S4: Tree of Whisper Reward bug (Fixed)

Dear Devs, please fix… this is ridiculous.

Come on plz this is ridiculous, I’m not going to play if you don’t fix it.

I’m waiting for hours blizz!!!

Same Problem so far for me.
What Code is so f… up thats it only affects player loged in within a specific time-window?
Fast fix would be nice because…its obvious, isnt it?

Keep in mind they are probably not full staffed on a Sunday.

They surely forgot to warn us to be cautious about playing it! Isn’t this excuse the funniest and lamest one yet? :stuck_out_tongue:

Still not fixed? :frowning: That’s like 6 hours after! Still not able to choose a reward!

Keep in mind it’s saturday.

we all should be compensated with 40m gold :E


They already did this so that there wouldn’t be enough gold for equipment, and they also took away the opportunity to earn money

We should be compensated with something. Considering how much has to be spent just buying the game and more for buying season pass (if you did that).

Have the same issue, can’t select rewards. pls fix it.

Have the same issue. Blizzard FIX your bug.

I have no one to blame but myself for playing degen hours. The tree has past judgement on me.

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still not fixed, WT3 SEA…

What is problem with saturday? Isnt that game online for 24/7? I payed for game, and want to fully play it. Stuff is Blizz problem not my. Blizz makes us beta testers, but ignores problems. And anyway they have such stupid code that every problem is like how to solve cold fusion.

For me problem started WT4. Other tiers I can’t even click on tree. As if it is just there for decoration.

i am getting the Same Issue

Or perhaps they were, you know, asleep since the issue started occuring after midnight their time (PDT).

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same Problem here :frowning:

sleeping or outside of office hours is no excuse for a company this size. I worked in one, and we always had staff on the phones/chats for our important customers or the emergency support department on 24/7

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