Seasonal resets must be gone

I cant imagine being stuck in season 3 for 6 months lol.

Seasons arnt coming to an end. It’s a good design, many ARPGs follow as a way to keep it fresh
Battle Pass for eternal lmao yeah never happening.
OP has no idea how Diablo games function pre D4and fell for good Blizzard Marketing.
Topic can now be closed :pensive:


That was a really good joke! Welcome to seasonal games. :slight_smile:

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Boon’s suggestions were to allow players to play whatever season they wanted, clearly demonstrating no functional understanding of the nightmare that would be in balancing, never mind how terrible it would be when Diablo IV is in season 15 and there are dozens of different systems that need to be reworked to ensure that a baseline nerf/buff won’t collapse the game in on itself.

Like, there’s a reason why seasonal powers are pulled and then repackaged for eternal down the road. It has nothing to do with eternal players getting scraps, but because they need to be retweaked and balanced so that they don’t break the game when included. It would get to a point in which all resources were being dumped into balancing rather than developing new content.

This is already an issue that Diablo IV will undoubtedly face in two year’s time. As they continue to add new uniques and aspects, it will become increasingly difficult for Blizzard to keep track and balance the number of potential permutations when adding new mechanics to the game. It isn’t in anyone’s interest, even the player base, for that issue to be exacerbated.

I hope for the development team’s sake they don’t listen to anything suggested in this thread, because some of the suggestions here make it abundantly clear why you’re all making outrageous suggestions on the forums rather than actually developing the game.


Yep. The fact that we have posters saying “this is how ARPGs work” is proof that they have been living in a bubble for 20 years. Seasons resets are not a thing with ARPGS, they are thing with D2 Clones. D2 clones are only one of MANY types of ARPGs. Seeing someone say that adding new content to eternal would be bad because they would no longer want to play seasonal is proof that the reset isn’t the great thing that some here claims it is. If they really loved resets, they would stay on eternal and create new characters. If it’s about competition on a fresh start server, then they shouldn’t need new themes or content to want to do it. But we all know if that was taken away, the traditionalists would cry foul. They have theirs and to hell with everyone else. It’s a very selfish attitude that has stifled these type of games from growing.


OG huh. Ok, Iv’e played every single Diablo title. I am a child of the 80’s. My generation is the OG of video games and I love seasons.
When your only resort to an argument is to use slander by calling people “meek players” is to already have lost the argument.
This is what this game is. It is seasonal. It will always be seasonal. It has been stated by the dev team ad nauseam that it will always be seasonal.
As for the complaints about content, yes. Those are perfectly valid and I have been on that side of the argument for a long time. After playing the PTR, I can say that I am starting to like the direction they are heading with several things. I expect that they will be adding more and more content as time passes. Should a lot of the QoL changes been already baked into the game. Sure.
But the argument about season is… there is no argument. To me, the audacity and self entitlement required to walk into a game that was advertised as a seasonal game and demand it change is bewildering. It’s like walking into a bank and asking for a happy meal. Just ain’t gonna happen.
If this game is stressing you out this much, maybe it’s time to take a break from it till enough content is released to satisfy you. God knows that there are plenty of great games out to play right now.


How dare you bring logic into this. :roll_eyes:

Yeah I dont get it. It was advertised, its nothing new in gaming and theyve nerfed everything into the ground. Most of the grind is gone. Im excited for S4 but i just hope chat doesnt look like D2, WoW or any other bliz game plauged with RMT.


Let me ask you a super simple question - if don’t want to relevel or repeat, why not create Eternal character ?

The other part which is also important

What happens if someone wants to join at say Season 8 ?, how many powerups/collections/tasks/upgrades will they be behind (unjustifyingly because of absolutely stupid account-bound powers while at it ? :person_shrugging:)

See the problem ?

For people that just want to “blast and roll” past 100 Eternal exists

Season is precisely for and focused on adding the experience for re/leveling differently

The fact that someone has to even point these absolutely intuitive groundwork things is just ridiculous tbh

@OP - for those that don’t want to “reset” just create Eternal and roll on with it


Who said anything about eternal realm keeping every new temporary theme and feature? :person_shrugging:

Right now they take what works and make it a part of the base game and discard the rest. They can still do that. It doesn’t change a thing.

Now let me ask you a question…How is your reset harmed by the new content coming to eternal realm? How is your game ruined by players being given an option to enjoy the new content on either realm?


That’s how the game works, doesn’t it ?

  • Horse to unlock
  • Paragon renown 20 points
  • Codex powers to unlock/relevel
  • Temper manuals


Just cause you didn’t mention them does not mean that account-bound and accumulated “undeserved advantages” don’t exist. The more they pile up the worse the game

The mere fact that we’re discussing “seasonal dynamic” from a “blaster-centric” point of view is super ridiculous already. Perhaps one of the biggest mistakes that Blizz allowed to begin with

Seasons are primarily if not entirely about different leveling experiences (not blasting). By that regard resets are a MUST BE, in fact that’s the whole point

If don’t want a reset just create Eternal and be done with

This is dev decision, and makes sense entirely

What goes into Eternal is permanent, so if something busted or bad gets released in seasons, it gets dealt with first in Seasonal realm and then transfered to Eternal when ended (no Rollbacks unnecessary)

Be realistic rather than demanding

Eternal is for “the long game” i.e. long time blast with 100s, seasons is precisely and entirely about the reset, i.e. re/leveling

Agreed. The blaster design is sad.
Season resets as an option are good. I think most people can agree with that.
What people are mostly talking about here is having all content available at the same time in season and eternal. That just seems like such an obvious design choice.

Now, I would prefer if the whole season theme thing was thrown out, and Blizzard spend their development time on creating permanent additions to the game, instead of temporary gimmicks (and yeah, blaster gimmicks).
But as long as that isn’t happening, they should just add the temporary gimmicks to both season realm and eternal realm.

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I believe this is because of how dev/architecture works

Instead of merging new code into 2 places at once (and then fixing bugs/balance/updates in 2 spots) they just do it in one

And when that “trial” period of 3 months ends then they decide what is “good enough for permanent inclusion” and add it in the game (this is to guarantee the Eternal realm game is in a best playing shape possible without experiments that might “backfire” somewhat)

The reason why this is a hot topic right now is because S4 is practically a new game, and people want to play with the new itemization (understandable), but from S5 onward shouldn’t be a problem :thinking: :slight_smile:

As for the Seasons themselves I’d argue and advocate for the EXACT reverse - start from scratch, map all in fog and no account-bound bonuses (they apply only on Eternal realm)

Chances are people could find it tedious/already-known to do the same leveling “routine” again and again - to which I agree, but it’s also something that must be addressed properly (sooner or later)

For example adding a mild mob type rotation or a similar to campaign-like starting spot in every region might do decently enough so people don’t feel like “doing same thing over and over” bored

TLDR ? - whatever it is that makes people dislike/find-boring the re/leveling, has to be addressed with in a proper manner (and shouldn’t get kicked down the road and postponed)

I did not purchase Diablo 4 MMORPG, I purchased Diablo 4 ARPG… so … NO

What you are looking for is an MMORPG game (WoW, FFXIV, Lost Ark, ESO, BDO). I get it, WoW is nearly 20 years old, and not many new ones are being released. But Diablo 4 is not an MMORPG, you have to realize that.

Also, the entire monetization of the Diablo 4 and ARPGs is centered around seasons. Battle pass, skill effects, cosmetics. Devs want you to play new characters and classes over and over, so you are enticed to buy cosmetics.

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The devs would have to concentrate to implement and test content also the eternal realm, therefore time lost out of what they actually need to focus on: seasons!

All the new itemization is for both season and eternal though, so that should not be a concern.
Besides, this has always been a hot topic.

They can however also do that even if the temporary gimmicks were available in eternal.

As for experiments backfiring, the game could really benefit from Blizzard not adding half-baked, imbalanced stuff in the first place.

Maybe. But again, why not add that stuff to Eternal as well. People can also lvl new characters on Eternal.
More diverse lvling experience should benefit all players.

Agreed. A fresh start should be a fresh start, not some half-way thing.

It would be the same test, since it would be the same content. No additional time lost.


And I am sure you’re not alone but you and everyone else who subscribes to that view are still wrong.

Well I am sorry but that’s what it is. You’re not advocating for changing what you yourself see as a problem (i.e. the lack of content) and are instead just taking whatever scraps— I mean seasons Blizzard throw your way.

Yeah they’re really is no argument, there really shouldn’t be seasons, period. They only exist to create the illusion of content that apparently a lot of you fall for.

The game is not stressing me out it’s just annoying me that they’re pulling the wool over so many people’s eyes. And of course I’ve moved on. Otherwise I wouldn’t be on the forums advocating for change, I’d be playing the game.

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Your constant need for “balance” is what is holding you back. There absolutely is a middle ground between a “collapsing game due to bloat” and having more content to play through, and you are automatically moving toward the extreme to try and justify your position. Just because you can’t see how it could be done doesn’t mean that it couldn’t, nor that it would be fun.

It is a happy medium between keeping seasonal play for those that want the constant resets and giving more content for people who want to play eternal, who are also saddled with the seasonal player’s baggage in the game with no benefit to them.


I bought game with seasons and I want to keep them in game.

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Live-service games are cursed with the inevitable issue of bloat and power balancing by their very nature. Every single game with a live-service format almost always ends up in a worse spot over time, whether it’s Destiny 2, the Division 2, or even Warframe, for that matter. Destiny 2 got so bad that Bungie literally started vaulting and sunsetting content and items just to keep it sustainable, and when The Witch Queen came around, it became very clear to everyone playing the game just how bad the game became in terms of power creep and power bloat.

This is not me being extreme. This is me recognizing that the live-service genre is volatile. Your perspective is one that is uninformed to the woes of game development and is, ultimately, incredibly idealistic. At face value, your idea is decent but it’s one that clearly hasn’t considered the mechanisms underpinning that function and how it would work. I can’t see how it could be done because it hasn’t been done without the game’s core function being sacrificed.

I am not opposed to a power fantasy, and I understand that everyone views ARPGs as a vehicle for living out power fantasies - but you still need to balance the game. If there is no balance, there’s no point in buildcrafting (which I should iterate yet again is the main appeal of a game like Diablo IV) and the game becomes trivialized in response. It is categorically impossible for Blizzard to keep track of the number of permutations keeping seasonal powers in the game would create. It’s already going to prove challenging with the evergreen uniques and legendaries they add each season.

This is just common sense and understanding that the more components you add to a machine that interact with one another, the bigger the likelihood the machine is to fall apart.

No, I’ve probably played hundreds of ARPG’s. Seasons have never been the norm.