether.


I didn’t read all the long post previously, but I keep seeing a word balance and bloat. I assume this is a topic about without resetting the Eternal realm will be imbalanced with the seasonal content added incrementally?

If my assumption of the problem statement above is correct, I think there is a serious flaw of this argument.

-Eternal realm currently is called Character and Item Graveyard, the population of this realm is minimum due to players were forced to play another realm which can use battlepass, more loot and more content. Keeping new feature out of Eternal realm for balancing is just Blizzard excuse to add more feature to seasonal realm and entice player to play the reset realm. There is absolutely no business case to balance a graveyard server that cant use battle pass

-All previous seasonal power reintroduced in the form of Unique and legendary aspect. It is just a replacement of existing gear and aspect. All this incremental addition will not cause power creep. I.e the popular metamorphosis aspect will replace Flicker Step or Ghost walker, it isn’t considered an upgrade, just more options. As Blizzard regularly release new aspect and Unique in both realm, so all this new items just options and not necessary caused power creep. We already see the powercreep caused by Dust Devil in PTR, as proof of previous seasonal content has no relationship with power creep.

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I am referring to repetitive content: teleportation points and fortresses.

Playing dark games is not about repeatedly brushing dungeons or anything else.

  1. They do add features to the game, and they re-add seasonal features after that seasonal content has ended. What you’re asking for is a whole different type of feature implementation and would make the game fundamentally worse.

  2. Diablo IV is never going to be fully balanced, but that doesn’t mean the developers should forgo balancing entirely. Having some sort of long-term goal is actually good for the game. It gives the developers guidance and a framework to work within. The point here is that just because Diablo IV will never be fully balanced doesn’t mean we should run in the completely opposite direction.

This is such a narrow-sighted way of viewing video games. “It’s PvE, so what?” Well for one, Diablo IV isn’t just PvE as there are now leaderboards and PvP. Besides that, however, I think it matters quite a bit. We play games to challenge ourselves, even if that challenge is minuscule. Games are meant to push back against the player, but if a player can run through a zone and clear hordes of enemies without putting in the least bit of effort (in both moment-to-moment gameplay and buildcrafting), then I think the game has failed.

But this is not what I’m saying. There will always be meta builds. Such things are unavoidable because it’s impossible for any developer to balance any build 1-1. The concern here is with builds as outlined above that would trivialize the experience entirely. Despite what you may think, this is a concern for the health of the game, and it’s not something that Blizzard would be able to keep track of if the game was just a hodge podge of seasonal mechanics piled atop one another.

ARPGS are. You are doing the same thing over and over again every time in every ARPG ever. I like to reclaim waypoint and Strongholds, hell I would even reclaim all Lillit statues too and grind out all the Renown rewards again. Because it gives me stuff to do. More stuff to do, the better. Tedious or boreing? I don’t care, I can deal with it, because that is what ARPGs boil down to eventually, specialy the endgame.

So there is no way to add challenge to the game while adding new mechanics, is that what you are saying? There is no way to “push back” on a player? What are they doing with seasons then? Again, you are leaping to the extremes without thinking of a middle ground. While I would prefer actual depth, variety and new content added to the game properly, I will take the lowest common denominator that the devs are able to do, which is adding content they have already created to the game for all to be able to enjoy, even if they don’t want to constantly reset characters to experience it.


Let me lay this out for you as clearly as I can, because I don’t think you actually get it:

Diablo IV is structured so that there are a variety of permutations available for any player to engage with and try when building a character. Seasonal mechanics add depth to that buildcrafting and are subsequently removed each season while the developers then balance the game around the next set of seasonal systems that are coming in.

What they currently do with seasons is not what you’re asking them to do. You are asking them to keep those seasonal systems in the game, which means requiring them to balance the game around each and every seasonal mechanic rather than the incoming one. This comes with a whole different level of permutations to consider when buffing and/or nerfing something. There’s now an entirely new web to navigate because now you’re not concerning yourself with a handful of new abilities/mechanics, but instead 15, 16, 17, 18+ handfuls of abilities/mechanics.

When this happens, there’s too much data for a human being to parse through to even consider. Things will end up being overlooked because there’s not enough time in the day for QA or even PTR users to identify potential problems in application. It would require Blizzard to rework their entire itemization and leveling system each season just for it to work at a level where the game isn’t being trivialized.

Like, again, this is exactly why Blizzard removes seasonal content and then repackages it in a more curated form post-season ends: Because it’s far easier for them to be selective and build those seasonal systems into the framework rather than throwing it atop the pile.

What you’re asking for will never happen, not unless you want this game to be broken in two year’s time.

I know exactly why they are doing what they are doing. I don’t agree with it, and I also believe you are wrong for the part that matters: Why would they balance the eternal realm’s game around the upcoming seasonal mechanic if they (the eternal players) do not have access to those mechanics?

Your claim of them having to “rework their entire itemization and leveling system each season” is highly exaggerated, and you know it. Their “repackaging” of seasonal content thus far has been such low-effort tokenism to not as well exist. I am asking for them to do more, as so far, they have shown no real effort towards supporting the eternal realm.

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It’s not about opinion here lol. It;s about facts. The game launched and advertised as seasonal, the devs said also it is seasonal and that they have no intention to change that aspect. For me this topic is closed, gonna mute it

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I suggest you read the subject of OP as this thread is not about remove the season from the game.

Mute the thread is the best approach for the topic you do not agree with as every player has the right of their opinion and open suggestion threads. The thread is intended for Blizzard to read as the feedback from the customer to the product owner.


Anything new else notice the OP has long since ghost this topic. Probably discovered his cries won’t change anything and the game already has a good design

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you do realise arpg can exist without stupid 3 months seasons right? Your answer is more st*pid than OP’s post just so you know.

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and its everyones right to play an arpg that doesnt feature seasons. =)


Why wouldn’t I know? It was made in jest to epitomize the entitlement on display.
If you know an arpg without seasons, go play it. This one has seasons.



Without the new content the only thing different about the two realms is the reset and leaderboards. Therefore balancing for both would be the same.

Try again