Seasonal resets must be gone

No one has data, we will only know when the reset is removed then we can start to do the headcount. Since you assume the majority of players prefer the reset, then you should assume it is going to have a lot of friends continue to start 0 with you when the seasonal reset is gone.

D2 had an expansion with seasons.
D2 NS is not the same as D2LoD expansion. (has different mechanics than NS)

no they dont. theres nothing to protect. eternal servers are a graveyard. quit acting like this is an Olypmic Comittee and somehow all those hard trained athletes are losing a gold medal.

Let everyone eat. Putting Seasonal stuff on just Season realms is lame and old.

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Few points:

  1. It wonā€™t be removed. Seasons are here to stay.

  2. I never assumed any majority. You did. I gave an example of my friends that play - which isnā€™t a majority. Cease projecting.

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  • The OP started this thread not talking about remove seasons, please align with subject.
  • I donā€™t see you have a Blizzard moderator thread, so you are just making assumption that about how the seasons will be changed.
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Its the design of the game. Its what released.

If you wana play seasons play seasons. If not play eternal but eternal and seasons need to be separated for highly obvious reasons.


So you need somebody to push you to reset your character? You need somebody to tell you how to play? Somebody to make you play in certain way??? :man_facepalming:t2::man_facepalming:t2::man_facepalming:t2:

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Nope. I bought the game because of Seasons. It was part of the game design from the get go.

If you dislike that design - donā€™t buy the game.

See you in S4. :rofl:

every online games has certain rules that ā€œdictate youā€ how to play. If thats not something you like, id suggest offline games which you can mod in every aspect youd like.

The reason would exactly be that you and your friends have more fun with that restart.

While another friend group might prefer the other option.

Eternal definitely should not replace season resets though. Just have both coexisting, with the exact same content in both.

Yeah, adding an offline mode would surely be the best change Blizzard could make for Diablo 4 :frowning:


Itā€™s been made clear you have no idea what your talking about seasons are great and the current model is here to stay why keep digging your own grave

  1. Because op wants the game changed specifically the way they want it.

  2. They are a bad consumer and bought something they didnt want

  3. They have a good troll post going and dont want to let it die

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Seasons in video game industry have nothing to do with characters resets. So you like being pushed to reset your character. I seeā€¦

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Here is how you people need to look at it: EVERY SEASON OF D4 IS A NEW GAME.

In new games you donā€™t start at the end with lots of powerful gear, that would be stupid. Also, the economy needs to start fresh. There need to be somewhat of a novel experience every 3 months. All successful ARPGs that wants a long lifetime does this and it works.

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Best thread since the game launched. Seasons rule, Ethernal sucks beef is so good. :heart_on_fire::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:

So people need to lie to themselves?
Nobody in the world genuinely think that each D4 season is a new game.

Better yet, donā€™t have a player economy at all.
Having to reset your economy every 3 month because it is so fundamentally broken, is not a great place to be in.


So You donā€™t want a fresh start, you want to force everyone to start again so you arent alone in this stupidity.


isnt it rather that the consumers are stupid that purchase a seasonal game to then cry about it?

i mean its been said quite a few times by now. Personally i enjoy the people moaning about seasons by now, especially since i know that no matter how hard you stomp your feet on the ground it wont change.


you are better off starting such a riot on reddit or on X lol. The handful people you eventually convince here wont really make a difference.

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As I said, just ignore the baby boomers who has different view. It is none of their business.

If they keep trolling and repeating themselves, just add them to Ignore list to keep our eyes clean.

To add user to ignore list, click the 3 dots on top right corner, click my post, click user and add their name in user ID and select duration = forever