Season of the exploit šŸ¤”

I was watching a twitch streamer to get my 3 hours in and noticed he has hearts in his legs chest and helm on switch. so I spammed chat asking how he put hearts into other gear.

Once he noticed my spam of same question he closed out his stream.
Then later found out there is a exploit to put 12 hearts into other gear.

Blizzard is dumb in this aspect, they ban people using map overlay or marcos on mouse but not people or streamers using really big exploits.

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Select accounts? So I guess all the streamers who did it get a pass? This wasnā€™t a stumbled upon bug, it was something that took effort to figure out, and effort to do. Ban them all ffs.


Thank you for keeping the game fair.

Select accounts? lol you canā€™t make this stuff up

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Itā€™s been an exploit in the game since beta, was used to get softcore and hardcore players to be able to play on the same shards and trade. They have a few other methods to do so as well.

Not at all shocked. Diablo 4 has been out, what, two months? And we already know they donā€™t fix anything quickly, if at all.

And yes, Iā€™m a cynical sorcerer with several broken talents that havenā€™t been fixed since Beta, broken resists and is by far the weakest class of the five.

Because they had no way of knowing who actually exploited, and who just did helltides and god the uniques. Not everyone is constantly monitoring streams etc where this first was talked about you know. Not everyone who got the uniques actually exploited, they just played the game. And no, I didnā€™t get any unique, so I am not defending it on my own behalf.

Blizz is a clown comp, not cuz they aint banning the exploiters, but cuz they cant understand the reason to exploit at 1st place ā€¦

Like you said, why ppl cant socket hearts at the other sockets also? Season should be fun, this balance sit excuse has NO PLACE at ARPG same with CDs slow combat and much more mmo nonsenseā€¦

Exploiters feel the need to glitch the gameā€¦ if the game was REWARDY enough exploit would be pointlessā€¦ still is due to the fact that its mainly a SIGLE Player gameā€¦ but some clown need the feel of justice so they asking for bans

Diablo 4 twitch views are already low. You expect them to do the right thing and ban streamers who exploited and promoted it? They let the shakos remain to ruin Eternal Realm for a reason. The game keeps reaching new lows it seems.

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Weird how you guys wonā€™t fix bugs that make the game playable. But stuff that harms your pockets, boy that gets fixed real fast.

Um no. Some accounts might have found this by mistakeā€¦ .should they get banned? ā€˜selectā€™ meaning teh accounts that have repeatedly done this more than once.

Egon Spengler:
I have a radical idea. If the door swings both ways, we could reverse the particle flow through the gate.

Peter Venkman:

Weā€™ll cross the streams.

Excuse me, Egon, you said crossing the streams was bad.

Pretty naive and dumb take. Pretty much everyone ever would do the same

The funny thing about memory leaks is that like a leak its a hole that when discovered can not only let things out but allow things in, just saying.

Diablo 4 permits you to take items and gold from the Eternal realm and trade them within the Seasonal realm. That is the worst bug Iā€™ve heard of in the diablo franchise.


It doesnā€™t matter if the game was released two years from now. It still wouldnā€™t be finished, the best thing was to launch it, balancing a game of this complexity is terrible. We have to be patient, what test would be better than 10 million players playing??? 10 days after launch, many had already broken the game. Itā€™s complicated. I also want a better game, but I donā€™t want them to make things easier like d3

I have not herd that in any arpg tbh

In Diablo 1 I could press 1 button and kill everyone in the game

the WORST of all RPGs, it literally annihilates the concept of playing in a season.

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I tested the exploit on two of my accounts pc and console to see if gold and items could transfer. I donā€™t understand why both accounts are perma banned and why others who unknowingly got traded gold / items got perma bans? Also why are people who still dupe gold still not being banned? I would have written a message or not even attempted the exploit and waited longer for coverage before the ban wave if I knew the team was actually going to ban people for this clear developer mistake. Seeing as Shakoā€™s and Gold dupe had no bans I figured just testing it would be safe but this was a major mistake by me.

I will admit I had considered abusing the exploit considering my anger for the major issues the game has been having but ultimately I decided to just uninstall the game way before the ban wave and wait until the next season after mulling it over for the next day or two after realizing the exploit was here to stay (2 DAYS and no fix or comment about the exploit being fixed) I probably would have instantly deleted all my characters if I saw a tweet mentioning it being looked at instead of just not even caring about it anymore I was in such a rage when I found the exploit worked and knowing itā€™s been abused that I wasnā€™t thinking logically. This is probably the most heavy handed ban wave for an exploit after not banning for other exploiters that involve clear major developer faults Iā€™ve ever seen and quite disgusting in my opinion. I could easily see any casual player performing the exploit unknowingly as with the constant disconnects in my region I lost several hardcore characters and got the same message that the exploit involves way before season 1 happened.

for everyone and the news agencies just to be aware.

ā€œAll it takes is 1 disconnect while in a party and walking away for a min then deciding to log on your eternal realm or seasonal with the wrong character unknowingly.ā€

the appeal ban request page errors out and submits a broken ticket on most browsers not sure if this is fixed but I guess Iā€™ll check it out next season.