S3...very boring!

Nope, according to Blizzard themselves the numbers each survey gets is random.

You know that survey that went out ages ago that people got real annoyed about for Overwatch 2? With the survey asking if players would be willing to pay $50 for a mythic skin? When I did get that survey, I wasn’t asked if I was willing to pay $50, my question was if I was willing to pay $30.

That’s what I’m saying, you got one amount and someone else got another. That part is “random”, but the set/range of possible values didn’t come from a random number generator – they are somewhat anchored in reality otherwise there is zero value in that feedback. These are really basic market research concepts and completely uncontroversial.

Then why are you arguing against me? I literally said the numbers each person gets in their survey are different, they’re random. Obviously within set parameters, random number generators need a minimum and maximum value, but between those values it’s random.

Because the insinuation is that Blizzard would never actually charge $100 because it was “random” (which isn’t true).

And they wouldn’t, beyond collectors editions.

Again, surveys like this are literally designed to get a better idea of what people are willing to pay and how they feel. I seriously doubt anyone who got that survey and was asked if they’d pay $100 for an expansion, answered yes. So the feedback Blizzard would have gotten was “No, players won’t pay $100.”

You’ve argued foolishly and I’m not messing around with you further. Have a nice day.

LvL 50 with Necro, this season didn’t convince me… i Quit.

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In defence and copium of the game.

I really wanted to make a rogue (I love the new hairstyle from last Season). So I made a new character and my plan was to not follow a build or guide at all and just play. I’m enjoying myself a lot more rn doing this. I jumped on this Season at launch and went Barb with a guide and just got so bored. Maybe it’s because I’m doing this same meta stuff, so thought I’d play the game like D2, as if I’m totally offline and have no internet to look stuff up. I’m taking my time with the new questline now too and paying attention to what’s happening story wise.

Having more fun but it’s still early on, not level 50 yet and the pet is still really just an additional cosmetic thing following me of no use and looks gross. :sweat_smile:

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Perfect placement. On d3 my off-season character has practically all the first items and the FULL legendary gems. That’s what 4 needs. for eternal, in fact there should be a legendary glyph throughout the season, there are no problems with imbalance. But playing there today is boring, the character is always weaker. Imagine if we had hearts and vampiric powers. The builds would be interesting. just nerf the powers

They would if the feedback supported it, that’s exactly what I said. I’m glad that you admit that.

i leave this season too, worst ever… we want a meatgrinder not tetris.

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Lol boy, they do care. The plan is to get MORE of your money, not just this.

I started playing in S3, so I didn’t get to experience S2’s content. The way I see it is that the missed opportunity here was to remove S2 features, instead of implementing it into core. Having both S2 and S3 content. Sort of like how GGG iterates the content from each season which the community enjoys. Obviously a bit scaled down to make room for all the different types, but having it nonetheless. The game needs more content, not less. And over time cut the features which people don’t play, to make room for new ones.

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This season was the first season I managed to get to lvl 100. Did a Ball lightning Sorc with mix of Meteor/Frost Orb.

I did almost every possible content including all uber bosses (except Lilith, because I despise oneshot mechanics) and up to lvl 80 NMD.

I had fun but now I’m simply tired of the game.

Can’t see myself doing it again on S4…

Maybe I’ll finally hop onto BG 3 or better yet, Horizon Forbidden West which goes live on PC on 21th next month :> :>

ture but were not going to support them with battle pass or any DLC they have planed. as is not i wont buy anything that blizzard works on anymore no matter what IP

Holy necro batman :person_facepalming:

I will sleep better buying the expansion and battle pass :person_shrugging:


its was the top topic on the forums. maybe you should be saying something about the forums being dead

These forum newbies love to play as necromancers. :headstone:

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right? i mean, sometimes it feels like some people never used an online forum before.

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speak for yourself. I’m thoroughly enjoying ssn 3.