Seasonal resets must be gone

Consumers got scammed by buying an unfinished, overhyped game. You talk as if the game was promoted as being about seasons, when in fact it just happens to have seasons. It is only one aspect of it. Nobody with a brain would buy this because of seasons.


They said pre release the seasons will be like in D3 but bigger, in 3 month cycles(the bigger part did’t became true). Gues a lot of you haven’t been paying enough attention.


Feel free to quit. Bet you won’t.

See you in S4! :heart:

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Not a chance. I haven’t played any game for months, I am not coming back for this crap. S4 wont save this game.

And yet, here you are, posting on the forums for a game you don’t play?



D4 has been proven to be a complete failure, with examples of failure in all aspects occurring within a short period. Therefore, the most interesting part of purchasing D4 lies solely in the feedback on forums because there’s always a group of white knights and gatekeepers constantly complaining about those providing feedback. lol
Even those who originally only played the season reset mode inexplicably come to complain about how players should play, which is quite ridiculous!


Do you think that everyone on this fĂłrum is playing D4?

This is good advice. My feed is so much better without the usual (insert favorite word) littering the feed

Let me shorten this for you. “I enjoy trolling which is why im still on a game fourm for something I no longer play”.

Hope that helped.


Your opinions are truly invaluable and highly credible! No wonder Team 3 has now implemented WASD and expanded trading modes in the fourth season. I still remember how significant the number of players was initially who advocated rejecting WASD controls and expanding trading modes, going out of their way to loudly proclaim they didn’t need WASD. They were even willing to waste their time leaving comments under those feedback posts, so eagerly complaining about the players who suggested the need for WASD. It’s thanks to them that the game has become so successful, with consistently impressive online player numbers and each season’s return approaching 80-90% of the total purchase count. So, thank you so much! Your opinions have certainly contributed to the success of Diablo IV and you’re indeed a visionary leader!

By the way, may I ask how much you’re paid for your efforts? I heard Microsoft has been laying off quite a few employees in related companies.

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LOL You’re equating eliminating an entire game mode (Seasons) with adding in WASD movement?!? Hilarious.

Do you have a reading disability? Did you say that yourself?

This is bang on.

Yes seasons worked in D2, but this is not D2.
The journey is tedious, the loot is boring, the grind is too fast.
All anyone cares about is being max level which was not the case in D2 as levels didnt give you that much power, not even close.

this game needs to:


And who are you to determine who is a good customer and who is a bad one!?
Maybe you’ll tell us what to eat for dinner?

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And I never understand why you want to level again. It is boring as f***. Anything below level 50 is unbearable. And builds do not get rolling until ~70, and usually with 1-3 uniques, that you cannot even get before that. Not to mention having to grind resources, again.

I want to point out that the only reason seasons even exist, is cuz in the early 2000s, the devs wanted to stabilize D2 economy, due to rampant dupes. It was picked-up by ARPGs, cuz it is a lazy way to extend content, by forcing the player to do the same thing, over and over again. And all character based games, including MMOs, MMO lite, RPG and action games (which lets face it, are all conversing in terms of game play) don’t have seasons, for a good reason.

And before you mention “competitiveness,” what competitiveness? This is a PvE grind game. Leaderboards are defined by no lifers and cheaters. If you want to play a competitive game go play a game with structured PvP.

Having said all that, I don’t mind seasons existing. What I do mind is not having the content and battle pass in the eternal realm. This way everyone can play what they want. And the game desperately need more permanent content, in its current state.


people posting stuff like this cant be taken serious at all lol.

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You’re the exact person I’m referring to when I say “brainwashed by POE”. You think it’s impossible to add new end game to the game and give level capped players things to do.

Meanwhile, MMO’s have successfully been doing this since 1998(or earlier?) and Destiny2, a newer game, also does this.

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The change you are proposing is not really matching with the desire to make the game better honestly. The devs already took into account the slow pase of lvling and in the PTR I can say the lvlng a new char was quite fast. So fast, that I saw feedback n which people were complaining about the fast lvling (which btw I do not agree with)
If you are in the game for the social part, I recommend you something better. It’s called real life.

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Real life? Really? From what I see, you are now active on the official forum dedicated to VIDEO GAME, i.e. something virtual, which by definition is used to pleasantly waste time.
I don’t know what this has to do with real life…

Here’s some facts.

  1. I don’t play POE. No idea where you are drawing this conclusion from.
  2. I never stated any of what you said. You shouldn’t put words in other people’s mouths. Unless you can quote me anywhere I stated any of that??? Yup. Won’t find it, because I never said it. Conflate elsewhere.
  3. You don’t know me. If “I’m the exact person”, go ahead and describe me. I bet you’re wrong.

Diablo 4 is an MMO now? I swear, I purchased an ARPG advertised with Seasons. Oh look - I got what I paid for, all except actually killing a demon named Diablo, but that’s a separate topic.