S3 feedback overwhelmingly negative

My minions are killing it. I played one minion build in S2 but it wasn’t as strong as this one. I’m killing butcher faster with my minions than I did with my Overpower Blood Surge build last season. My mobility is kind of garbage though, so maybe that’s why I’m having fun with the traps. They’re challenging but not too challenging.

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Blizzard thinks that just moving goal posts over and over compensates for absolutely TERRIBLE itemization and build choice/variety.

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Geezus krist it’s been one day. LMFAO.


Good suggestions, but it’s not enough. People will quit the season after 3 days. I suggest bringing back AoZ and just renaming to something more fitting for the ZK theme. Maybe reduce the cap of the glyph at 200 to something more achievable for casuals like 100. Could just re-skin the monsters from vampires to constructs and make a new boss instead of the bloodseekers.

I don’t like how we need to get to level 50 before anything interesting happens and 1 to 50 is very tedious


I will say that if you put an taunt stone in, the pet works properly. It doesn’t do much damage, but it actually holds agro for a while. All necro minions could benefit from this.

I’ve seen that…of all my friends maybe 3 or 4 are playing this season.
I uninstalled the game, but I was hoping to return When some endgame sorcerer build could have been found to be powerful enough for survival like ball lighting was.
too bad… Game will remain uninstalled.

Though I could give a F what some loser streamer says… I can agree with your three points here. More #2 then anything

Construct is beyond borring seasonal theme… feel like this d4 team doesn’t have a dam clue when it comes to fun and new concepts for this game. This season is literally a step backwords imo… they need a fresh set of eyes on this game the current team obviously failed miserably and i cannot express my disappointment enough as to whats become of my beloved diablo genre… hoping for the best here but preparing for the worst given the history thus far here in d4.

There are def other builds on a Sorc that can do end game. You seem to want them all broken like BL was.

not that broken, but buffed.
none of the actual sorcerer builds are good enough.
compared with other classes, they don’t do enough damage, cold downs are horrible and you get killed very easy. I wont pass thru that again.

Instead of general come up with a list of changes put it in the feedback section. “This league is the second or third league in a row that feels like I’m playing the previous league, but worse.” …" 3rd league in a row i quit in the first week" thats from people on POE. Its the same on every game forum lol. This season is not for you. Happens with me in POE as well move on wait till next season :slight_smile:

the nerf was 100% needed but in this case, they nerfed the hell out of it so it’s border line unplayable now: went from s++ to b- in one patch. now sorc has no s tier builds so you got what you wished for i guess.

p.s. thankfully barb is yet again the best class in the game with 5 s tier builds. and at least one of them is as strong or stronger than bl sorc was so woopee!


I have always played a barb in all D’s :slight_smile: Charge so fun. Its like Demon bowling. Barbs biggest challenge is getting leveled lol

I think this is the key here. I moved on and I am really happy. I played S2 to see if the game was better. It was decent. Still a long way to go.

Yeah, I’ll never understand the people who spend so much time investing into something that brings them so much misery.

EDIT: I will say I should move away from the forums. The lees too many people invested in the hate that it’s having a negative impact in my day. I’ll take my own advice and stick to non-trash threads. Lol

This game is years away from being playable.

It’s just a sad developmental cycle really, making the same stupid mistakes d3 made.

I mean the forums are hardly representative of the game population but most of the weirdos defending this abomination are those bizarre activision resilient consumers that believe activision games to be gods gift to the earth and damn anyone who speaks differently


are a lot of you hate playing this or what? Im still unlocking strongholds, lol.

“This game is years away from being playable.” Pure Hyperbole lol. Helps nothing.


Damn, that is heartbreaking.
Sorcerer was a good class because of ball lighting, It never was a good one from general standpoint, as they die quick, have low stamina and deal low damage despite being fragile.
That sad.
I wonder when Mister Adam Jackson and Mister Ferguson will understand that more damage means more fun?
when they will understand that creating a build and leveling, just to die in a nightmare dungeon where other classes easily beat is not fun?

game will remain unnistalled