Season 4+ updates ruined game Stability Horrifically for Hundreds of players

EpicMistborn, I agree that there are way too much freezing and lags. I tried closing the launcher after starting the game and that seemed to get rid of the freezing and lags but did nothing for the crashing and disconnects. It’s too bad because this season is pretty good with the enhanced Helltide Events. I hope they do something soon; I usually buy the expansion packs early but I’m not sure this time.

Not only that but it’s an effort in futility to find a way (for me at least) to create a support ticket. When did this all spiral out of control, when activision took over?
It’s like an endless loop of BS to try to get a ticket made

So here’s a serious question - since the devs don’t care and tech support…isn’t, when do we all take this a step up and go file complaints to the BBB?
If nobody is listening here, let’s find someone who will listen - and if just 20 people file complaints about not being able to play a game WE PAID FOR AND WERE ABLE TO PLAY BEFORE THE UPDATES, then someone in the leather chairs might start to listen.
At this point I want my money back for everything I’ve paid for.

EDIT: Forget waiting, I’ve started a BBB complaint for Blizzard’s failure to remedy a software issue on THEIR side.
I suggest anyone reading this to do the same. If the company won’t listen to us here, they’ll listen to government oversight by an entity that can’t be ignored.
Screw Blizzard.

I made my complaint as well. There are over 1000 negative reviews of Activision Blizzard. It seems like they just don’t care as long as people buy their games.

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where do i make a complain or whats the BBB? lol

Andre32 the BBB is the Better Business Bureau in the US. You if you google it you will get the one for your area.

Still broken here. Can play all other games for hours on end.

ChronicBint, yeah, the game is still broken. I can play it but there are tons of disconnects and crashes. Some days are better than others but yeah still broken.

Turning off-crossplay helped a lot, but freeze/crashes are still a thing, mostly during Helltides or any open-world events, when other players are “generated” it would seem.
I steer away from the blood-maiden at all time and it does make a difference on the issues frequency.

I was planning to play hardcore, but loosing 2 characters in world tier 2 due to crashes is shattering my hopes.

I don’t recall crashes being so invasive a year ago march->july '23, it was mostly a ton of rubber-banding, what happened !? :confused:
For PC users, does having a better RIG actually fix all that ??

LaHire, for me this started in February after the Chinese New Year event. I don’t think having a better computer will help. I’ve seen post of people with all high-end equipment having the same issues. I turned all cross play off for a while but that didn’t seem to have any affect, so I turned it back on. The problem is on their end, but they would rather blame it on the players equipment.

Well, that sucks I accidently deleted my post here. It was pretty long documenting all the issues I’ve been having. So, I guess I’ll start it again with today’s problem.

Exiting the game after going to the shop caused a crash. Also, there were several disconnects while playing. Two of the disconnects got me killed. Both of those occurred during the Helltide event with the mind cage activated. Both of those disconnects caused me to lose over half of the cinders each time. One had the 395002 error that created a 5-minute delay in returning to the game.

Here’s a link to another post that I started when the problems started for me.

Client disconnects when fighting in nightmare dungeons - PC Bug Report - Diablo IV Forums (


Not a bad day for Diablo today the following occurred,

The crash occurred while exiting the game. There were two other disconnects, one just after entering the game and using a waypoint to travel and a second one about 30 minutes into playing again using a waypoint to travel.

The crash code was 91AA837F-1F28-42DE-8971-0842F9AA2249

Yesterday on the other hand was decidedly worse. There were several disconnects at various times, mostly during waypoint and quick travelling. Several rubber banding issues and slow game response. There were two times the game stopped responding, one that needed the task manager to get out of the game. Both of the times the game stopped responding resulted in character death.