Seasonal resets must be gone

Fair enough. I kind of see the Eternal Realm as where our toons go to “rest” lol.
I do agree it needs some serious love. Otherwise it is just that, a graveyard.

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Yep, and this is why we cant have a arpg from blizzard that isnt a mobile clicker. If it wasnt for uber farming i would have been done with S3 in a week.

They are stripping the grind out of an arpg which is turning it into an arcade game. At least the crafting system is decent.

There is nothing inherently wrong with “grind”, however the way that Diablo IV is set up, it doesn’t facilitate the repetitive nature of the genre. It is why people feel “the grind” more than “the fun” of doing it. “The fun” is missing.


Why is there an Eternal server ? If Seasons are the game, what is the point of splitting the players between 2 Servers ? Just delete all characters every season and force everyone to start from zero again.

If you don’t like resets, play Eternal. It’s very simple. It’s not like Blizzard deletes all seasonal characters after three months, so no one is “losing” anything except for the seasonal powers/gimmicks, which are explicitly designed to be temporary. Which is in turn why they can’t be included in Eternal - they are game breaking by design. Trust me, you do not want to permanently enable all seasonal mechanics on eternal. PoE went that route and it’s a bit of bloated mess because of that. After however many seasons there’s a million mechanics and random event types, all from prior seasons, that get wrapped into all future seasons, and it’s too much.

This is not a game where you can or should expect regular content updates outside of expansions. If you aren’t interested in seasons, then play everything in eternal - Campaign, WT3-4 and end game bosses, and then consider the game finished until the expansion comes out. You know, exactly like any other RPG you would play. If you want to replay it with a different class/build, well, seasons are well suited to that. That’s the primary way that replayability is achieved. This is not an MMO where endless content is the expectation. Even the seasonal storylines are very thin gruel in that regard; most of them add just a few hours of “story” content at most. Those of you expecting this to be like an MMO are bound to be disappointed even if you get what you’re asking for in this thread with seasonal stuff in Eternal. It won’t keep your interest for long because it’s not designed to provide a new level of challenge to already-geared characters, and there’s very little “new” stuff to do. It’s best enjoyed as designed, which is in the context of trying out a new character and build.

The grind is the fun. Thats why ppl play arpgs. The grind is incompatible with D3 players who want participation throphies every 2 min

The grind would be fun if the game was designed around the repetition. With the lack of procedural generation in the game and the monotony of the bosses and mobs, and the lack of a reason for exploration in the game makes people feel the repetition that much more. It makes it “not fun” and more of a “chore”. Instead of “I WANT to run through dungeons or quests or events etc.” it becomes “I HAVE to run through X thing”. It looks like a minor difference, but is the core of the problem.


And thats arpgs. Repetition.

They have tied all they systems together which add variety instead of doing GR till your eyes bleed or baal till your eyes bleed.

If you find Repetition a chore than it either isnt the right game for you or its not the right genre for you. That is ok… lots of games out there.

That is the point I am trying to make, which seems to be flying over your head. Diablo IV is not built for repetition, and is why everyone is having problems with it.

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Sure it is. Its just been cut shorter every season.

S4 will at least have a loot hunt.

Finally, there is someone who has the courage to say it officially.
This one sentence summed up the entire problem and 300+ posts in this thread.

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The joy of replayability in this game is trying out a new character with a different class and build than you’ve tried before and replaying the loot hunt. In that regard, it’s fine. Yes, you replay the same content over and over again, but the fun is in designing and gearing out a totally new build while you do it. That’s why there are five classes, each with mechanics, skills and gear unique to them, and each with a variety of possible builds and play styles. If you tried something new each season, it would be a very long time before you had tried everything.

If that doesn’t do it for you, then I’m sorry but you’re destined to be disappointed with this game; adding seasonal stuff to Eternal isn’t going to make it any better for you because you fundamentally want a different game. Diablo replayability has always been intimately tied to class and build diversity and experimentation, along with loot. Again, if you don’t enjoy that, then this game isn’t for you; as you’ve apparently already found, there’s really not much else to do but make new characters, and that’s by design. Every Diablo game has been like that.

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I’d still play seasonal because why do I want to grind on the same character for years at a time? You guys seem to not understand what game you bought, so quit trying to change it and just go play any of the thousands of games that don’t have resets.

The point is to grind until you’ve maxed out your character, then do it again. I just delete my characters at the end of a season. This isn’t WoW, you don’t need to get attached to them.


That mat be what they point is supposed to be, but it certainly doesn’t work out like that. There is no real depth to the skill trees or character progression to make that possible beyond the very short term, and with the same content over and over that becomes more pronounced as time goes on.

I take it you never played the first 2 Diablo games then, because they were designed around procedural generated areas to make the repeated playthroughs different each time. The first one even had random quests, and was not designed around “builds” at all.


I think your first point is a matter of opinion. While I have plenty of criticisms of D4’s character build system, I find it engaging enough to keep my interest in the game strong. I play one new character per season, and 3/4 of them have been sorcs. I just play a different sorc build every time (Arc Lash, CL and Firewall/Meteor so far). I’m not going to tell you your opinion is wrong, but it does explain your dissatisfaction with the game. If I shared your opinion I’d have stopped playing already (I almost did after S1; S2 saved the game for me).

The lack of character progression customization and depth along with the lack of variety within content is why I stopped playing. I am hoping they fix it in the future, but their track record doesn’t speak volumes.


Because the sheer number sold. The fact towns are still near max capacity when I play, WBs and Legion events are practically full each time too. I temember this time in S1 and it was much more dead.

exactly this! agree 100%

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100% this. People saying Arpgs are about seasons are just coping. Nothing stops one from creating a new character, you shouldnt have to force others to do the same. “Oh just play eternal then” is a weak argument, when you split people between 2 servers with exclusive content in a social game.


Lots of games force people to play in certain ways because that’s the way it’s intended to be played.

Diablo IV is like, THE weakest social game there is.