Ruins of Eridu nerfed, Whats next? Just gonna kill all fun in the game?

If it were more people then where are they? Here’s a fun fact, those who played WoW for any length of time in terms of expansions know what nerfing is like, yes it sucks but it’s a necessary part of maintaining an online game.

Reality is suck it up buttercup put your big boy undies on and deal with it, if that doesn’t suit you, go play pong. You can’t get mad at the world’s first video game because there is nothing to nerf.


i enjoyed d2s loot far more than d4 sometimes you got things that were actually special and felt good to have…sometimes you got something so inspiring you made a new toon to try it…I have not seen even 1 cool item in d4

Path of exile combat its well theres no combat… its a travesty of press one button xplode the screen, the combat its trash. Simple put.
But by the looks of it PoE 2 will be a bit better in this departament.
And you touch a point about the Diablo games.
WHo created the arpg genre Diablo 1 and 2 guys are not at blizzard, and thats why diablo 3 its one of the worst games of all time, and diablo 4 probably will die before seasson 1 start.


You don’t get set items dropping left and right, you don’t get uniques dropping left and right and you don’t really get blues or yellows dropping left and right.

That is the point here, you’re SUPPOSED to grind out gathering items not dumb it down for yourself to the point you’re diddling yourself because how bored you are.

People who rush max level and to get the best possible gear in the game are low IQ neigh braindead people who think the game is literally about being the best player ever. Go play call of duty or hell any battle royale game, fortnite will ruffle your jimmies if this kind of mentality exists in your pea sized brain.

No… they wont. Im playng a arpg not a walking simulator. Get out of here plz.

(post deleted by author)

I have been playing this new Diablo since the server slam and loved it, until they nerfed dungeons and elite packs to the ground… AND as a side effect I guess, hopefully unintended, they destroyed legendary drops, that drop the aspects we need to play our builds. I had to force myself to continue to play last night to test this. I have been playing way more than I should be, and now I am just not having fun. What is the point of nerfing Legendary drop rates? All they are is the Rare with an aspect, all my gear is Rares I have imprinted. The drops that make people Excited in Diablo 4 are the UNIQUES, and that is how it should be. The legendaries are just needed for the aspects, and when you are hoping for a specific one, they too can be exciting! I am sorry to say the fun factor has been Highly soured.

The dungeons have different objectives, and layouts, time to clear ect. There will always be THE optimal place to go no matter what you do Blizz. I have very much enjoyed all the dungeons, even the ones others stay clear of because they are beautiful and I am enjoying the gameplay and the such varied environments. Now I am being forced into doing things I didn’t need to as much before, like helltides, that I do enjoy once a day for upgrade mats, and world events that I don’t want to spam for Obols, that I did enjoy doing on my way to the next NM dungeon.

If they want to nerf something, nerf the barricades on the roads so those who have horses can travel the main roads without having to “deal” with the barricades on the road.


Everything to increase active time logged in.

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If it were more people then where are they?

Bro, have you seen the forums? same topic popping up left and right, do you even read the replies?

If you are enjoying the game so much, why are you here on the forums telling people to wear their “big boys undies”? Btw, I don’t wear underwear.

You can’t get mad at the world’s first video game because there is nothing to nerf.

You have no idea what the hell you are talking about. What ARE you even saying?


So you mean the same exact people raging over dungeons being nerfed because they don’t have a reason to abuse grouping mechanics to get 0930917380921738 points of xp in 3 seconds? Right Grow up. Vocal minority.

If you do not want nerfs go play games for the ps1 and back. Problem solved. Otherwise shut up and put up with the nerfs like everyone else.

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God forbid people complain about the product they pay for. You are just mad we are vocalizing complaints and you cannot, because you have blizzard’s phallus halfway down your throat.


Its just so odd. On one hand, they seem to be afraid of people farming higher density dungeons efficiently, while on the other, they allow groups to practically burn through every content there is to level 100 within hours.

IMO its very desirable to burn through masses of enemies in the lategame. My sorc is level 97 now and i still cant feel that power fantasy that i play ARPGs for. Its a very weird design decision to me.

God forbid people refuse to learn how to deal with things that come knocking on their door… oh wait… its 2023 where everyone has skin thinner than particles and get their undies so bunched up that they go full blown brain dead karen.

Right Grow up. Vocal minority.

Dude, if you have nothing constructive to say, then don’t reply to my crap. You add NOTHING to the conversation other than talk down and COMPLAIN about people not being happy. Follow your own advice and go have your fun with your big boy panties, and let people do and write whatever they want.

This is my last reply to you because, you have clearly made up your mind. Toddles

D3 exists, D3 is your power fantasy, go play that not this, have fun okay? Okay nice talk.

Dude, you can’t handle anything in your life can you? A fly lands near you and you probably scream at the top of your lungs because an insect exists near you.

Yes, deal with nerfs making the game less fun. They deal with it by quitting and playing better games. Like Diablo 2.

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You seem to be quite upset. Why does it bother you so much to read an opinion different than yours?

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