Season 4+ updates ruined game Stability Horrifically for Hundreds of players

I already have it installed on a SATA SSD - no joy. Can’t even start the game.

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I don’t think it’s an intel issue or a Nvidia issue. The fact that most players that reports isssue have Nvidia / Intel is just a question of most of them have Nvidia / Intel hardware.

My hardware is AMD/AMD. (Still have rebooting issue, only trace of it is the generic kernel power (41) error with no relevant information in the report (0x0). No logs in minidump.

It is not a question of overheating either: No components of mine is overheating when it happens (CPU hotspot at 74°C, GPU Hotspot at 72°C max). It’s not power draw: under 300 watts of power draw on a 1300 watt PSU. It’s not a question of drivers : Tried DDU and reinstalled them. Older version don’t work either. Not a question of game files (repairing don’t change anything). CPU undervolted or stock: Same issue. GPU undervolted or stock same issue.

Changing FPS in game make the problem happen less often. Not a question of VRAM (have 24gb and it never get more then a little over 13gb). Cross play desactivated, no change. Game is on ssd with sufficent space left.

I have no issues with any other games. I hadn’t the issue on my old PC but it was season 1-2. (Might try if I have it now)

The least that could be done frome Blizzard team would be to communicate with us and aknowledge the issue. Are they working on a fix? Silence is never the answer in such cases.


As long as the majority of people can play, they will ignore the issue because they can. Simple as that, If they acknowledge the issue that means they look bad. Looking bad brings their stocks and stuff down which is what the people on the board care about most. Thats why everything anyone from Blizzard or the devs say, are always Soooo amazingly positive no matter what. Even when they know things are bad, or that they messed up.

It sucks because this game has so much potential to be so much better than it is right now, thats the worst part of it all.


CrazySaVaunT I don’t think that acknowledging the problem would hurt their stock. Blizzard has so many other games that acknowledging a problem in their forum wouldn’t really do anything. The best thing it would do is let the people that are playing the game that they are aware and maybe trying to fix it. I’m sure that they are counting on people hoping that the expansion pack will fix the problem and buy it. But from what I’ve read it looks like some are holding off until they fix the base game then buy the expansion. Let’s just hope that a fix is coming.

This Happening with D4 HS WOW…I am getting disconnected from both D4 and heart stone with similar errors, i sent them photos all it says has been discounted then reconnects, then kick be back to desktop and launcher, same with HS and D4. no error codes. then tried to relaunch D4 and it said my Licensed was invalid, i prepurchased the game before it came out and been play ever since, just but pre purchase for new xpans. my heart stone pauses and discountects then reconnects, then boots me. no error message. i been playing HS since i bought beta years ago. THIS IS CRAZY

why does everyone alway not take responsibility? I’m having this issue with D4 and with hearthstone on American servers US servers. I contacted blizzard and they saying it on my side, but i been playing for years and this just started happening a couple of weeks ago, i gone thru steps they suggested and still no improvement, i even sent them the error messages with photos i got from my phone of the errors, will be u7pdateing my router with a new router and going to get a new pc, but i know it not on my side, i seen this before and in a few days it was on their side from a message on the blizzard launcher I WANT BLIZZARD PHONE SUPPORT BACK HARD TO TECH IT WITH EMAIL. this needs to be seen by blizzard and responded to!


D4 HS and wow also! the fact that I have to say 20 words to post is ludicrist

As Percivale said, it wouldn’t lower their stock that they show they care. (Might even change their reputation at some point). If you don’t care about the customer, the next time, he won’t come back. I might be done on the next game (or expension they are releasing). And its easy to say: Its not on our side, but come on, if people have proof that hardware isn’t the issue since they can play any other games without this kind of issue, you can’t pretend its on the user side.

And if you persist telling others this then you can’t whine that people are deserting your games. Company that does this end up with a reputation like EA. (EA support never fixed any of my issues and my own troubleshouting did on most games where I had. That or sometimes their own fix cause the people where verry vocal about it).

Now I hesistate a lot to pay for EA games and most likely buy XBOX game pass for the month where there is a game I want to try out). Not going to give them my money directly if I can avoid it. I vote with my wallet. If you don’t give a damn, you won’t have a penny.

And the more you show you don’t care, the more you’ll lose in the end. A slow downfall is still one.

I’m getting things more stable now with tweaking options and after having uninstalled HD textures. Will keep you up on what seems to be doing the trick. I’m still playing with options to see what’s the most stable. For those having issues, please mention hardware and troubleshooting you’ve been doing.

Togheter we might be able to pinpoint the right direction that way.



Found problem. Created topic about it. Freezes, Stutter, Lags. All because of Diablo 4 process keeps downloading something. At HIGH speed (full network traffic goes to Diablo 4. exe)
Traffic comes over port 80. I think it is related to shop, they made some mistakes when programmed it for update.

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TheAeternum before Blizzard bought Activision, they were good at responding to issues raised in the forum. If I had a bug and created a thread, there was always a response withing a day or two from someone within Blizzard. But it seems like after the merger with Activision things started to change. They were still responsive during Diablo III just not as quick to respond. Now, it seems like they don’t want to respond except with the most generic responses and blame the problem on the players hardware when really it on their end.

I’m not the best at coding but the easiest way to see what caused the problem would be take the code from before the Chinese New Year event and the code from the release when it ended and do a compare to see what the changes were. It would help narrow down any code that was changed that would possibly be causing the issues that are now occurring. They could even do the code compare to the code before they added the Chinese New Year event to what it is now and see those changes. That might even be more helpful, just a thought.

you are probably right but, but when the board hears that the devs dont even know where to start with finding the issue and how much it will cost in overtime to fix. They did kinda release the game in beta…

Yeah, cant do that 9n console plus i play with pc and Playstation peeps. I also play on pc so. Plus it doesn’t work anyway.

I’m having less issue without the HD texures for some reasons. But its still not that. Yeah, you’re right that must be something between those timelines. Problem is that they will add even more stuff in next patches (Season 5 and 6 + Vessel release) so if they don’t fix it by then it might get worse (and impact even more people like the memory leak when the game launched). On my older computer I did have a crash / PC reboot but I’m not sure if its due to the game since there was an electrical instability due to storm at the moment. Since I’m planing holidays now I’m not sure I’ll manage to verify if its somewhat hardware related (since 2 different machines) or not until I come back.

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Hundreds of people are having this issue, so How can it be my side!

I have gone thru the steps on article and what you guys have sent me! I am replacing my router and my pc. I get the same ANSWER EVERY TIME FOR ALL OF YOU! I want this BUMPED up to a supervisor!


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I have the same issue, crashes every minute. I tried to update the GTX 4090 driver and BIOS firmware but still the same.

if you look at some of my post, they say blizzard support don’t even comminate with blizzard or the devs, so it a brick wall with support, they dont talk to each side, wtf??

ya its a joke

I did a ticket about 3 weeks ago and got told to figure out by myself and bring my pc to a repair shop
Blizz is a clown fest

So far I discovered as well that for some reasons watching twitch on Brave browser make my PC crash but only when playing Diablo 4. If I watch it on Edge, no issue so far. (Weird) I still don’t have a clue why. (Its not hardware accelaration because I tried both enabled and disabled.) I didn’t crashed yesterday while testing those things otherwise, so will keep trying today and see if I can reproduce the issue (activating FSR. Will try DLSS from my other computer when I’ll be back.) If ever you notice something cause the issue more often (or less) don’t hesitate to tell.

For me this goes back even farther than the last update on 5/16. I’ve been experiencing the disconnects since the Chinese New Year event ended in February. I was keeping track of the disconnects and crashes in another post but stopped as I was spending more time updating that post than I was playing the game. I sometimes can play an hour or two without any problems then the game crashes or just disconnects. There have been no rhyme or reason to the crashes or disconnects, they just happen randomly. At first it was during nightmare dungeons then it was gating between cities. Now it just seems more random. Another player running through or just wondering around and suddenly the client disconnects.

I’m running Windows 11 on an 12th generation Intel i5 with 16G of RAM a NVidia GTX 1650 Super. I know it’s not the most powerful PC but before the Chinese New Year event there were no problems with the game. I made sure all drivers were up to date and of course they were. And yes, all of the stability updates have done nothing to fix the problem.


Played the game for about 1 1/2 hours no problems but when I tried to enter a dungeon the game crashed without warning. The following is the error code that was given with the window to put in what I was doing when the crash occurred.


A second crash occurred just after completing Act 1 and moving on to Act 2. Had just finished the Lilith and Donan cut scene when the crash occurred. The following is the crash code.


This is the other post that I had created starting in February. I thought it best to link the two posts.


I thought I might have found something that may have been causing the issues with the disconnects and crashes. The Dell SupportAssist App seemed to be taking up a lot of system resources slowing everything down. I disabled it and everything including Diablo seemed to work better. Unfortunately, after an hour of playing I had a disconnect after the cut scene when defeating Airidah. I had to go back and fight her again to continue on. There was no crash code to reference but I did get the 395002 error code and it took almost two minutes to re-enter the game.


Monday I was able to play the game for 3 hours with no crashes or disconnects. I didn’t realize I had played for that long without any issues until I looked at the time. Today, after the latest update, I got one disconnect inside of 10 minutes of playing the game. Thankfully that was the only one I had in the hour that I played. There was no error code just a disconnect.


Well, played 3 hours today and was able to play without any disconnects or crashes but ironically the game crashed as I was exiting the game. Here’s the crash code,



Played a little over 2 hours there was a crash at the start when the load screen took too long but it took me back to the character select screen. Then a disconnect right after reloading the game when I tried to travel to another city. And then a crash as I was exiting the game. I’m guessing this is the new problem. Same issue as yesterday different crash code though.



I had one disconnect within the first 10 minutes of game play. Clicking on NPC to hear what they had toa say then tried to travel to another city and the game disconnected. No error code just a disconnect. Then had another disconnect why battling in Caldeum. I was just about to fight the final boss when the game stopped responding it then started to respond and then finally disconnected. Again, no error code just a disconnect.


Today I played for almost 4.5 hours with no disconnects or crashes. I was able to complete ACT V and even the colors and definition was much better. I did what UchihaMadara suggested and disabled crossplay and that seems to be where the conflicts are coming from, at least for today. I’ll still wait and see if there are multiple days of not crashing or disconnecting before saying that was really causing the problems I was having. But I have to say thank you to UchihaMadara for the suggestion of turning off crossplay. The only downside is there are a lot less players in the game but if crossplay is the issue then Blizzard needs to look at how the cross-platform servers are communicating with each other to prevent the crashes and disconnects.


Well, unfortunately disabling crossplay wasn’t the answer for me at least. On Wednesday, I had 2 disconnects while gating to the Tree of Whispers and then again to the Iron Wolves camp. This occurred within the first 5 minutes of starting the game. Also, had a major slow down and rendering issues when I joined a large group fighting a boss in a hell tide event. The rendering issue cleared up pretty quickly though. I didn’t have any other issues the entire 2.5 hours I played so the 2 disconnects might have been a fluke.


Blizzard, I think I speak for all of the player community when I say thank you for the free stuff, but we would really like a game that was free of stability issues over free cosmetics.

Today was a bad day for the game. I had 3 disconnect within 15 minutes one during a battle where I was surrounded and that got me killed and two while travelling. I didn’t know until I went to the blacksmith to salvage items and found that all my gear was damaged. There were 3 other disconnects, one when I was finishing up a dungeon that caused me to have to start the dungeon from the beginning. None of the disconnects were accompanied by an error code.


Well, another day and 2 more crashes. Both crashes were during the Hell Tide event, and one got me killed. I had just finished killing a ton of demons got to the next area that had a lot of demons started an event then the game stopped responding I was surrounded by creatures I was able to move my character away hoping that I wouldn’t die but that wasn’t the case. When I was able to log back in 5 minutes later the event ended and all my gear was damaged. There was the 395002 error code for that one.


Well, this is just hilarious, just downloaded the update to get the pet, finished the quest and picked up my pet. Went to the store to look at the expansion pack, exited the store then the game and you guessed it, it crashed. Here is the crash code,



OK, this is getting to be a bit much. The game is just too unstable now. I had a disconnect within 5 minutes of playing the game, no crash code. Then during the Helltide event when a boss shows up with its minions the game stopped responding and crashed. It took 5 minutes to get back into the game and all my gear was damaged, I was killed. Then there were 2 more disconnects during the same Helltide event while killing standard enemies. Then finally giving up on the game, exit the game and it crashed for the second time.

Crash codes are

During Helltide event causing character death,

Exiting the game,


This had to be the strangest bit of events to date. Entered the game several hours after the planned maintenance went to the shop to claim the anniversary gifts from yesterday and today. The shop had an error, unable to distribute, the shop was just greyed out. Exited the game fully, closed anything related to Blizzard reentered the game and the shop was fine. Claimed my gifts and went to a city with wardrobe. Experienced a disconnect, not surprised. Tried to reenter the game and had another disconnect with the following error,

The Player has been Disconnected. Please Reconnect (Code 300001)

Exited everything again and reconnected. Got to a city with a wardrobe changed the cosmetic on the item and tried to do the same with the mount but had a disconnect again. Reentered the game changed the mount cosmetic and proceeded to play for 3 hours with no problems. Then when trying to use a waypoint to another city after visiting the Tree of Whispers and getting rid of any gear that I didn’t need I kept rematerializing in the Tree of Whispers area. Tried to go to different locations same results. Gave up and decided to quit for the day the game crashed and exited. It did give me a crash code though.



There were two disconnects within five minutes of entering the game. One where the game stopped responding during a Helltide Event and one where I was just fighting enemies. The one that occurred, when the game stopped responding caused me to die. The other one was a normal disconnect with no error code. Then a crash when I was exiting the game.

Game non-responsive error code causing death was 395002

Error code while exiting the game 34F5182B-CEA6-4144-B47A-2AF4735152C0

There was also a huge slow down with the game where moving was extremely slow and even in the item storage moving gear from one slot to another was impossible. Had to exit the game and restart it to fix it.


Well, only had one disconnect starting the game. Of course, this was while using a waypoint to travel from one city to another. I even waited 2 minutes before I tried to do anything. There was no accompanying error code. Then as I was exiting the game it crashed, as seems to be the new issue. Leave the game, the game crashes. There was an error code for this though.



Just went on quickly to change a cosmetic and had a disconnect without error code, not even five minutes into the game. Then exited the game after changing the cosmetic on the helm and the game made it to the character selection the crashed with an error code.



There were two disconnects while doing waypoint travelling. There were no error codes just the disconnects and they both occurred within the first 5 minutes of the game. There were a couple of rubber banding issues but that has always been an issue with multiple versions of Diablo. I was only on for about 1 hour so there really wasn’t any time for a lot of issues to occur.


Today was a good day for Diablo. After the first attempt at waypoint travelling at the beginning of game play that was the only disconnect and there were no crashes. I played for about 2 hours and the only issue was with rubber banding. Although, it did make me use dash when I didn’t want to because I didn’t think it worked the first time.


One good day followed by bad. Entered the game, it was a little slower than normal, but seemed ok. Did a couple of things before heading out to fight. Tried to waypoint travel to where the Hell Tide event was and a disconnect occurred without an error code. Got back right in without a problem. Was able to fight throughout the Hell Tide event no problems other than a bit of rubber banding. Then while I was fighting enemies outside of Hell Tide, walked to an area with a lot of enemies and the game froze. I was not surrounded and just kept firing until the game disconnected. No error code and no crash just a typical disconnect. Reentered the game to find I had killed some of the enemies and did not die. After playing for about 2 hours decided to exit the game. Before leaving Diablo entirely went to the store looked around for a bit then exited the store and the game crashed with an error code.



I found this post today by a Community Manager about the Holy Bolt Elixir was causing the game to crash but they already have a fix ready and are going to address it after the 19th. I was going to make a comment on it and link this post, but it seems like they’ve turned off the ability to comment and the community manager’s public profile is hidden so there is no way to point him to this post. Here’s the post,

Holy Bolt Elixir Power Disabled - PC General Discussion - Diablo IV Forums (


Played Diablo at two different times to see if the crash problem would occur. Once at 2:00AM and again at 3:00PM. There wasn’t an issue with crashing at the 2AM time but there was a disconnect when I travelled the first time and rubber banding. The 3PM time there were two disconnects and one crash. The crash occurred when I was reentering the game after a disconnect. There was also some really bad rubber banding when I first entered the game just walking around killing normal enemies. Here is the crash code,



Had two disconnects and one crash today. The first disconnect occurred as usual when trying to use waypoint travelling for the first time entering the game. Then a crash when reentering the game. The second disconnect was during a Helltide Event after killing a few Blood Ravens and I got rid of items that I didn’t need. I tried to use a waypoint to get back into the event, but it wouldn’t let me. This disconnect also held me at the character select screen for about five minutes stating that it needed time to save my character.

Crash error code, CE84A60F-9AE4-454E-BAD6-9FFE4DAEC653

Disconnect error code preventing reentering the game 395002


I read in another post that closing the launcher would help with disconnects and crashes, so I tried it today. I launched the game as it was starting up, I closed the launcher. I tried travelling via waypoint and got my first disconnect. Reconnected to the game and traveled a second time via waypoint and got my second disconnect. Then exited the game after about 1 1/2 hours and the game crashed. I guess having the launcher open while playing isn’t the cause of the disconnects and crashes. There were no error codes for the disconnects. Although, I do have to say there was no lag or rubber banding with the launcher closed. So, there might be a correlation there, but I have to try it again to see.

Error code for the crash exiting the game, 0676098B-0E01-4EED-9B38-B83EB7C05C2B


Well, where to begin? This was by far one of the worst days for me in Diablo. I had at least 12 disconnects, honestly there were so many I stopped counting. One occurred of course when I tried to waypoint travel for the first time and again waypoint travelling when reentering the game. Entering an event area there were no enemies I just walked around waiting for them to show up nothing just a disconnect. During a Helltide Event fighting enemies and the thing that comes up out of the ground spitting up more caused a disconnect. Also, in the same Helltide fighting a hoard was down to just two elite enemies, the game stops responding and disconnect, on and on. The was one thing that I noticed though four of the disconnects occurred while I was using the Holy Bolt Elixer. That was supposed to have been fixed during the last maintenance window. During one of the disconnects the game crashed, no crash code. The screen just read connecting to Diablo services. Then finally just giving up exited the game and the game crashed again. This time with a crash code.



For once there was no disconnect when I tried to waypoint travel the first or second try but then I had three disconnects within 10 minutes about 45 minutes of game play. Then had a crash that did not have a crash code. I do have to say though it was a better day for Diablo after yesterday. I only played for about 1 1/2 hours, but the server today seemed a lot better. I was able to fight with multiple players against a Blood Raven with no problems and fighting large hordes of enemies was relatively trouble free. Although, there was a couple of rubber banding issues and delays that almost got me killed.


Only had one disconnect today and that was on the second time I tried to waypoint travel. I was able to make it through a nightmare dungeon fine. Probably the best day in Diablo in a while. I did get a crash when I was exiting the game.


Today was a really good day for Diablo. There were no disconnects while playing and only a couple of freezes that didn’t do any damage to me. There was only one crash and that was when I was exiting the game.



Well, after a couple of good days there was today. Back to the same disconnects and crashes. Finished a Legion Event which also got me to 10 completed whispers got the prize opened it collected the items tried to go back to the blacksmith but all npcs were missing then the game crashed. There were also approximately 7 disconnects 2 of which caused me to die. Both of them occurred when the Ancient Siphon event was started. Also, there were two times the game stopped responding one time ending in a disconnect the other time I had to use the Task Manager to exit the game and reenter.

Crash Code 4B57CD2E-21F-4019-092-2C95F001EE


I thought Diablo was going to have a good day today, no issues travelling just one rubber band issue in the first hour of play. I was able to fight large hordes of enemies and kill two Blood Ravens. Then the second hour started, and everything went downhill. Ten disconnects with some of them occurring when I reentered the game. The game started to not respond several times. Once when I was in a dungeon and starting the last area before the boss. No enemies in the area although the mini map showed the corridors should have been full of them, disconnect. I didn’t even bother going back since the dungeon was all the way across the map from where Diablo let me reenter the game. Did a couple of other side quests because I didn’t want to waste my time in Hell Tide if the game was going to continually disconnect. Did some Master Working on a couple of items then went to turn in a mushroom for the Spotted Mushroom side quest, the alchemist was missing, disconnect. Reentered the game turned in the mushroom got the reward went to salvage it, disconnect. Finally, I just gave up and exited the game. There were no crashes surprisingly with all of the disconnects and only one time did I receive the 395002 error where the game decided it needed to save my character.

Is there no update from the devs? this is so bad. AAA game my butt. lol

Minix101, no there has not been anything from devs or game support in this post. I had an earlier one that didn’t get any response either.