Season of the exploit 🤡

They already did this. For example:

1.1.0b Build #43391 (All Platforms) - July 20, 2023

1.1.0a (All Platforms) Build #43333 (PC) and #43223 (Console) - July 18, 2023

That’s 2 days to release a 2nd client patch. This wasn’t the first time either. A client patch does alter the game files on consoles whereas a hotfix doesn’t.

As I said, this may vary, probably for many reasons, it is possible to see that the subsequent is a small one, this might affect it or not. This subject was even discussed in one of the dev talks.

indeed, i don’t understand why only a few select account

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So, there were multiple threads about this, but action wasn’t taken until streamers and youtubers started to make videos? Then the action is “selective”… nice.

Thank you. This is what we like to hear. Cheaters should never win.


No one is being fired. The game came out and sold like hotcakes. Mission accomplished. The Blizzard that cared about their reputation and the quality of their products has long been gone. I’m sure some of the peons still do, but no one in a position to fire anyone cares about this.

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cheat like the rest of them.

See, I hate the fact you added “Select” in there. I think it would have been better to action EVERY account, at least with a warning, that exploited this.


This is hysterical. You guys literally have no clue what you’re doing.


Why do you all take action on select accounts over this issue but you all wouldn’t roll back the uber uniques that were exploited through a bugged event?


The issue with that there were some people who got involved but didnt really know what was happening and that they were in the middle of doing the glitch. Should they be banned too? Its safer to actually ban those who knew exactly what they were doing vs all who some may been unaware of what they were doing.

I was gonna like this post, but I didn’t wanna ruin the 69 likes


Lol, lies it was active until yesterday.

you were working on the backend of the servers all day yesterday, implementing some janky code, that is negatively affecting everyone else playing the game.

100% you did not close it, you may have stopped the one popular method, but in no way did you close the vulnerability.

Everyone who exploited should be banned. Why are you only banning “select” accounts?!

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Bruh, wut?

The entire industry is laughing at Blizzard right now. You have other games studios devs, and former Blizzard devs, criticising, mocking, and offering sympathy for the Blizzard devs.

For certain, someone is getting fired eventually for this. May not be right now, but it will eventually happen. The game has been a hot mess, more so than D3 or even Immortal announcement. If I was a Blizzard dev, I would have jump ship along time ago,

Longer the devs associate with this hot mess, longer it is going to stay with them. Its not the fact the game is being viewed as negative, its the fact that the entire codebase for D4, is being mocked, and rightfully so.

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From what I understand, the exploitation process was very specific and pretty much impossible to do accidentally.

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If every dev should be fired at the first bug, there will be no software anymore. It’s really impossible to have a zero bug software, even then, you still can have a hardware bug, or supposing everything is super secure, you could have a bad manip, an external event that damage some servers, a laptop thief with some code, a password forget, anything. But anyway, most often every softwares, games included, have tons of bug. Just some are critical, some are hot, some are major, others are minor issues. So it’s perfectly fine to have a bug. All we can do is to reduce their number.

Simply being in a party, dropping connection, reconnecting,and choosing a character in a different realm before the server kicks your character from game, will work. If you have dropped connection, and tried logging in fast again while not in a party, you will get a message saying your character has not yet been removed from the server and you have to wait to despawned. It is pretty standard in most games now and a common means to break / exploit games.

Thats within the possibility of players doing it accidently, and is how the exploit was initially found.

Very common to run a script via your firewall, to break your upload to the server, and test vulnerabilities in the timeframe before the server drops you. So much so, that Blizzard should have tested this. I guarantee you, the vulnerability still exists, they just implemented some obstruction to it.

Matter fact one of the best paragon glyph is call exploit. I feel like this is a inside joke.

Adam this game is garbage and you know it.