S3 feedback overwhelmingly negative

Streamers, official forums, Twitter, Reddit, Tumblr etc. are all saying the same thing. This season is a downgrade compared to not only S2, but also S1. After playing for 20 hours, here’s my ideas for emergency fixes to salvage this season.

  1. Urgently redesign Arcane Tremors to be like Vamptides. More loot drops, “hunted” mechanic, more monster density and more XP.
  2. Remove Zoltun’s Warding mechanic and just let us loot chests at the end of Vaults. Dealing with Warding stacks is already exhausting and it hasn’t even been a day. A week or more and people will simply skip Vaults altogether.
  3. Reduce the Governing and Tuning stones grinds by 3x.

These seasonal mechanics simply can’t be left as they are if we want this season to have any longevity.


wudijo: “I think we need some hotfix… or new season”


Hardcore streamer = worst job ever LOL


You should just go play another game. Of 1,700 posts, 1,500 of them are derogatory. Clearly you don’t like the game so move on.


Agree some immediate changes are required but is anyone surprised the overall reaction RE Season 3 is negative?

It wouldn’t have mattered what the seasonal mechanic was at least 80% of people on these forums would have complained before evening downloading the patch :rofl:

IMO the seasonal story is good, the robot is a little meh and the Vaults could be good with some changes. Early feedback is that the season boss is very well designed.


bro wants to be level 100 with BiS gear in 20 hours, like in d3?


Story is the better than the other seasons.

Construct is kind of meh, not because it lacks function but mostly you can’t see what it’s doing most of the time. (Minion army killin’ it, but crowded screen). More to do this season than others.

I don’t understand the “traps are hard” or “it’s BS” posts though. Almost every trap room has several safe spots.


I almost feel like Boeing could do a better job…almost


dear lord this needs to be pinned to every post

I have not seen a single person say they are hard. Just that they are NOT FUN. They are literally the exact opposite of what players want in an ARPG. Slow, boring, tedious BS… which is literally what this game is becoming synonymous with. Was hoping for at least a week of enjoyment out of this season, but got about 45 minutes.


It’s a negative fanbase. Complainers gonna complain regardless


Playing for 20 hours straight of a mid-day release might have a little to do with it.


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Sounds like the boss might be the real highlight of this season.

Without some changes, this is probably going to be a finish the season journey and come back next season. Kind of like season 1.

The season 3 story is good, but the events and mechanics haven’t grabbed me this go around.

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I believe it’s what we call the sunken cost fallacy. He’s already invested too much into the game, so to leave it and enjoy something else wouldn’t make any sense to them. You see it a lot in MMORPG players too. Unwilling to move on from something you’ve spent so much time, energy and money into, even though it would be in your best interest to do so.

I feel sorry for these people. They’ll never be satisfied and always want more, but refuse to leave a bad investment behind. Not just from video games mind you.


Right. They’re “Hard” just like Lightning Storm in a NMD is “Hard” - get in bubble…wait…wait…one more second…ok now you may proceed.
I totally get where they were coming from but the whole ‘flow’ just feels off.

I just saw that vid.
The numbers people are coming up with for fully upgrading Runes - and since it’s RNG which you get, yep.
Have fun Leveling ALTS folks! Companion grind is real for them.

There’s def some issues. We’ll see.
wtg ignoring the hyperbolic replies btw. Don’t bother with them.


I think the team responsible for Season 1 & 3…and 5 down the line, should talk to the team who did Season 2 for some tips on what’s fun.


Can’t you say that about any type of challenge in any game if you aren’t blitzing and zoom zooming through it? If someone doesn’t like something ah just call it tedious… these Lilith walls… ah just tedious.

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Well, D4 is now 97 on the top 100 most played today on Steam with a peak of 13.773 and a current player number of 10.571.

D4 beat out Bloons TD 6, Albion Online, and Summoners War for this honor.

So, D4 has that going for it. At least today.

Diablo® IV
Bloons TD 6
Albion Online
Summoners War


Good thing Phase 2 of SoD is around the corner. Was weary when I saw the preview and man, this season sure feels like filler. Just a bunch of grindy tedious things to slow you down and make you play longer.