S3...very boring!

Runewords are simply a crafting mechanic - it doesn’t have to be the same exact system as D2 but it’s a name that would resonate with players and has some history attached to it.

I think Blizz do care, a lot, because D4 success or failure will have huge impact on them.

While I agree that D4 is rather buggy, repetitive and boring in many areas of the game since launch, and it is clearly still in Beta land, I won’t be giving up so easily either. I want to play it out and see how it goes for at least a month or so. Then I could give some proper feedback. Besides, I paid for premium battle pass and want to make sure I get my season rewards and cosmetics at least. But I feel the OP, and for sure Season 2 was fun and off to a great start, so I am not sure why the hell Blizzard would do anything less than fun and rewarding for all players!?

The Blizzard D4 Team need to get their act together sooner than later with regard to Diablo IV. I think we had enough of the BS epic fails, problems and bugs with this game we all paid for!

It’s sad to see these disappointing posts about D4 and Blizzard is still lacking to get it right! Unreal!

I hope Blizzard does the right thing for all D4 players who paid for this buggy, boring and repetitive BETA game that should be getting BETTER not worse!! - JJ -

They should really take a season off and focus on fixing the game… but that will never happen lol

This is true…Well not with the many builds of the game, because currently it misses a lot of masteries, I think they are called, but Last Epoch it’s actually a very good game in terms of classes and end game. Also the itemization is very very very good. I mean it’s not as tedious as PoE , and it’s like 61 million times better than what D4 has.

To be honest in Last Epoch I get very sad to remove an attribute that I really wanted and going back to crafting again, I also am happy because I have a purpose to do it over again. In diablo 4 it’s like “meh, I got minion damage , wanted critical strike, press button again” , “o no more money, let’s farm some trees until I bleed from my nose”

^ It literally bores me to death, and it destroys my soul just by knowing that I will get a better item power item and will have to do it again for literally 100-200 armor :roll_eyes:

The game is just that bottom line in terms of end game, itemization, and things to do in it.


And you’re surprised this trash game is boring ? Better late than never, I suppose.

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I bought a new computer, and I wanted to try s3 after that awful initial month.

But good god, it is boring af.
Even the very first quest’s location is a living proof.
And seriously zolten kulle :lady_beetle:

If you are enjoying I am glad that you are having fun, but it is insta uninstall for me.


I liked the questline. I don’t really care for the pet and vaults. the pet doesn’t add much to gameplay and the vaults are kinda tedious. Compared to last season this season feels like a step back.

The questline was cool. The beacons and braizers are much better if you can find a group to do these with. You can get some really good exp from it.

it’s a good thing your computer will be able to run poe 2, have no fear, last epoch doesn’t take much power but you could try that too!

No it’s not, because Blizzard have literally said the numbers are random. It’s what they do for their surveys. Random numbers for each participant.

I completely agree 100% !

Really wonder under what stone those advocates for d4 ran off…They were here days before the season launch, and like now no one comes here to even try…

Guess they are trying to enjoy the mess D4 is, like a kid eating cold soup because of hunger.

Just go over to youtube and click any D4 video. I think the level 10 guy is just catching on quicker.

I think I’m just going to hold off completely on playing on the seasonal realm and just play my lvl 100’s and gear them up on Eternal

its hard for me to accept that with the thousands of hours I have in D2, PD2, D2R, and D3. Saying D4 isnt for me is a wtf moment, but hey I made it to level 14!

Becoz you have an illusion that D4 should be like D2 or D3. But D4 is D4. D4 would never become D2 or D3. Thousands of hours on D2 and D3 and you only made it to level 14 in D4 is a lie unless D4 is super bug’d to you and you didnt able to fix your hardware setups.

Which respondent gets which option is random, the options themselves are not.

Just fine tune it and tweak it. This game is bare bones.

I’ve been saying it since release. This is a boring American Lost Ark rip off.