Season 3 has turned into a yawn fest. šŸ„±

I saw this special campfirechat. ā€œDont expect much from Blizzā€. Thats all phrases that are not very good to say.

There should not be a reason to get burned out before the next season starts. The seasons in DIV are not very long.

(Dont get me wrong. Im just voicing my dissapointment. I still support the game. And now i will turn on my Iggs Box Serious Iggs and farm for Duriel mats till i explode BOOM). May :honeybee: theres a tiny tiiiny lil hope things get better.

Diablo 4 seasson start: Late January
Diablo 4 players count in last 30 days (steam): 7.100Ā±

PoE league start: Early december
PoE players count in last 30 days (steam): 20.000Ā±

Let that sink in. Oh and btw yes BOTH games can be played outside of steamā€¦

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Could aRPGs keep someone interested for 3 months within a season if they play everyday for a couple of hours?

Leveling a char in D4 currently takes about a week if you donā€™t power level. Another week or two for optimizing the build for said char. If you make a new char on top of that, then itā€™s about a month or a month and a half of play time. I think itā€™s pretty decent.

Raids as content could extend the play time since they are like mini games within a game and raids are often gated by difficulty. I want some kind of this in D4 and Iā€™ve been suggesting it. BTW just to extend players participation, some devs try to drip feed the seasonal content throughout a season but I donā€™t like this time gated way of doing things.

I can see that Blizz has been trying new things to extend playerā€™s play time throughout a season. First by deploying AoZ as a last season content in S2, and now they have stated that there would be always mid-season patch starting in S3. That the Gauntlet is refreshing weekly is also a way to keep players interested and it will stay as a permanent feature. Iā€™m hoping that WT5 will come soon, preferably in S4.

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I am not against raids in general. Raids always was my best PvE experience in any game (maybe with honorable exception of current HD2).
Raids in Division 2 was something amazing, It was sooooo good feeling to complete it for first time.

On the other hand I understand argument it donĀ“t belong to aRPG + bcs there are almost no support skills and very little if any synergies between classes I can hardly see any point to add it here if they donĀ“t change something big.

It needs to be a soloable raid, but it will be difficult. This is a content where difficulty is the main gate (Ubers, for example, are currently gated by RNG and boring Duriel mats grind).

Raids if made properly are their own mini game (within a game) complete with their own lore and such which could support the base game lore-wise. Would it be cool if every Prime Evil starting with Mephisto are placed in their own raid? After you defeat Mephisto in VoH, for example, a raid is unlocked and you need to do that raid to defeat, I mean farm Meph again and again.

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IE Same Same Old Just Like Early D3 :unamused:

Im a solo player myself but doing a raid with lots of people would be nice and refreshing but please w/o being able to 1-shot all the bosses. And the chance to get nice shiny gear. If someone is swift and catches me i would also join the voicechat.

Season change is actually April 16th but I agree they screwed the pooch on not getting the halfway patch out in time. Guess they didnā€™t want to bump into the LE release but between that and the patch delay thereā€™s no one around. Sad really

Not that Iā€™m sticking up for D4 here but those numbers are misleading. POE has been on steam for a long time, not so for D4. I would bet the actual percentage of players that use steam is way higher for POE just because the option has been there for far longer. They are bound to have a higher steam count

add new gem stones to upgrade or runes

That is ofc true. We canĀ“t say PoE has 3x more players just bcs steam charts say so.
And there are much more other variables like D4 is much bigger brand with bigger marketing and its more recent game (both this favorite D4).

But it also doesnĀ“t mean this numbers has no value.

ā€œDo you guys not have phones?ā€

Wyatt Cheng

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Iā€™m notā€¦ Because I moved on after clearing T100 nm dungeon and os duriel few times. No point to give time to the Duriel farm loop, and no way i participate in this crappy mats economy which is flawed from start.

ā€œEverytime you logged into diablo4 theres always something new to doā€


Diablo 4 is currently like the milk chocolate santas.

Tasty on the outside but very empty on the inside. :wink:

Lets see how the item rework in s4 will look like, but within this short period between realizing that items are bad & reworking them I doubt that it will be a big or even good reworkā€¦but Iā€™m here to be proven wrong.

And this wonā€™t solve the core problem that D4 currently hasā€¦the problem that it offers no endgame content that requires you to min/max the own char or farm for those Uber uniques.

99,9% of the content can be achieved with above avarage gearā€¦And Uber Lillith either requires rly good gear or a 1 phase build.

But becasue shes not rly rewarding and worth it to farm over and over agian you do her only once in your lifetime to get the mount, so not worth to farm gear to beat her multiple times either (At least for those who donā€™t sell Uber Lillith services for gold).

Iā€™m pretty curious about ā€œTrialsā€, which sounds more interesting compared to the Gauntlet ( snapshots and duped materials ruined it for me ). They will discuss it today so letā€™s wait until we know more.

I feel the urge to say I absolutely have no expectations, not until S4. They highlighted and hyped S4 even before S3 launch. Letā€™s be honestā€¦this one is already a big L so I do agree with you.

You could always join your friendsā€¦but then the forums would lose a chunk of postings.

Itā€™s a seasonal game that doesnā€™t have content parsed out over the entire season. Once you finish the season journey, itā€™s fine to stop playing until next season since endgame is still pretty shallow.

I finished seasonal journey, got a character to 100 with all glyphs Iā€™m using to 21, and maxed out the stones. The seasonal content isnā€™t strong enough to entice me to do a second character. So Iā€™m done until April unless this Gauntlet/trials thing is interesting.

Actually logged on last night and started tooling around with an eternal character I never got to 100. May play with that build for a few levels.

The game is poor in itThe game is poor in its excellence. The recently launched competitor has a system that every single can be an uber. At d4 we canā€™t even change the affixes of the singles. We need a challenge after 100, and how to improve our damage, even if subtle. Place a gipho up to 200 level and uber bosses with infinite progression Dueriel 101,102ā€¦ increase the chance of ubers dropping.Create fusion of items by customizing the unique ones.Thatā€™s what we need.We want to play the game but there is no challenge and no progression.s excellence. The recently launched competitor has a system that every single can be an uber. At d4 we canā€™t even change the affixes of the singles. We need a challenge after 100, and how to improve our damage, even if subtle. Place a gipho up to 200 level and uber bosses with infinite progression Dueriel 101,102ā€¦ increase the chance of ubers dropping.Create fusion of items by customizing the unique ones.Thatā€™s what we need.We want to play the game but there is no challenge and no progression.

We have at least another 2-3 seasons of drip-drip micro content release before the expansion releases. This was the plan all along and they are not straying from it. Expect more of the same until that time when we will get a brief infusion of new content with a new class, new zone and some new dungeons and bosses before we go back into drip-drip mode.