S4: Tree of Whisper Reward bug (Fixed)

I just got my rewards. Thanks!

Its ok! Fixed for me now…

Fixed, thanks a lot!

Fix it fix it fix it fix it! (EU)

Bug is now resolved for me, thank you! NA Central

my threads from 4 days ago, what is my thread chopped liver!..? but :smiley: happy to see it getting/got fixed

Bug resolved. Thanks support team. <3

TY for your post. It is now also resolved for me.

Happy days, thank you to Devs and mods that have been on this.

  1. It was the middle of the night for them.

  2. It was the weekend.

  3. There have been multiple replies from devs in THIS THREAD that they were working on it, despite those facts.

Mucho hugs all around. Thank you for getting this resolved to everyone involved on your teams.

Thx alot guys for you hardwork !

Works again for me, finally!


works, thanks for fix and keeping us updated :slight_smile:

it works, finally, thank you :slight_smile:

What worked for me, I went into the malignant burrow, summoned the boss, I died twice teleported back out to the tree and now it works. :man_shrugging:

Thank you… Do we get 100 mil in gold for our down time?

The hotfix which contained this fix has now rolled out to all players.


Working for me Yay! :smirk_cat: :smirk_cat:

Had the problem. Now its fixed. Thank you.

Fix confirmed, i was able to see rewards and choose one, completing the quest, thanks to all the devs :slight_smile: