Season Renown resets will cause most players to quit

For sure don’t hold your breath on that cause it would never ever happen.

No they said you could click them again for renown. You don’t need them all.

It’s more like 75% drama queen.

Nope. You are just wrong.

rofl i ain’t concerned cause after season 1 if they have me do that i wont play till the expansion season. i have a family and real life things to do then run in circles in 5 areas which takes a total of almost 5 hours of nothing.

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They probably wont. They are getting some good feedback.

Its a pretty simple fix tbh. Statues unlocked forever. Up the renown from dungeons and have repeat dungeons give another like 20 rep or something. 80 for first finish 20 for repeat. Boom solved.

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releveling glyphs is not an issue sure it takes a bit but u do this while playing.

playing marry go round for alters would get me sic

Make all renown carry over. Problem solved. I’m not grinding out that nonsense every season.

Just change the way its calculated…

Dungeons give 80 the first time you do that dungeon and 20 for every time after.

Boom. Done.

Yea tbh in seasons dungeons and strongholds should just award double the renown. Easy fix and everyone is happy.

This however is activision so doubtful. Maybe when microsoft saves blizzard well get those good changes.

Thats pretty reasonable IMO.

ehh , its actually 160 “little statues”. And those little statues are scattered through numerous zones that take numerous hours to traverse.

I understand they were created to encourage people to explore the map (even though exploring the map already rewards renown, kinda weird honestly), but once ive explored it, i dont need to explore it again…and again… and again… and again, perpetually, forever, on a 3 month rotation… Im good. I did it once. Be done with it. I wasnt fun, engaging, or interesting the first go around, and it wont be for infinite later go arounds either.

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I dont know if i agree with that, diablo players are used to starting over with nothing, ever couple months.

not a mundane thing like playing merry go round in 5 zones. everything else i am fine with but they have me do that merry go round again i wont play another season and w8 for the expansion.

No you totally right.
coughs in 30k baal runs and 30k grifts and 10k bounties and hudreds of echos

As much as i love d2, that right there was terrible design. Probably the worst ive ever seen in any aarpg.

If im being honest D2 wasn’t even that good of a game. Its just all nostalgia from my childhood.

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at least on the 30th baal run there is chance an item gets dropped comparing dungeon crawls to playing merry go round is just not smart and that is said nicer then most would state it

It’s best when played single player, otherwise yeah its not great.

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The whole seasonal design is obsolete.

People don’t want resets anymore. It’s fine in D3 because D3 is super easy and there isn’t any super-grindy systems to farm.

D4 is a MMO. They need to accept that and stop with the whole 3 month rinse and repeat junk

It’s not an mmo, its a mobile ARPG on pc.