Season 4+ updates ruined game Stability Horrifically for Hundreds of players

Well that’s thoroughly disappointing, but clearly given their screw ups with seasons and design, I guess we shouldn’t be surprised that they haven’t optimized or even bothered looking at the performance side of things. Thanks for the update Percivale… I guess as per usual, we rely on ourselves as a user base to try and ‘open source’ potential fixes or solutions from more knowledgeable users.

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Hello GhostshadowX, Yeah it is disappointing. In the past at least if there was a thread with a lot of people posting similar issues you would get someone from Blizzard telling you that they were at least working on the problem instead of just silence. Especially one like this where people are putting in error and crash codes and what they’ve done to possibly help lower the number of problems that are occurring. The silence is quite sad.

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It only has been getting worse. Even after successfully getting the game running, it’s been rubberbanding every 30 seconds tonight.

Where is support for Diablo 4? These crashing and disconnect issues have been happening and reported since beta. Yet here we are still sitting on an almost unplayable game. Beta and season 1 Discord and Spectrum Internet were blamed, yet season 2 and 3 ran flawlessly using Discord and Spectrum Internet.
Season 4- can’t use teleport to town without disconnecting, can’t click on any way point without disconnecting, can’t use the leave dungeon emote without disconnecting, it’s a gamble clicking on any npc or stash whether you’ll disconnect or get lucky and it actually opens. NVIDIA gets the blame, but not everyone is using NVIDIA???
Discord gets advertised in the game upon logging on after last patch. However, nobody from staff even monitors it. So thousands of players there reporting issues that are just getting ignored. I got fed up with the generic replies and thought oh maybe I’ll get lucky and find answers here, only to see once again thousands of players being ignored.
So some tests were ran…
Stress test - passed with flying colors
ISP test- ping was awesome, Speed Up and Down awesome
RAM- awesome
Multi- Client test on more demanding games- no lag, no crashes, no downtime, 0 problems
Reports sent in again… Generic replies sent back telling me and everyone else to seek help elsewhere. With a list of generic trouble shooting guides tailored to 12 year olds.
Now unless you bought Diablo 4 on sale or got it as a gift most of the player base spent at least $79 on the base game. If you became a seasonal player there is another $10 per pass $40 total. If you liked anything in the store the cheapest items were $8 . So say an average player bought game, bought every pass, and at least 1 cosmetic that’s $127. Now there is an expansion comming out with an emailed survey asking players how much they’d be willing to spend. We can’t get support on the game in its current status, why would we buy an expansion?


On PC I stopped crossplay and it was OK to play more than 3+Hours even did the T3 capstone dungeon

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This is turning a potentially awesome season, after 3 paid Beta ones, into a complete clown-show.

Sadly though I’m used to weeks months of silence/it must be your internet/have you tried resetting your router drivel from Blizzard before any serious attempt at a solution.

Clearly the numbers they’re seeing (and they see ‘the’ numbers) don’t tip the risk balance in favour of an acknowledgement, let alone a fix.

I like this current season, really I do, but bloody hell, staying engaged is a struggle.


Well since blisterd wont answer posts ill repeat myself here. I (a year into the game) would like to play hardcore and it was stable enough and made a character. I made it to level 12 or so before the patch and it was going well. I finally got fed up and respecced him to tank enemies for a full minute randomly after the server freezes and kicks me. Its sad. I only ever saw one other in hardcore the whole time because who wants to play like that.

Don’t listen to the Blisterd apologists I’m a tech and understand the amount of control these things have over your pc. I play on console and pc this latest patch has been constantly crashing my s series lets see them blame the console now… id10+$


Hello D34d1ock, Try disabling the crossplay features that seemed to help me. I played for about 4.5 hours yesterday and I didn’t have any issues. This was a suggestion put out by UchihaMadara. So, if this is the case it may be an issue with Blizzards cross platform server handling that causing the instability. Like I said in my post the only downside is a smaller pool of players you encounter in game.

ive tried this and it didnt help :frowning: it was one of the first things i tried.

If they dont acknowlage the issue soon i will make a very detailed Better Buisness Bueru along with starting an online petition for people to sign, im sure we could get at least 500 signatures pretty quickly too judging by how many people are reporting this same issue.

This is supposed to be a AAA game lol.


CrazySaVaunT, yeah it didn’t work for me either. It lasted for one day then went back to disconnecting and crashing. Today was ironic in that I downloaded the update that gives you a pet when I exited the game after finishing the quest for the pet, collecting it then going to the store the game crashed when I exited. And yes, I’m sure you could get plenty of signatures on a petition. Not only that when the expansion pack comes out in October, they want you to pay what you would pay for a full game; $89, $59 and $39.

Kinda crazy how you can pre buy the expension but they dont even fix the actual game.
I crashed again after 5minutes of playing

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Yeah really not looking good for the expansion if so many people can’t play the base game.

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Game can’t even start now, on my end, after the last patch. Why are their programmers so poor at their jobs man?? Unreal that there’s not even official acknowledgement from one of their empty suit talking heads, like that Adam guy. Even more obvious, is their dev tracker returns a 403 error so you can’t even see which topics they are responding to.

Are they still too busy harassing women, minorities, etc. to focus? Get your sh** together dudes, and do your jobs.

Not all of the crashes are related to the Intel cpu issue since my board is set to intel specifications and doing that did make a bit of a difference, but the game will work for a week and then start crashing again. The closest thing I can see is that every time they release a large patch I start crashing again, its almost as if everytime they patch and I am in the game it crashes constantly until I reboot the machine

This is stupid,this is not and indie company
I have a new laptop,with top specs and i can’t play,the loading screens are a nightmare,freezes in open-world and other stuff,is this a joke?The game was working perfect pre season 4 and then we have what we have
This for sure will make me think twice about the pre-order of the expec,and this is coming from someone who has the ultimate edition of the base game and over 20 sets from the shop.


this has been an issue since the game released and they still refused to even say a word about it

The Nvidia Geforce Now gaming service with 4080 gpu’s are having crashing issues now too after this new expansion patch. That has been the only way I can play and now it won’t even run stable on the best hardware on the market run by the people who made make computers. Before this new DLC expansion patch the game was running max settings 1080p 60fps butter smooth on the 4080gpu, now i can barely get it to stay above 50 fps in any kind of a fight.

This is getting to a whole new level of wtf.

soo many random Disconnects out of no where happening now.

I am seriously wondering what lengths would someone have to get through to blizzard/devs to just admit the issue and say they are making it a priority.

I wonder if we got Asmongold or some D4 youtubers to make a video on this, or a tweet or something, as social media might be the only legal route to take. tell them to not pre order until the fix it as it will most likely have TONS more issues lol.

You would think a thread like this with this many people going this long, this constistantly would have been read by at least one dev, though im starting to think the devs are underpaid, understaffed, and overworked and dont have the time to even come on the forums. probably 2 guys pulling their hair out as the other departments keep piling on unoptimized content and saying have fun to the tech support devs.

I wonder if we can do a 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon thing going and get in Direct contact with a diablo 4 dev, and they can pass it along the chain?


I experienced ZERO crashes until the 5/16 patch and absolutely no lag. Although I have crashed under 10 times the new lag and rubberbanding has sadly become an annoying and gamebreaking issue. As a hardcore player this has ruined my experience. No Vessel of Hatred for me. Guess I’ll wait for POE 2 which is sad because I LOVE Diablo.

I can’t even access the game after the update.
I updated and now the Play button stays greyed out and won’t allow me to launch the game. That’s after doing all the suggested things on their site - including uninstalling and reinstalling
I just got off school, haven’t played Diablo in 5 months - and now this.