S3...very boring!

Another Diablo fan who’s disappointed with S3 here.

I have played since launch, played S1 and 100% everything then stopped playing for the last month. S2 I loved it, I played it more than S1 but quit at 95%-ish due to being annoyed with stash/inventory being full and the boring endgame grind for boss mats. I quit earlier into the Season than S1, as I was blasting a lot harder daily anyway and finally beat Uber Lilith too.

Now S3 has come, I feel a bit dusty as I’ve been playing PoE for over a month. I completed the Seasonal Questline, but I’m really bored. I thought something was wrong with me, maybe PoE spoiled me. Checking the forum and YT it appears a lot of people feel the same way. The whole time playing from creating my character (was sad that they didn’t introduce another surprise hairstyle like last Season, or a new tattoo) I just had this off feeling while playing and was giving it a chance as I really thought I had PoE syndrome.

I regret buying the Battle Pass now as well, wish I could get a refund on it as I can’t really bare the thought of launching the game up to just try get my values worth.

Quite a depressing time for the game really. S3 really needed to be better than S2, as S2 was really heading in a great direction. It is such a huge shame.

Not mad, just disappointed.

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Play to the end in order to realize the end is garbage? Sounds like a huge waste of time that would be better enjoyed elsewhere than in d4.

This is my POV on season 3:

Season 3 TLDR:

Seasonal MSQ = Boring AF and a joke. Evil bad guy over took over people/stuf. You save said person, you kill evil bad thing… WOW thats IT blizz?! A ham cheese sandwich has more of an interesting story to tell FFS.

Your pet == STUPID. Does F all nothing, oh look you taking dmg, pet= Imma just stand around like hur dur. Adds LITERALLY ZERO content or enjoyment. stupid pet is WORST then the merc from D2R/LOD

Season 3 content == reused/rehashed content thats already in diablo 4, traps = reused affix powers from mobs, Dugeons = LITERALLY the same ones, that you go though

Meta? Still the same ol Barb == OP

THE ONLY “Few” good things in season 3 are the change to respec and new uniques (the few that are in/coming) and finding uniques in other forms instead of ONLY duriel runs… other than that season 3 is a complete lack luster, brainless, half butt, reused content pile of trash.

As a fellow game dev. I am moving over to Last Epoch. I use to have hope for this company and game but it’s done for… Season 1 was a joke, season 2 was “few steps in the right direction” and now season 3 is 10 steps backwards with 2 steps forward.

Season 4 MUST add “reasons” to explore the overworld, MORE chests, better engagement more powers, better things to do then just “lvl alts” because bleh.


i can’t believe how much this pet sucks, since it doesn’t travel with me when i teleport, 99% of the time its 3 screens away fighting a single mob. and even if it’s on those rare occasions near me, it literally does nothing useful. i bet i could have completely ignored getting this pet and i wouldn’t know the difference. so underwhelming. this season is so low effort it’s insane.


I am afraid I do not enjoy this season a single bit.


i found a positive point!

scrolls of escape are now orange! that’s a W

So you spent about an hour or so in S3 then? mmmm…ok.

I agree, this season is a stinker. The constructs are lame, the story is a yawn fest and leveling is a chore.

I think it’s clear that the same team that brought us Season 1 failed to learn anything from the team that made Season 2. Should we all start skipping the odd seasons?

The D4 exec team says they listen but this is just another Blizzard snow job.


Launch was bad. Season 1 was bad. Season 2 was bad. Season 3 is no worse, it’s just getting harder to play the game.

I think I hit level 18 and I just wanted to go play Palworld instead. Might come back to it later for completion, but not looking forward to it.


They won’t fix itemization. They don’t know how, they outsourced most of the coding of the base game and now don’t know how to fix anything other than reducing numbers.

My only hope is uncle phil takes feedback seriously, and starts putting the kabosh on them over monetizing everything. They shouldn’t be openly talking about 2 or 3 expansions in the works and that the first expansion is being developed concurrently with the game as soon as it launched.

Poor taste and an obvious “Eff you” to those of us who thought we’d get a complete game at launch, and still don’t have one three seasons later.

I’m not even being overly critical, just stating how much in poor taste it looks.


Maybe we should start skipping odd seasons LOL. Season 2 devs seem to know some things.

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It’s almost like seasonal content will always be garbage, because it’s just that, seasonal.

Imagine instead of they actually spent their time adding proper and permanent things to the game? or would that be too much fun? and we all know you cannot allow your customers to have too much fun.

Imagine of they had spent all this time fixing the issues with loot, adding a cube, giving us fun interesting mercs. etc etc.


A gamer after my own heart. Imagine a world where Blizzard focused on quality over wallet barraging.


This is my take away as well. One of the two teams working on seasons knows what they’re doing, and the other is clueless.

S3 is actually worse than S1 for me, from a thematic and powers point of view and putting aside the actual state of the game as a whole outside the season itself. S2 theme and powers were much better in every way.

Kinda sad that I looked forward to the season starting and jumping back into D4 after stopping S2 about a month and a half ago, only to be bored/annoyed with it after less than a day.

Oh well, plenty of other games to play while waiting for S4. Cya in like 3 months forum bros.


Look here little buddy. I don’t have my construct maxed out so I dunno how much fun factor it has. So I’m gonna play to level 100 and max this little thing out before I make a full judgement on if season 3 is better, the same or worse than season 2.

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Very well stated Sonny

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That is very fair, shouldn’t form a final judgement till I play more.

I played another hour or so again last night got to level 30… honestly the level up is so tedious (HOTA barb), that it is likely massively distorting the gameplay for me. I am used to Ball lightning max level S2 HOTA barb and pulv druid.

Can I ask a question though, the way the warding stones work… you lose one every time a trap hits you? I did 2-3 vaults last night… I clicked the shrine got 3 stacks, then by the end I had 0 stacks… I didn’t die so I can only assume its the traps that remove a stack?

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They need to add some lasers and rocket launchers to this bug thing it’s supposed to be good right?

Turn this thing into a terminator with red eyes man!

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This season is so so so boring, Diablo make me wanna go back to PoE :stuck_out_tongue:

Probably not, that would be a horrible idea.

This part is wrong. These numbers are by no means random, they’re very intentional. There’s a reason why it said $100 and not $1000 – it represents the top-end of what Blizzard (or some consultant) considers a viable price. You better believe that if enough people answered “yes” to paying $100, they’d charge $100.