S3 feedback overwhelmingly negative

This is the best comment of all time.

Blizzard please listen to this. You should implement these things in a patch ASAP. Otherwise this season is a big L for you. The Warding stacks are a terrible design flaw and the gameplay is just boring overall in the vaults. Pet design needs work too.

Check out numbers for Palworld, beats all those numbers even combined

If you didnt know, Palworld is Pokémon w/ guns who you can force to do labor and eat them if they are out of line

This whole thing is coming up really lame. Vaults with all those traps are just the antithesis of what ARPGs are supposed to be. Blizzard: “Let’s give them a chance to get some useful loot but we’ll put a lot of cheesy traps in there so they have to go really slow. That’ll get our numbers up and if they don’t want to play that way we’ll piss them off by showing them chests they can’t open at the end. That way they’ll quit and we’ll save bandwidth”

That may not be their exact intention but it’s what’s gonna happen.

I did a write up of problems and solutions. Not my usual essay. Kinda long but not a wall o text. Trying to get better on that.

DEV Feedback: Why Traps dont work :mouse_trap: - PC General Discussion - Diablo IV Forums (blizzard.com)

I think there are some areas where streamers and players disagree… I think it was Raxx who said “not another recoloured helltide”… well, I dont mind that type of gameplay when its implemented right.

Hell tides are garbage… blood harvests were actually really good. You had the bloodseekers ganking you (which was GREAT!!!), you had the boss summon which was awesome, you always wanted to bee line for that. you had the chests everywhere spewing loot and the density of the zones was (initially) off the chart before it got nerfed or maybe player numbers died down and it affects respawns?

In any case, S3 is not good at all but the D4 game is still fresh enough where I will grind out max level and try to complete the season journey before last epoch or whatever better title is out.

Its garbage because it need 3rd pt to find the chest, while you alttab and back with your chars die (you lost half cinders)

There are soo many dimensions to why helltides are boring.

Stop cinder loss and stop resetting after each helltide are a given.

For me though, Helltides are boring because its more of the same… you color the area red and a grindable currency/chests… there are no events or special content… nothinh in the zone makes me think “oh wow I want to make sure I do this”… its literally just urgh spend 20-30 mins grinding out mats for a duriel summon. Its a means to an end not fun gameplay… NMD on the other hand have an object and some direction to them you are not just wandering around grinding currency.

Thats why I hate hell tides.

My biggest issue is that I don’t feel like I get to interact with the pet much at the early levels so the leveling process feels very samey. Having the pet shoot lightning bolts and pummeling is just added background dps. The vempire power felt move impactful leveling last season.

I also only play sorc, and while it’s in an ok spot, it once again has issues with single target dps now that BL is nerfed. Maybe a meta will be discovered that finds a well rounded build, but overall I’m not happy with the class and build balance.

I got to level 30 yesterday and I think I’m gonna skip the season for now. If they patch it later with improvements, I might give it a shot. The best thing about D4 is it’s very mindless and you can watch/listen to other things easily while playing.

Its an interesting approach they are taking… if we can consider the first month of a season to be “beta” or PTR testing… it might make me view seasons differently… like imagine they called this entire first week a S3 PTR, then reset everything after the first patch that fixes things (which is literally what a PTR is)… would I be happier?

the reset is to stop cinder hoarding, they should just cap it at like 2k or something.

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Traps in arpgs are never fun and they made whole season about them xD
On top of that they didn’t even fix dupe exploits and duriel sets are being sold in 100 packs already… Lets wait for S4 I guess.

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Why stop cinder hoarding? Thats where I disagree with them… there is no need to do that. It lessens the game. Having a cap would be to force players to diversify there time in game (in the same way gambling has a cap) - they want players to frequently spend shards to get items because getting good items feels good.

Simiarly you grind cinders to get duriel mats for a chance at an uber. Grininding 100 duriels would feel better (to me), than doing 1 helltide, 1 duriel, 100 times. For me its the reset in progress where I mentally feel “I hate this game”…

Here is my mental process:
Helltide, ok just push through this and lets get an mats for an uber…
…And duriel dropped junk… urgh now I gotta go farm another stupid helltide for another duriel who probably wont even drop anything good… f(&^( this game.

There are so many moments in the design that enforce a negative outlook on the game, instead of presenting positive ones. By contrast D3 doing greater rifts, each one gives you a paragon point or more (even after hundreds of them).

Take the weakest cohesive build. It has to make sense and have synergies.

THAT build should be able to defeat ALL the content in the game, with a moderately-skilled player.

That should be the baseline for all cohesive builds.

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imagine even logging in for 20 hours instead of simply watching the trailer and reading the patch notes and stuff

I guess some aren’t visual learners…

Well there’s a lot of reason to hold off on cinder hoarding.

For one, if someone has 40k cinders and dies due to network disruption, they loose 20k.

There is no real good reason to hoard cinders unless you are outfarming what is available per hour to turn in, and holding onto cinders forever when you loose half from dying is not a good thing.

I’d cap it out somewhere around 2k.

Yea… Gonna have to press X here.
The only buff necro minions got was all golems can now cleave, everything else was nerfs or bug fixes.
Either your blood build was literal garbage, you’re playing in wt2/under level 80 where it doesn’t matter, or you’re lying.

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Couldn’t stand for more than an hour this new season. Playing this is a chore. Time to uninstall and move on. No matter how much time we waste complaining Diablo 4 is a lost cause. Had its chance, didn’t work. Uninstalling and back to browse for a decent game.

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For real duriel sets are being duped yet again? This is confirmed? That is abysmal.