S3 feedback overwhelmingly negative

Take the weakest cohesive build. It has to make sense and have synergies.

THAT build should be able to defeat ALL the content in the game, with a moderately-skilled player.

That should be the baseline for all cohesive builds.

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imagine even logging in for 20 hours instead of simply watching the trailer and reading the patch notes and stuff

I guess some aren’t visual learners…

Well there’s a lot of reason to hold off on cinder hoarding.

For one, if someone has 40k cinders and dies due to network disruption, they loose 20k.

There is no real good reason to hoard cinders unless you are outfarming what is available per hour to turn in, and holding onto cinders forever when you loose half from dying is not a good thing.

I’d cap it out somewhere around 2k.

Yea… Gonna have to press X here.
The only buff necro minions got was all golems can now cleave, everything else was nerfs or bug fixes.
Either your blood build was literal garbage, you’re playing in wt2/under level 80 where it doesn’t matter, or you’re lying.

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Couldn’t stand for more than an hour this new season. Playing this is a chore. Time to uninstall and move on. No matter how much time we waste complaining Diablo 4 is a lost cause. Had its chance, didn’t work. Uninstalling and back to browse for a decent game.

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For real duriel sets are being duped yet again? This is confirmed? That is abysmal.

can’t wait to see all the social medias implode when we get to S4 with the itemization changes. god help the devs if that is off at all. torches and pitchforks be flyin’

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Yeah everyone is just complaining and being negative. The game is perfect and it should have won GOTY!

Ye duriel sets are already 0.15$ each and the price is dropping fast, same with gold. I was all for trade in d4 but after last season and now this one as well I wish they would just make them not tradeable.

Theres no way ppl should have that much stuff again so fast. What a disappointment. These sets have to be getting duped again. Well there goes that now too.

My personal feelings from playing on and off for a day for S3.

The Seasonal mechanic is boring. The robot feels so insignificant that i forget it is there most of the time. Vamp powers in S2 made my character feel different and more powerful, the robot this season does not have the same effect. Green helltide also felt more fun than the arcane tremors which replaced it.

I really hope the update that is scheduled for the game in a month’s time really knocks it out of the park cause i really have very little motivation to play this season :frowning:

Or I’m actually good at the game and understand minion scaling. It’s almost like my repeated posts saying “minions are fine as they are” were legit and everyone else just couldn’t play.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Not attacking you or anything but if the majority of players (at least that is the impression i get from the small sample size i have) who play summoner necros feedback that summoner necro feels bad. Then there is something really wrong with how the summoner necro is designed. Even one of the pretty big necro player youtubers made some videos in S2 criticizing how the Summoner is designed in D4. ( I think his name is Pwnyhof?)

I did not play necro all that much during S2, levelled one near the end of the season playing a medeln shadow summoner all the way and it was okay, pretty meh tbh and at the end when i hit 100 and had most of the BIS stuff for the build as i had been hoarding alot of good rolled items and uniques the summoner necro definitely felt like the weakest of the 5 classes i had played during the season. WW-Hota/BL sorc/Tibault twisting blades/stormclaw/summoner necro. But of course i would not fault the summoner for not being on par with the broken builds :stuck_out_tongue: even comparing them feels unfair now lol. But it definitely felt lacking during play, like the build was lacking something to give it some ompf.

duped items + leaderboards = luuuuuul

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Such lazy gameplay design by the Devs somehow there’s less content than the previous season. And no adding traps doesn’t count as ‘content’

Dungeon + Trap = Vault. This was in bad shape even if traps were not a death knell. There is no beef here. Its the same thing repackaged not with a different helltide color but with a different disguise of traps.

You wanted this to have a completely different feel. Maybe rooms rotate with a pillar interactible and have options and rarities for how the doors can roll. So you go in with your buffs and these are keys that let u reroll door rolls or something. Something truely different. Man that is a great idea I just had.

So you are building your own vault as you go and then maybe at end there is a way to judge it and get loot based on how well you did in some way.

They always hype up their own season, and they need to stop doing this. Rod is the biggest offender. I guarantee he doesn’t even play the game. Just tell me what’s in the season, stop using buzz words, and let me know what you have planned for the future. At best you’ll get some people interested in trying out your season, but at worst you’ll have people that try it, hate it, scream about it on the forums, and never trust your hype train again.

Although to be fair I hope people aren’t boarding the hype train after launch. The game still needs work, and it’s slowly getting there. We all knew S3 wouldn’t be anything special before the major changes coming in S4, but I doubt anyone could’ve predicted this much backlash. Maybe a little bit of backlash, but there’s a few disgruntled customers around here.

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he can stick up this season into malignant tunnel

Dr: We found a mass in your malignant tunnel.
Rod: Oh god is it serious?
Dr: Life threatening actually.
Rod: What is it?!
Dr: Season 3…
Rod: How long do I have?
Dr: 3 months at best