S3 Statistics have been sent

just got a mail about general, and my personal statistics, and damn, the numbers look good, especially since i wouldnt really have assumed these high numbers (mainly because s3 wasnt really my favorite season so far, didnt even make an alt character)

202 million unique blessings
97 million upgraded seneschall stones (assuming every created character upgraded all of their stones, thatd lead to 2,487,179.49 unique characters.)
48.7 million players killed my constructs
6.7 million people died by vault guardians
malphas got killed 7.5 million times.

Congrats Blizz, seems like you are doing just fine.

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yea I got it too …

Neither monster nor machine could withstand your prowess in combat, Hellswraith. With a hearty 164 hours played during the Season of the Construct, you managed the following feats:
Monsters Slain - 135389
Nightmare Vaults Completed - 36
Seneschal Stones Leveled - 37
Constructs Defeated - 28444

Seems low to me - but maybe I quit about halfway through the season

I played about 3 weeks of S3. Only played a single character; Necro. Quit when I completed season journey and didn’t really touch boss ladder much beyond season journey requirements. Didn’t do gauntlet at all.

Was fun.

  • hours: 77
  • monsters: 135k (~ 1700 an hour, or 1 every 2 seconds)
  • Vaults: 74
  • Stones: 37
  • Constructs: 50k

For comparison here are my S2 and S3 stats

Season of Blood:

  • hours: 268
  • monsters: 162k
  • potent Blood: 15k
  • Blood Seekers: 223
  • Blood Lures: 100

Season of Malignant:

  • hours: 163
  • monsters: 125k
  • Elite Malignant: 651
  • Caged hearts: 303

yea my s3 statistics are rather low too. as i said, its not really my fav season. hence why i was pretty impressed by the general statistics lol, especially since the seneaschal stone upgraded one can least lead to a guess about the amount of chars created ^^

How do you get these stats?

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theyve been sent via email ^^

id do a screenshot of the mail but its in german so yea ^^

Look at the post above yours for pity sake. :point_down:

Lies nobody played season 3… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Curious if it just counts a single upgrade of a stone. I know I didn’t upgrade all my stones to max. Hell I didn’t even get the two unique stones.

I fought the dude once and called it good. I heard the horror stories of farming him like Duriel and not getting stones. The grind for gathering the mats to fight him was more painful than farming for the other bosses in my opinion.

I’ll have to check my emails later.

I understand the email part. Wasn’t sure if it was a setting I had to check to get that email. It’s not in my inbox or my junk folder.

Less than 100 hours played here for last season

Man i hated that season

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oh my bad, the mail states “fully” upgraded stones. sorry, didnt worded that correctly here.

no idea, the other seasons i didnt receive that mail to be honest

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i did 266 Nightmare Vaults lol

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You attained a high Gauntlet Score of 966084, leaving a trail of demon corpses in your wake. With a hearty 337 hours played during the Season of the Construct, you managed the following feats:

Monsters Slain

Nightmare Vaults Completed

Seneschal Stones Leveled

Constructs Defeated

I wish they listed how many time I killed melph… it took forever for me to get the tuning stones.

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do numbers mean anything if theres no way to verify them and the one benefitting from them is the one writing the thing up?

idk i see conflict of interest there :wink:

The only numbers you can trust from Blizzard (MAYBE) are the ones they send to shareholders.
Because there you (MAYBE) can’t lie.