S3...very boring!

Yup…if a trap hits you you lose 1 stack. :slight_smile:

Ye started with Barb aswell but hated it to level…after reaching about levle 20 I respeced to a Sorc and love it so far.

Leveling with Firewall but will go for Blizzard sorc simply for nostalgic reasons. :smiley:

at least we got rid of those annoying bl sorcs always trying to show off, no more moskitos buzzing around and jumping on mobs like their life depends on it… which is a positive point.

They also added that new waste of time memory event for cellars

Excuse me, where and on what games have you or do you work?

This is what happens when ppl say “we don’t want leaderboards!”
You get the worst part of POE and a pet robot

The idea is actually interesting, but just the way how you have to do it is boring imo.

Exactly this man, in my opinion devs focusing on the seasons is just a waste of time in the current condition of the game. I wish they would focus on adding permanent things like items, skills, paragon boards, content, quality of life changes and so on. I mean the seasonal content will be removed from the game anyways once the season is over. I find it a waste of time and resources, they could do much better things for the game with that time they spend on developping seasons.


Doesnt matter where or what games. YOU dont have to believe jack I say but know this, understanding how game deving 101 works, and the inner “systems” works, net you a WAY better view of hows games are made. Blizz couldnt pay me enough to fix there spaghetti lines of code and system.

I literally wanted to add on my initial post :

…in before “But but … I don’t wanna say!!!”

Carry on…dev, lol.

Maybe Blizzard taking cue from Apple iPhone release cycles. Super upgrade and off cycle.

So take note! Only play even number seasons and skip the odd numbers.

Because it’s pointless and irrelevant. Heard of NDA yeah, but let me guess " ofc it is" rolls eyes. Since your mister “Imma troll” PLEASE mr oh so wise one, tell me how the systems works within game devolvement? I mean that IS a easier question, if you know and I don’t want to hear you tell me “Why dont you then”. IM asking you.

Have not even bothered to create a character for the new season yet. Dunno if I’ll come back yet. Didn’t see anything that interested me much in this season. Looks like more of the same blandness.

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Vaults remind me of D3 set dungeons. Nobody liked those either. Too tedious in a game that is meant to be super fast paced you should never have to slowly move through a dungeon trying not to get hit. It’s just badly designed. And the pet does not add any element of fun to the game either. Oh well. Back to playing other games.

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I just did a write up of why traps dont work. With solutions. Please check it out.

DEV Feedback: Why Traps dont work :mouse_trap: - PC General Discussion - Diablo IV Forums (blizzard.com)

This is Diablo IV’s SEASON OF SET DUNGEONS :smiley:

I tend to agree with you but I can say this for sure: Last season was definitely way more fun in the leveling up dept.

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Adding all of the mechanics on top of each other would cause power creep and bloat. Gameplay loops from the seasons should be evaluated to add to the base game just in a nerfed state that keeps power in line with the current season.

If the game had trading they could have made these trap dungeons drop amulets or w/e that were in line with the current power ceiling. Then these dungeons could be kept as part of the base game. Those who enjoy the trap dungeons could then run them with specialized builds next season and trade away amulets to those that did not enjoy them. It is a simple way to create an economy and make the game better over time. The braindead anti trade approach really kills the potential depth of the game.

I think they should add something each season that can be taken back to Eternal where that power creep doesn’t matter so much. It would be an incentive to max out each season so you could build an Uber character on eternal eventually.

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Imo it’d be better to have community created events and leaderboards.

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Way way more fun. They should have been trying to top season 2 instead they seem to have wanted to be on par or just unique from.

Congrats you reach the S3 endgame - Forum

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