Season Renown resets will cause most players to quit

No, you don’t do the side quests because they are the most boring things you can have in any game. I would rather play pure summon necromancer without summoning minions than grind renown again and do any of those side quests I already did

If they have not stated it then that tells me we are going to be needed to go around and get the alters 4 the renown. I get that we get the bonuses but when i start an alt inclick on statue goives out the points and xp

not gonna lie, I’ll probably level up 1-50 on side quests (assuming the “skip the campaign” button sticks for my seasonal character. THAT’S what I’m not doing again). I’ll see how that goes once before I pass judgment.
But yeah, it’s a huge pain to get that last renown level.

You mean gathering materials for crafting an upgrading?

D3 and D4 has that, as does every MMO.

Yeah the renown grind will be so painful if not fixed before the launch seasons.

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The whole system was poorly thought out for something that is supposed to see a wipe every few months.

You misspelled your name, clearly you meant to type “L” instead of “x”

I’m hopefuly that there will be alternate sources of Renown for Season 1 so players do not have to repeat base content. Destiny 2 does a great job with quarterly Seasons by introducing new Story campaign and a couple new Seasonal activities. The added layer helps. I think D4 might be planning something similar.

I wont play the season if i have to farm renown again

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I’m pretty sure they already confirmed that they are not resetting account wide features for seasons? I could be wrong here, but this is what I remember reading. They stated that you had to have at least completed the campaign to participate in season content and you would be able to keep all of your altar and account wide progress, including campaign skips right into the Season from day 1.

Hahahaha made me laugh.

Legit good one. Shockingly in 15 years have never heard that one before

Sometimes its the little things that really make us laugh

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I will not play any season if I have to do this again. I know this because I barely even want to finish it the first time.

I have done everything I can in all of the regions, up to side quests and dungeons and I still need to cap those out in 3 of the regions. It’s so mind numbing I have stopped grinding until they announce they will not reset this.

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I have managed to finish 3 renowns and it completely have drained my soul. I’m not sure I would ever finish last 2.

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Very much agree. Grinding side quests and picking up hidden altars are NOT fun repeatable activities in ANY context. On top of that, doing renown does absolutely nothing for your leveling progress. While my group of diablo friends and I were slugging through all the renown stuff, we repeatedly made comments about how we’re SURE blizzard wouldn’t do this to seasons and if they do we just really hope that they continue d3 seasons so diablo isn’t gone for us.
As a note, we all religiously played d3 every season and it would be really sad to lose that. We were all incredibly hyped for d4 to be an upgrade to that.

One problem with your comment, here. They said they are entirely designing the game around seasons. Even the battlepass has to use seasons. Essentially, if players want to participate in the game, they are FORCED to play seasons. This isn’t some side-optional content - this is primary content of the game, including new quests. People want to play Diablo 4, but as per the devs, they MUST play seasons to get the core aspects of the game.

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Always funny to see the ol’ “X needs to change or most people will quit!”

d4 has no crafting.

I mean, besides the potions and stuff, but there’s no gear/weapon crafting, hell, not yet.

Seasonal renown better give +renown for recurring events such as completing open world random events, dungeons, whispers, etc. Not doing Side Quests and Lilith statues, that gameplay loop is super cringe and is going to turn their target audience away.