Rod Missed The Point on Diablo 3

It was brought up during the campfire “why doesn’t D4 have this when D3 did?” And Rod said, that’s a game that’s had 10 years of support. The point is, yes Diablo 3 had 10 years of support but why not use some of the systems that worked?? Greater Rifts I enjoyed and gave increased XP and loot and was an endgame progression. Why not keep that? If people don’t like it then take it out. Why take away the account wide paragon system that gave xp and movement speed buffs? Why take away anointed gear to help alts? Why take out the xp multiplier for chaining a bunch of kills together? All these things Diablo 3 had you would expect to make it into Diablo 4 in some form and get rid of the stuff that didn’t work.


Yeah, the argument is totally stupid. They should have made at least the Qol features from D3 baseline and build upon that. It feels like they made the game deliberately bad so they have some bones to toss us for the seasons and expansions.


imagine if new cars didnt have the features of the older ones.

“you’ll get the airbags later - that other car had much more engineering time lul”
“power windows? jesus give us some time it’s a brand new car!”


I see ppl on these forums say this too and its the dumbest take ever.

Yes it had 10 years of support, you can still work off that 10 years of support and impliment things into the game. Its not like “oh d3 had 10 years of support i guess we gotta wait 10 years for d4 too”

Bad bad bad take


Probably because D3 was poorly received and catered to a new audience rather than the existing one.


Each new game should not be a brand new start for a company that has past game experience

Its about learning from the past and applying it to whats being done now.

Unless, its seems, its D4, in which case, just ignore it, because its the past, and just go through the learning process again from scratch.

So ridiculous.


Because they know that you all will throw a giant temper tantrum if they tell you the truth, and nobody wants that, so it’s better for everybody to just give vague statements.

I think that really sums it up. What concerns me is they’re using this

‘woah guys, the game just released (AT FULL AAA PRICING WITH BATTLEPASS, COSMETIC STORE, ETC) give us a break here, are you honestly expecting us to have features a game 10 years ago did?’

as if that’s an excuse? get the heck outta here with that nonsense. The fact is, they knew they could get away with not having a ton of expected features because 1. it’s Diablo, it’ll sell regardless and 2. they figured they can just rely on seasons to give out new features and act as if they’re being generous when they give us features that should have been in the game from the start.


10 years to learn what players want and don’t want. D4 threw all that time invested into their community out the window and started over with garbage. And for what? Just so we can cheer when they release QoL updates that need to be purchased from their store?


They forgot that there is a “4” in the game name.


He came across as smug and arrogant to me. Several times he implied that it was the players that just didnt understand the game. This was a low point of the talk. Like D4 needs to start from scratch and cant build on the best features of the previous games. All of those QoL changes that took years to get they just left out of this one. Too much ego I think.


He has said things over the last few months that had to be corrected, it’s as if he does not know the game and he interrupts the others when they are talking. I also do not like that he always makes fun of Adam. Just let Joseph “Joe” Piepiora do the interviews.


What you need to hear:

D4 isn’t D3. It’s not going to be D3. D3 was a huge failure that got stitched back together with really terrible game design. Game design that was antithetical to the entire franchise as a whole. They don’t want that again. Most players don’t want that. We don’t want D3 again. But if they tell you that, then your chronically-online minority of extremely vocal whiners will throw fits, review bomb, etc.

So they’re not going to tell you that. It would be bad business to tell you that. But it’s the truth.


It’s because it was an active decision to start from the ground up. In one of the articles with devs in like WaPo they mentioned it. This is “vicarious vision games” that was merged into whats now called Blizzard Albany under Activisions aquisitions. At one point in the article, after the scandals broke, they mention fearing" did we go work for the enemy?!"

This isn’t even a sliver of the blizzard we knew. This is vicarious vision’s Lilith game. That article alone explains most of people complaints here btw. Should find and repost.

D3 have systems like Grifts and more that they copied in immortal easy as the mobile game have more to do than 4. They could copied more form immortal to 4 but the mobile game is first as it a endless cash cow for whales. So the ten years is bull.

D4 is just some dull Arpg that covered in mud and called it a day.


A lot of D4 lovers hated D3 and they don’t want it to become D3. Not being D3 has always been a big part of D4.


I’m sure the whole dev team is in a rough spot. Go one way and you come off as a wire fraud magnet. Another path and you create material and content for others to become the next youtube millionaire.

I’m sure many would have bought this if the title was just “Lilith” instead of being based off every title before. For those that didn’t live through the D3 auction house (these days streamers profit and promote/have more power than forums), years of make it up to the player base free for all seasons.

I enjoy parts of all of the games except for one experience. I became bedbound years ago and couldn’t sit at my computer desk and purchased a xbox x. I paid for the console version of D3 and joined 1 multiplayer lfg (random). At the end of that play time I had gained around 4k paragon and to this day I have yet to understand why my xbox D3 account surpassed 6+ years of off and on pc account in 1-2 days of play. With the way the afk party/semi afk party xp reward is in D4, I fear the community by the end of the summer.

To a select part of the community this is exactly the same base model with new car smell (like giving a pc guy all the computers in the office but without the hd’s because win10 and you were told everyone needs win 12).

Yep, its like they didn’t take any of the good aspects including the QoL from D3 sadly.


Well, he may be pointing to the fact that they had a deadline. He can’t really say that the shareholders forced them to release the game two years before it was ready. That’s kind of how I took the statement. They didn’t have time to implement all the systems they wanted to.

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Because they were absolutely horrible gameplay and boring beyond comprehension?

Could GRifts return in a better version? Of course. That basically is the purpose of NM dungeons, no matter if it succeeded at being better or not (it very much did, even if they have a ton of flaws of their own).

Same as above. A system with ZERO choices, as you just gained all the bonuses, and then spam +main stat forever after. Not to mention, an endless power system, destroying all attempts at balancing the game.

Hurting the experience of lvling up alts, when they are carried by endless paragon and gear from previous characters.

While I dont mind that system, the game already absurdly rewards AoE farming endless streams of enemies. Just look at how people are complaining that they might have to move for a second without seeing an enemy in D4. In that sense, it likely is for the better that there isnt an extra reward for chaining.
I wouldnt mind seeing it back in some alternative version though.

Most of the examples above specifically is getting rid of the stuff that didnt work.

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