S4: Tree of Whisper Reward bug (Fixed)

still doesnt work? so sad…

Sell all loot give decent gold for now.

Thanks, hopefully it can be resolved. I too am seeing this on US servers. I’m s31bz#1878

Same having the same problem with the tree

nope still doesnt work for me… sorry but this is sooo annoying…

@jazzerscott I don’t know you but i know that you are a manager in somewhere, so i know you.

And to think I had faith that y’all were getting back on track here. Back to uninstalling. POE and Last Epoch are just objectively better at this point and it is sad, I grew up playing blizzard games all of my life, but everything has just kept missing the mark, albeit there were some exceptions, like the Legion Xpac that gave me hope for the future of Blizzard gaming, I was stoked for D4, more excited than I have been for any game release in the last decade, I was stoked playing the campaign on launch, but was quickly disappointed by anything after the end of the campaign… Then I hear that you are fixing the game, I decided to buy it again(originally had it on console, figured if the game is good now I might as well buy it on my new PC, my mistake), just to once again be let down by another blizzard failure. I guess it is time to accept that the past is the past, and Blizzard as a company has lost its way, nostalgia is not strong enough to keep me around through this many repeated failures. GG Blizz.


More then two hours ago from the last news of blizzard?

QA on holiday??

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Wtf, we need the gold blizz… Oo

When did they start giving clowns MVP status? Everyone is totally justified in being upset about a crucial part of their game being inaccessible, and “We don’t have an answer yet, but we are working on it” is not an answer. You are doing nothing to help the situation by devaluing peoples feelings at the moment, it is fine for you to feel the way you do, and it is fine for others to feel the way they do. I know that this is my first 24 hours back on the game since S1 and I got hit by this bug so personally I have given this company enough patience, and enough of my money. Same stuff, different day, Blizzard of the old days is gone, and we are left with whatever this is.

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We are currently rolling out a hotfix to address this. It is in deployment now. It may take an hour or two to hit every individual game server.

Hotfixes happen in the background so a client download or restart isn’t needed.

Will update once this is fully rolled out or if there are any snags.


Had the problem for about 9 hours, fixed for me now!

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thank you and your team for the hard work,

nice. thanks for your information

Give the team my thanks. Now go and have yourself a saturday beer! :smiley:

Thanks Boss!

Appreciate the teams hard work on the weekend.
Much love and support

wurscht… the day is over…

For me? 2013. I suspect you need to read the rest of my posts. I most certainly said the frustration is valid.

What is not valid is posting misinformation or failing to actually read posts before saying something.

Which, as I pointed out, is NOT the answer they were giving. They had already updated us on the status which was that a patch has been completed and is in QA. If that works, next step is to deploy it to live an they will tell us when that happens.

I get that people want to lash out, but making things up or failing to read what is already provided does not help. It just makes people look too impatient to check for info that is already posted.

EDIT - and I see it deployment has started and the patch is rolling out to live.

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Good to hear! Thanks for the update


EU West here, bug fixed for me now!