Ruins of Eridu nerfed, Whats next? Just gonna kill all fun in the game?

This right here, This is how i know this is a personal attack on the players rather then a balance to the dungeons.

If they cared about the players interests at all they would have buffed the rest of the dungeons rather than nerf the good ones.



its just a few lonely white trashmobs now. maybe 5? elites the whole dungeon. not even close to the density before and no more extra spawns.

There not really neefing dungeons…

It was to be expected that all dungeons are equal in a scaled environment.

It wouldn’t make sense to have like 100 dungeons and one or two provide substantially better rewards then the rest.

Either they would all be as dense as rotten demise ect or equally as bad but come on now.

It is nerfing when any dungeon that gives more than the bare minimum experience is drastically scaled back.

Diablo is all about dungeons! Dungeons are what made the entire series. They should be making them more worthwhile, not less.

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They are not surprised that they fixed them. They are surprised that they fixed them so soon! Also, they are surprised that they quickly fix stuff but haven’t added X, Y or whatever.

You are presuming that the intent was more density, more XP, more… whatever. What if that is not the case? What If high density, high XP was the broken thing.

Several people have suggested that the Dungeon timer needs to be longer. One person has even suggested that dungeons can only be done once a week (there are 120 dungeons, that is almost 20 dungeons a day). These people would not make these suggestions if they did not think that you are not supposed to gain massive amounts of XP from dungeons.

Xir there is something called alt/tab, and I’m here exactly because of morons like you, to ensure they don’t give Blizzard any ideas which might sh1t up the game. Unfortunately they have a track record of listening to clueless people (such as yourself) and that, in turn, will directly affect my enjoyment of the game. And we can’t have that.

If you don’t like D4’s design play something else.

“Enough said”.

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It can be both you retard.


Then they could fix the reset bypass instead. It’s not a 5 minute timer. They said it was a 1 minute timer. Log out and back in doesn’t take much time. I load in less than a minute. The grouping reset bypass is a feature, not an exploit. The developers said in beta that you could do it to reset the dungeon.

This is not why they nerfed the density. They nerfed the density because they don’t want people leveling fast. All they are going to do is drive away casuals in favor of the small amount of people that level fast. Only 6000 people are level 100. Less than 200 are HC level 100. Thats out of 10’s of millions of people.

Not everyone plays the game 10-20 hours a day. Not many people are going to stick around for seasons past season 1 if leveling is going to continue to be a slog and classes feel like crap until the mid stages of that slog.

I think 99% of players would be perfectly fine with once per day dungeons as long as density is high.

spoiler alert… There is no endgame.

You can just stop playing now and save yourself the surprise.

i dont understand why they remove mobs in a hack and slay its the most satisfying thing to blast a insane amount of enemies.just reduce the xp.its feels so bad to kill 20 mobs and run for the next what world would u take away the best part of the game instaed of fixing xp gains.this sucks hard

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Over 100 dungeons are pointless. Most of them are the same dungeon with a different aspect to grab the first time. They have the same events, same layouts, same checkpoint goals, even same bosses. There really are only a small handful of unique dungeons.

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From the last patch notes: " Developer Note: We are standardizing the density of elite monsters that spawn in dungeons to ensure that no particular dungeon is clearly more efficient to run through than others.

They want all the dungeon’s density to be basically the same so people arent just farming 1 dungeon.

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it does not need to be about doing the same thing over and over. make 5 dungeons a day SUPER dungeons and add mobs to them and great rewards for finishing them. there is a million things they could do in this to make us do more content.

this game is not hard its just boring and miserable…d2 was not boring or miserable


D2’s loot cycle is boring and miserable, D2 has BiS gear that drop so in frequently that people resorted to buying it with real money off the black market. That black market still exists as it exists for this game.

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Reading through some of these comments makes me go…?

To the people insulting others for WANTING to kill packs of mobs because they find it fun, and then call that fun an “exploit” you clearly never played an aRPG. The whole point of this genre is to kill a bunch of packs of mobs because it gives people dopamine. Diablo 2 and 3 HAD THAT. Diablo 3 was awful at first. It had the same “mob scarcity” problem as now until bliz was like: “well, I’ll just give you a rift then” So a bunch of demons spawn. And there, people were happy.

This is not just a small group of people who are not happy with these nerfs. So maybe, just maybe, the problem is you, and not us, who are not happy with the constant nerfs.

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Its right at the top of the forums in the pinned threads.

  1. I’ve seen some videos from wudijo claiming you only get an xp bonus from killing mobs that are up to 3 levels higher than you. So killing stuff in a nightmare dungeon with mobs over 10 levels higher than you gives the same xp and takes longer to kill. Not positive if true but he seems pretty knowledgeable.

  2. even if they still gave more bonus xp than killing stuff only 3 levels above you, it is still significantly faster xp and better loot gain to run one normal dungeon over and over again. The travel time between nightmare dungeons really adds up unless you’re chaining the same one several times.

  3. I’ve given up on the fast xp meta and am just enjoying being around level 83 right now while trying to push the highest nightmares (52 is the highest clear so far) I can for a challenge.