Season of the exploit šŸ¤”

Hi all -

I just wanted to let everyone know that this was addressed a few days ago in our last hotfix and hasnā€™t been present in the game since. We have also actioned on select accounts related to this incident. We appreciate everyone for bringing this to our attention.


When is Diablo going to show up in the game?


After he, like mephisto, is done charging back up


Look at the entitled guy who wants Diablo in his Diablo game.

Iā€™m sure heā€™ll be added $oon.

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Is that an out of season Aprilith fool $cam?

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Be warned any of these actions are tracked and you could inevitably get a perma ban for it.

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Itā€™s kind of good the first season was a bit low key as far as season mechanics go in retrospect.

Still a good bit of annoying bugs and even game breaking bugs. Players are going out of their way to exploit. Base game still needs a good bit of polish, and I mean polish, not expansion. Obviously expanding the base game would be nice. But even the current game just needs some quality refinement.

Iā€™m looking forward to Season 3. Still feels like these first two seasons are more early access.


They canā€™t cuz the game is on console.


It should be actioned against everyone who did it, you guys do not really seem to care about moderating the game. I know itā€™s probably a next to impossible task considering Iā€™m sure there are tons of botters along with glitch exploiters. Iā€™d imagine your sheer volume prevents you from actioning which is a mistake. It will completely devalue the company eventually. Because itā€™s not just this game, itā€™s all Blizzard games that are rampant with bots and exploiters going unchecked. In my experience botters and exploiters are typically the same guys. Or better put they start off exploiting until they can start botting efficiently. And to bot efficiently against blizzard atm seems to be not challenging. Not from personal experience but shown wow data. And wow is a subscription base game. So how can we expect exploiters and botters to be treated appropriately in a non subscription game when it canā€™t even be done in the subscription model. Idk man itā€™s just things seem to be breaking down in every direction with blizzard. Nothing against the people doing the hard work.

Thatā€™s odd people keep saying that. Even one went as far as claiming Blizzard couldnā€™t release a client update to fix an issue for at least a week or 2 because of it. Blizzard then released a client patch the next day. His claim didnā€™t fare too well after that.

Does anyone know any players that have been banned for using this eternal to seasonal glitch?

Iā€™m sure there are certain things they can push server side without having to cert with Xbox and PS. But doesnā€™t make sense to me that they would be able to push a client update without getting it certified.

Iā€™m not saying there isnā€™t a process. Itā€™s just obviously not as extensive as most make it seem. That or Blizzard, as a massive gaming company, has a bit of an easier time with it than most smaller companies do.

Why do you think patch 1.1.1 is arriving only a week after the patch notes?

Most likely because they said theyā€™d give some time after releasing the patch notes. If it was a week to get certified, why are the devs still working on the patch and said things can change til then? Wouldnā€™t anything they change after they submitted for certification take another week to be accepted?

The time to get these certs is not constant, it will depend on who is doing the cert to actually do it. For sure, a big company may have more bargain power on that, but even for them, it is an external part of a process. I imagine all this thing got worse with the Cyberpunk case.

Anyway, if it is a server only update, for example, it is in total control of the owner of the game, but if it requires a change that may affect the client (what is installed on the console), it may need these certs. Keep in mind that a single update for us, can have both types of changes.

Cross-platform development has its challenges. This might not be the case now, but it is very likely that this have an impact in the gameā€™s updates cycle.

*There are some info from many game devs about it on the internet, it is an interesting subject.

yo ban 'em all. this isnā€™t an exploit one stumbles across accidentally


You basically just reiterated what I already said and you commented to. itā€™s not as extensive as people claim and Blizzard most likely has a easier time of it.

Well, we may disagree on this one then. However, for me it is clear that this is affecting the pace of these updates.

I mean, would it make sense that they would change something that requires a client change in the last minutes before the patch date and make it live without extensive testing? (In a big update like the next one)

Someone, or quite a few people in fact are going to be fired in short order.

This is just one train wreck after another, they came out strong and raided our wallets with nostalgia. but the reality is now that the dust has settled we all see this dumpster fire for what it isā€¦

Diablow 4 is a poorly designed game, crafted by complete armatures who honestly have no idea what they are doingā€¦ and I donā€™t mean that in the sense that they canā€™t make a good gameā€¦ I mean it in the sense that they literally CANā€™T program for sh*t.