Season Renown resets will cause most players to quit

EDIT:: don’t want to say ‘I told you so’ but…

Preface: lv94 barb with completed Renown.

Many players will simply put the game down and ignore seasons if there’s a full Renown reset. It’s a punishment to require players to farm Renown all over again.

Seasons should deliver new activities & adventures including challenges, meta achievements. Make the Renown farm a repeat hurdle is not a quality experience.


After doing all the renown in my 70 char, I’d say I agree. I’m not doing all that stuff again.

I’ll just sneak peak what’s in the battle pass and just go for the cosmetic that looks cool and quit seasons.

For all the try hards that are saying “don’t play now, wait for seasons” it’s just the same thing but later. You’ll be grinding the first season and you’ll have to do it again in the second one and again, most people will quit if they have to do that again.


I think they should add a checkbox on character creation. Personally I have no interest in getting max renown in each area again, but some people enjoy that type of gameplay.

Between WoW and D3 I’ve been bred into an end game machine, I want to get there as fast as possible. I wish that wasn’t the case.


same here, I hope Blizzard is reading all comments regarding it. I don’t wanna make all again renown.


All I’m reading is people who aren’t ladder players anyways complaining about ladder.

Just shush and play the eternal realm. If ladder isn’t for you then don’t play it. Nobody cares at this point.


Season 1 won’t have a ladder.


The idea of running circles again to all the Altar of Liliths is comical.


There’s an easy solution to this. Make dungeons, world bosses, legions and tree of whispers completion give renown. It’s that simple.

If I have to collect 200 Lillith statues every 3 months, I’m going to dread every new season rather than look forward to them.


No one cares about the ladder. Each new season will bring new seasonal content that people want to play.


blizzard arelady said the statues wont reset for seasons. idk about the others. hopefully not. im only playing right now to farm those things so i wont have to farm them when season drop


You keep the stats from the statues each season, but you will need to click them all again to get the renown. That is what the devs said.


alright let me uninstall


They should also show map and waypoints for other characters. It was fun the first time but I don’t want to do it again. I would definitely not be having fun.


If it causes many of the people on this forum to quit I will consider it an added bonus on top of the content provided in the Season.


There are a lot of people it won’t bother.

PoE has survived many, many seasons forcing players to replay the boring campaign over and over (I mean you even have to play it again for alts in the same season) and it still has a huge player base.

I won’t quit, but I won’t be doing it again, it shouldn’t reset, it’s just boring.


This is not at all equal to PoE’s campaign, that’s more akin to just leveling. This is just busy work.


It’s already painful first time around. Don’t wanna imagine how is the second time gonna be like


It would be an opposite.
People will quit playing and simultaneously start crying on forums)

Ah yes a game that has a ton of players actively looking for a game to replace it because the devs are so hard set on making a “Hardcore gamers” only type game.

Yup a more true comparison would be the old Master Crafting system that was awful to regrind every season.

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