S4: Tree of Whisper Reward bug (Fixed)

I have the same problem on PS5…

We are working on the fix right now. Will have an additional update shortly.

This is only affecting those that were logged in during specific times playing. Around a 12am - 3am PDT window.


Gold rewards yesterday were pretty terrible on WT4 as well. I think at most 2 million where it was 10 or more. With inflation , it’s not helping ends meet.

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I am having this issue but only with one of my characters so far

Same on PS5 - EU servers.

Exactly the same problem, and yet-I did not receive awards for the levels of the season, in particular the ashes

Still same cant get the rewards

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The last reward I got on T4 was just over 600k. When I noticed it made it clear why I keep running out of gold.

Same here. What up???

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i don’t know if it has something to do with it, but i think the seasonal ashes are also not correctly given out for completing season tiers

Successfully just opened a whisper cache, I was able to pick Chaos and got over 10m gold and some items.

I noticed this too but wasn’t sure if it was a bug. Definitely not able to add things in all categories.

It is still not fixed for me

It seems still bugged. Same issue for me.

fix this sh.i.t plz. I had to switch to twink cos of this.

i’m having similar problem as well… cant claim rewards from whisper tree and now stucked cant farm gold…
furthermore there is a random bug where gold lost after returning from nigtmare dungeon… i lost 6m in 2 days…

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Still no solution? :-1:

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sadly no change for me till now…

after 4 hours with a broken tree, seems like the devs dont give a flying about it or they cant fix it or they are on a loooooooooooooooong lunch break.

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Have the same issue, can’t select rewards. pls fix it.

I don’t understand. After waiting for so long, I still can’t claim the reward. I am an Asian player