Seasonal resets must be gone

I respect your opinion but I personally love seasons. I love the “Great Reset”. I like starting out with no resources and having to build up all my resources back. For me, it keeps the game from getting stale.

Blizzard would never tell players just go play Eternal as we cant use Battlepass there. And the seasonal mechanism will just collapse.

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You don’t need seasons for that. You can start from scratch any day every day.

That’s not what I like. I like this social aspect of everybody participating in the season reset at the same time. I also like that the developers can try completely new things each season without 20 seasons of crap junking up the game. Me starting a new SSF character each day would be totally boring.

Look into all the sport games, do they reset everything in new season? Find out why they do that, Diablo 4 season is the same.

Yep. If the content was available for both this wouldn’t be an issue.

I hope the devs for No Rest For The Wicked don’t follow this stupid tradition. I’m watching their interview with Rykker and it seems like they are trying to move away from the typical archaic D2 clone.

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Agreed! It’s so crazy to me that people expect a core mechanic of a game to change for them. I mean, the level of entitlement is just off the charts.
Specially since this was and has always been advertised as a seasonal game. And that the dev team has stated ad nauseam that this is a seasonal game.

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How does this have 34 likes. Remove seasonal? Its a rediculous ask. Seasonal is the main reason ppl keep coming back to the game every 3 months for a fresh start. What you want would kill the game.

Does anyone have no time to play seasons like me?

Only the seasons have unique content, the eternal has nothing. It’s the equivalent of forcing you to play seasons because there’s no one in the eternal, and if I want to play groups and trade, I have to go play seasons and start from scratch every time.

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This may be true, but you’re already 1 shotting bosses (Duriel, Uber Lilith, etc), you’re already able to nightmare 100 dungeons in 60 seconds flat. So what benefit does that piece of gear truly give? It isn’t like an MMO where blizzard gives you a set every season that you have to wear in which you have to play one singular build with maybe small variations depending on the boss fight/m+/whatever you’re doing. This is an ARPG with many (or supposed) builds that have to be around the same power level. I once again ask, if you’re able to use the same character that’s already geared; why play the new season? What’s the point? And how would you make it where you wouldn’t just quit after a day or 2 after you’ve obtained that new “build changing” aspect or unique that doesnt actually change your character power in any real testable way if you’re already doing all the content anyway.

Because your way encroaches on MY way. There is no possible way to implement this change you want without it changing the way ARPG players have been enjoying these games for decades at this point. You guys want to yell at me or any other with my PoV as being selfish, but you’re the one asking blizzard to change the game around a small vocal minority’s whims that cant seem to comprehend WHY this change would not be good for the longevity or replayability of the game.

So… you’ve only played 2 ARPG’s then? That being d3 and d4.

Yes, it did have seasonal mechanics. Maybe you’ve forgotten about runewords and that there were runewords specific to ladder characters. There were certain items that only dropped in ladder. Certain upgrades, etc. This was a baseline version of seasonal content/mechanics. And guess why ladder was implemented? Because Blizzard realized that even with periodic updates, players were not consistently coming back to play for substantial lengths of time. The same thing will happen if they mix seasonal/eternal.

If you dont have time to play a game in which a season can be “completed” in 1 week, this isn’t the game for you. You want to change the game to fit your whims just so you can hop in after months of not playing, see and play the new content for a day, then log back out for months at a time.

Even from a business perspective you’re not the kind of player blizzard wants.

So maybe eternal should be removed then?? Whats the point having disabled/broken/half-made eternal??? Its lame(stupid mockery) how people are divided into 2 camps…
Make a ladder server, who wants to compete in it and make another one with everything integrated in it, because if you are not competing with someone there is ZERO point to reset everybody every now and then…

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Holy cow…this post. Really tells a lot about the people who stick around with this game.

You probably also dont want trading.

And you ask, “what would be the point?”

ARPGs are about amassing wealth. There is no other reason to incorporate a lottery drop system if it didn’t initially relate to obtaining wealth through items and rarity.

The reason to log in would be to farm new rare items for countless builds, faster farming to get richer, and certain PvP elements.

Thats how EVERY game of this type has survived. But with limited PvP and no trading - and terrible itemization - Of course you’d think you need seasons to have a “point in logging in to your level 100 character.”

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The system is perfectly fine as it is now. Eternal players can play on eternal and receive updates to the game and enjoy permanent characters and seasonal characters can enjoy the 3 month special rules and a fresh new experience each season.

Why remove seasonal? Because you dont like it? What about the majority that like it?

Judging from this post(and this os one of many of this kind), majority dont like seasons, thats why seasonal server should be removed and seasons should be integrated into one server

P.S. if you like fresh start, create new character on every season start, as simple as this.

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IF you think a majority of ppl do not like seasons and are playing eternal, then I have news for you that you are provably wrong.

Season is by far the most popular as its the standard for the industry. You think the entire industry is going to champion season as its backbone for selling items and cosmetics and passes if its the least popular way to play the game?

Sorry but get a clue here.


How much gaming time do you have over 3 months?

Do you understand that seasons work as a beta test for future development?
They also take all of that data and use it to design content and items that become eternal.
How would you suggest they compensate for the loss of testing?

What the hell are you talking about?? Which part did they add to eternal? What beta test? Where is the content?… Who tf are you???