Season Renown resets will cause most players to quit

You realize seasons are a lot more then just ladders. They introduce new themes, new items, new quests, new mechanics. ladders are a small % of what a season is.

Reading your comments… sounds like you need to get off the forums. What a sad lil man you gotta be.

Pretty much this. We unfortunately have to wait to see what they do with Season 1 to determine the longevity of the game. If they just give us another Act and replay the same endgame it’s not going to end well.

I feel like you will have to do it again… I just feel like if they do somethings need to be made easier. For example, when I discover a new area altars of Lilith should be marked somehow so I can easily grab them as I go through the story. Things like this

blizzard has been paranoid that people wont enjoy their games on their own merit since at least pre-Warlords of Draenor, they have to implement these dumb grinds to ensure time played.

this is a blizzard game we are talking about. although there is some overlap with general arpg players, the casual blizzard gamers will not stick around for this grind.

everything will change in season

who tf are you ? good for you if you like doing boring stuff again and again and got absolutly no life but you should switch your type of game arpg are not for you. those mechanic are mmo mechanic d4 is suppose to be a arpg. but i dont expect much from someone who will litteraly buy a tetris game if its have diablo write on it little fanboy

I agree, even just having to collect waypoints again to get to dungeons on my first alt has been pretty annoying. Doing the full renown grind again every 3 months will kill the game for me unless they change how renown can be earned during seasons.

For me, it’s simple. Diablo IV was a great launch, no, amazing launch. It gave me nostalgia of an era of video games where they were quite different and weren’t expected to launch unfinished and buggy as all hell.

I told myself I was not going to do renown stuff as I feared they would reset. I did them all anyway. Now, it’s confirmed.

No, I’m not sinking 10ish hours of my time doing this again and no I’m not watching 30mins long videos on YouTube to learn how to cut that time down to 6hrs by finding other lost souls to commit to this type of grind.

If Diablo IV is a game I play on and off on eternal characters, I’m ok with that. If I don’t buy season passes because I refuse to redo the most mundane thing this game as to offer, I’m ok with that.

I traded 100$ in exchange of a great ARPG campaign and a solid gameplay loop online, and guess what, I got that on launch which is more than we often get these days. Sad, but facts nonetheless.

If I don’t touch Diablo IV again for the next 5 years, I’m ok with that, that’s on Blizzard to think this through, not on me to complain and beg. Congratulations to the entire team at Blizzard for an amazing Diablo title, my favorite of all-time after the classic that was Diablo I for it’s time. As for if I stay, if I go, I’m ok with whatever, so should we all.

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Imagine play Hardcore and die without unlock the 4 paragon points for each map, and now you have yo create new character and DO EVERYTHING again or just resign and lose this points…

Not only that, you will need to do it with every character if you didn’t unlock the max renown. This is Weird especially on Hardcore.

Just lock the renown obtained between characters. So if you die on Hardcore you don’t have to farm ALL THE RENOWN AGAIN with the new character

The latest league hit 321k concurrent, and the game passed 100k concurrent literally years ago.

PoE players moan about the needing to do the campaign every ~4 months, but the reality is, it only takes 8 hours or less for players who have experience with it and desire to get through it fast. There are no quasi-mmo grinds in PoE’s campaign that need to be done every new league. Chris would never do that, because GGG is so hyper-reliant on bringing people back regularly.

That’s crazy if true.

For real, I didnt even finished the renown crap the firsttime.

Played wow long enough to not care about those time eating 0815 ingame therapy stuff. Blizzard loves to add such “mechanics” in their games and they are always boring as hell.

I will not finish the renown stuff. They can keep there 20 paragon points if i have to dumb grind reputation on some faction i dont even care about in any way.

Especially in a diablo game i dont give a **** about reputation.

I have to agree on this one… Farming it one time is ok, it’s a goal to work towards and you see everything on the way
But doing it multiple times? No way. It’s like having to do a 7 day tutorial every time you start a new character.

I want to add that I hate that I cannot finish the renown farm on my second character without leveling whole zone from zero. Also there is level scaling right but if you skip story all zone will have original level restrictions basically forcing you to play in the first zone (or get boosted). Also I hate that I have to do capstone on second character too and the fact that I cannot play even harder version of the game on the fresh character.

I haven’t even finished it yet at lvl 70, I will NOT do this a 2nd time.

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Renown can stay, but it should be added to dungeon grinding, not doing side quests every single season.

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Why do people always come with this assumption of what the majority will do?
It’s really dumb.

Sure, it will be incredibly annoying to lose all the renown each Season, but I won’t quit and I doubt most people quit just because of that. What is more likely, is that people will just not do those things again and focus solely on the new elements added each Season.