S3...very boring!

Buys d4 4 times, says d4 hangning on by a thread

you really cant make this crap up

You making yourself fool, I have 3 level 100, for the release and two for each boring season. But this is a good arpg entry for a kid like you. One day you learn something.

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This season blows. Season 2 was one step forward with easy to fix but ignored issues. Helltides, mats for ubers, stash, build diversity/balance, no loot filter… aside from 0 endgame still… and so on.

This season is now 2 steps back. If it wasn’t obvious already, it should be now. This game is being developed by non gamers that don’t properly understand the arpg genre. I mean one look at some of them “playing” should make that clear.

Nobody on my friends list has bothered with this patch. I mean nobody. Friends that were die hard d3 spammers every season and participated in the HC race to 100.

At level 20 I’m already bored to death. This seasonal mechanic is boring and from what I hear it’s more of the same later.

At this point it might be to late for D4 to redeem itself. The only way I see this game being saved is if theres a massive overhaul and the first expansion is free. You might be able to win players back that way. Nobody at this point is giving you guys $50-$100 for an expansion especially knowing what quality you have already delivered.

Blizzard probably shields themselves from the forums so I expect none of this to be read by them.

And you apparently can’t use proper grammar either.

I don’t care how many level 100 characters you have, assuming you actually have any (press X to doubt on that, sounds like you’re making things up just to puff out your chest a bit). You made a fool of yourself by calling the game ‘too easy’ while playing on the easiest difficulties, without even touching the first of the modes that are for end-game players and are considered ‘hard’ or at least ‘harder’ than normal/veteran difficulty.

You’ve got nothing. No credibility, no respect, no trust.

Unfortunately, I have to agree. For sorc’s, I believe we are missing a fire basic skill…didn’t we have two? I’m pretty sure we had two for each type. The one I’m using now it doesn’t seem to be hitting the npcs very well. I was going to try all fire meteor build but for leveling I don’t think that is a good idea…LOL. Anyhoo, I got sidetracked. They give us these “vaults” and they know we hated having to get things to open doors and here we are again…one of the “vaults” …the loom…we have to get 4!! Really? They adjusted dungeons when we complained (even though not completely gone) they went right ahead and did it again!!! It is just mind boggling.

Why is everyone so stuck on runewords? I played D2 and all that did was take up bag space (which we have this problem now) and somehow you needed to know what to put together. I don’t know if runewords is the answer. I wouldn’t get excited over that with all the other core problems of the game.

So correct!! I’m already thinking of changing my build…I believe I’m around that lvl and I already took off meteors plus it take a lot of mana.

collecting bits to upgrade an ineffective pet just isn’t doing it for me


When I saw the theme of the season I already imagined it wasn’t interesting. I don’t like the power coming from an ally, or if you depend on an AI in some way. I miss elements that add to the game, in season 2, the items increased to 925 and there were final bosses. But now, what brought that will be added to the game? 1 new uber boss? Is that it? Will Duriel still be a waste? The game is cool, I have fun with it. But I want to have the feeling that it’s evolving, and I don’t see that with this season. Unless the seneschal stays. What I want is 1 new boss, new craft, a cube to create your items, create the belt, create shoulder pads, create something, it doesn’t even need to be new. The POE does this, adding the game to the academic season.


I thought I could spend my time in S3 at least until Last Epoch comes out… Nope :smiley:

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Yeah… lowbie pet is basic, common and boring.

That’s normal becoz it’s just day 1.

Have you seen a fully upgraded complete with Uniques pet? Usually, tourists gets shallow experiences. They never get to see the fun part of the game… when everything is leveled up to the max. Becoz they never lift a finger on grind. Hey, this is a game of grind. Blizz wont give you fully geared pets on day 1.

Who plays on Eternal? The builds on Eternal are barebone builds… incomplete powers. The Seasons complete them and it completes differently from Season to Season. No wonder, your game is boring.

You could play Grim Dawn until february 21th, awesome game as well.


that’s the worst part of S3. no one wants to level someone else (the robot). they want to improve their actual character.


Oh, the irony. This is classic :sweat_smile::rofl::joy:

from blizzard’s persective you need to pay more for that kind of features, and it would take longer due to the bad engine they are using

Level 31 and just about to quit aswell, first time i play since launch and none of the proper things have been fixed like itemization / sluggish combat / slow gameplay / build customization… Instead of trying to lure people in with a 3hour seasonal questline, they should probably use their time to fix the core game, because until that is fixed game will forever be an C/D tier ARPG.

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Yeah, the only thing I liked about it in D2 was that it cleared all the dupes for a bit. D2 kind of needed it. It’d been fine with me if it never had ladders. All they had to do was let the new runewords be in non-ladder. Why not make these season things optional? It’d take years to find everything you want in D2. I was cool with that because items were awesome and the really rare stuff wasn’t needed. You really feel it in D4’s quick seasons. There are no chase items for me though. I actually don’t like getting items in this game. I hate looking at all the stats, so I just end up quitting.

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Actually waiting for their expansion as well, after investing 3000 hours :wink:

They are due to a bid Grim Dawn 2, like Titan Quest 2, can’t wait!!!

I hate the puzzle aspects of the vaults, thats why i never fought lilith. the rest if fighting scorpions to level the pet.