No just not enough

many of the old problems are still here , not enough got fixed
this game is still a mess

where is my refund ? u had 1 year
im tired to be a beta tester who payed 90 euros for this
never again blizzard

If you remove “who payed”, it’s a decent haiku.

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Complainers form a line to the left. Someone will be with you shortly. :sob:

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weird after a year you guys are still defending the game , didnt u learn from the last year?
i mean maybe u will get it after you are alone in the game :smiley:
but with 3,6k you got no clue about the game , maybe from the forums


Could you elaborate on the old problems?

well i wrote enough on the forums , maybe look my history (if u could take a look at the beta forums you would see , all these problems are over 2 years old)
blizzard has to pay me for beta testing not i pay for it
time for talking is long over , they havent delieverd
and those 3k post guys are mentally ill or payed shills
same guys from a year ago
those didnt get it then , they will not get it today or any day in the future
i give up

refund me now


seems they are doing just fine. anyway. go have fun on whatever game youll be going to play. you will be missed.

Consider it a down payment on a game you will likely enjoy when it’s “ready” for you. :person_shrugging: It happens. You had the option to be a smart shopper & wait a few days or weeks after release. Heck, some of the technical omens struck on day 1 of pre-release, when many of us couldn’t log in most of the day, after paying extra for the opportunity. I’m still salty, but realistically the game has given back more than an average amount of enjoyable gameplay for money invested (in my case). And I’m not redeeming that battle pass yet (that’s my wet-noodle lashing of Blizzard… oh yeah, I know they feel it).

You show a level of troll-happy mania that makes this more about you than about the game’s problems.

I am all for criticizing games (surprise!).
But the idea that you should get a refund, because you don’t like a game, is still silly.
Blizzard made a, at best, mediocre game. Everyone should have seen that coming. But you are not a beta tester.
A bad game is not a beta for a good game, it is simply a bad game. In all likelihood D4 will never become a great game. No amount of time will change that.

I understand that 1 year feels like along time, and it is, but the company is know for making games at a slow pace, whatever the reasons. The even admit it when they spoke of D4 being made or whatever. Even more so now that there are new teams and old members gone, this happens in lots of industries with franchise IP’s, is it a good thing, not really, in some ways you could argue that diablo should have ended at d2 and d2r. Just like star wars or whatever fruit of creation captures people and then down the road is released again but it is no longer from that same creative force or environment.

I could go on and deeper, as there is also the case of George Lucas not pleasing original fans, when he revisited his own franchise, people change, creative environments change. sometimes something magical is born, that is how creation works. But change is inevitable.

So as consumers we can choose. But we can all be guilty of giving into to familiar franchises, doesn’t have to be all or nothing if this update wasn’t enough maybe S5, S6 Xpac who knows might hit the mark for you better.

It sounds like Bravata is on the D4 forum.

i wanted the refund from the start
and i still want it , u think its course i dont like it ?
have u read that i said they used us as beta tester who payed 90 euro?
all the problems were knowb 2 years ago?
but keep building your own world u better not look at all the d4 bad …

Yeah, and they will still be known 2 years from now.

It is not a beta, when it is intentionally bad.