Season Renown resets will cause most players to quit

here is an idea start every season at 49 then 49 to 100 for every season.

D4 is no MMO, it’s an ARPG with MMO elements (very few!).
People like fresh seasons and start with level 1 again, espacially when leader boards are there.
Please don’t speak for all players, just because you think it’s the only truth…

It’s an MMO design game with an ARPG combat system.

It’s a hybrid, like Lost Ark, which does not do seasonal resets.

Season will not be popular for this game if they include resets.

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What makes it an mmo? is it the over world?

POE is on consoles too though.

Console does not necessarily = Casual.

Size is relative. 52k at peak on Steam Charts and even if you double that, I wouldn’t call that a huge player base. Wallpaper Engine has double PoE’s players…

console = casual, either by lack of income, or by choice.


I had very few lilith statues on my playthrough so it was pretty much all the other content on the renown bar. I could see the statues lowering it quite a bit for future seasons.

I’m also basing it off quests I could easily obtain. There seem to be a lot of hidden ones.

Yes, but I fear it will be the case. The point of seasons is to start from scratch. People who take the leaderboards seriously won’t like anyone starting with any advantages. We’ll see how they handle it. Seems like a hard thing to figure out.

its not starting from scratch blizzard has said this, and its been repeated here on the forums many times, its been repeated many, many times, and even once someone was so kind as to post the video of the devs saying so.

I’m doing the last renown goal for each area now and it is soul drainingly boring. Noone is going to want to do this busywork every season. To make matters worse there is no completed quests tab. Massive oversight but expected if this soulless nublizzard dev.

But they haven’t stated what they WILL do. People would like to know. If they haven’t provided full details, then they are still figuring that out themselves.

MMOs have professions/jobs as well as classes.

ARPGs do not have professions/jobs.

I think I would have a good solution for this.
Just half the points you need for the next renown level.
“Gain 300 renown” instead of “Gain 600 renown” and I think it would be fine.


I would be hesitant to define MMOs as “something with tradeskill professions and classes”.

To me the defining element of MMOs (that is missing here) is forced player grouping to access the best gear.

Well they all have em. So if it quacks like a duck.


And every diablo game has had a party component for the best drops.

Doing it once was fine. I got to explore the world, some quests were interesting/creepy and others were kinda boring.

I don’t want to do them again and again every season. I want to do NEW things in a season. Not 5-10hrs of grinding the same renown over and over.

If there is a box price for a game and a subscription (battlepass is an opt-in sub), and a cash shop, we should be getting new content and the old stuff should be optional. We should be getting enough new content each season to justify the cost of the battlepass, cosmetics and base box game cost.

If most of a new season is just the season journey like it was in D3, it’ll be a slap in the face to the community.

Accelerated progression is a great idea.

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Source? Basically all active multiplayer arpgs run on seasons. D3. PoE. D4. Soon to be Last Epoch.

Altars of Lilith will remain, so that is one thing.

As I can understand the title of this topic, at the same time, we don’t know yet what Seasons in Diablo IV will look like in its entirety. Not gameplay wise at least. For example, we don’t know how different it’s going to be. Is gameplay going to be drastically different? Will there be new things in the world to explore?

Having to start over getting all your renown again doesn’t seem that big of an issue to me. You start a new seasonal character; you have 3 months to fill. You explore the world, you level up, you do side quests, dungeons and as you’re doing that, you will have all the renown back in no time.

I feel like we should wait and see and have Season 1 be experimental with that. If it then still sucks and doesn’t make sense, then I’d say they consider changing it, so you only have to do it once