Rod Missed The Point on Diablo 3

How about enhanced dungeon levels? Upon completing a dungeon there is a chance at times for a bonus level to open up with harder mobs that also give more experience and drop better loot more often?

The issue with D3 was that completely alienated its pre-existing playerbase. It wasn’t a game for the ones liking the loot hunt anymore but for the ones liking pushing the highest GR possible.

D3 became a very good game with RoS, but for a different audience.


The cookie monster is completely out of touch. Dude tries to make it seem like they produced a great product so they can sit back all fat and happy. They need to realize what they produced is trash and completely unacceptable.


Account wide paragon unlock would make leveling alts feel GREAT! Hit 50, unlock full paragon from your 100 main, and CRUISE to level 100

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D2R is by far Blizzard North most successful Arpg, and for good reason, I do suggest you look up some videos on the gameplay and loop, it’s not for everyone for sure but no game pleases all, It is newbie friendly until you get to Hell mode, if i may suggest wait for a sale Ive seen D2R go for 20 bucks so perhaps waiting for it would be your best course of action.


they really shot themselves in the foot with that argument, d3 has 10 years of development sure but they couldn’t even consider implementing the best features to their next product

it’s like they forgot d3 existed when developing the game


Unfortunately, you can’t just copy and paste the code from one game into another. The ideas can be reused, but they need to be redeveloped from scratch. Even then, they’ll often have to make compromises based on the systems in the new game.

Making car manufacturing analogies for software development makes my eyes roll into the back of my head.

D3 doesn’t have 10 years of dev though. The evergreen version of the game is basically the same thing as when they introduced rifts. They didn’t do anything to improve the genre over the last decade. Their competitors with much smaller resources did though.

I’ve never heard this stated better.

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Exactly this! Couldn’t have said better myself.

I mean, it’s not like we paid $70-100 for the game right? lol


LMAO this is so true and made me laugh. It’s nice to have a sense of humor when faced with disappointment, so cheers for that! :rofl:


lol too perfect


Regardless of how D3 fit into the brand, it had some features that would be very welcome here.

Saying “we can’t have that, it was in D3!” is like cutting off your nose to spite your face.

protip: Any time a game ever announces that it’ll have seasons, this is what you can expect. The entire purpose of seasons is to extend the profitable lifespan of a game with a minimum of expense.


Hence why what you said isn’t here in Diablo 4. Do you really believe Diablo 3 is perfect with perfects systems? Hell no, there’s very good reasons why D3 is seen has the worst Diablo game after Immortal.

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I could swear it’s the same people working on this game as on D3. They copied a lot from D3 just unfortunately none of the good stuff.

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Thank you.
I’ve been trying to say this as well. It’s such a complicit state of mind void of any critical thought.
The amount of XP and money and time this studio has had when it comes to this series/genre is unparalleled to any other.


Because it took no time to level, even without a carry. Then you just held down the right mouse button to seasonal completion. It was excruciatingly mind-numbing, disengaging gameplay.

I agree, when I heard that argument I really didn’t understand his point. Is he saying they can’t reuse old features of the old game while developing this one? Perhaps he should have phrased it differently. Maybe it was about time constraints.

Another perspective is once you design a new game, you don’t necessarily just look back at your old games and copy that. You tend to want to do something new and try to create new systems that could be better. Perhaps there wasn’t enough time for the team to iterate and improve their initial designs?

Either way, it was an odd comment for him to make. You could easily take it the wrong way.

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Well… obstinacy and pride are a thing in regards to ones own creations and vision.
Not saying he/they are, but even in small quantities it can have an effect varying from small to large degrees.
Some people insist on reinventing the wheel as well.
They’ll make wheels out of different shapes until they finally decide that a nice round one works best, but then, when all the trial and mostly error is over with, they’ll tell themselves they made it BETTER!

Idk…It feels like D4 has its own identity for the most part.
Some D1 & D2 vibe, some D3.
Frankly, in this day and age, I don’t quite know how anyone could possibly be truly innovative and groundbreaking.
Everything is a reiteration and rehash of before. Nothing is really new anymore. Just reskins. Redundancies.

I hope for some tried and true QOL that worked in previous titles to make its way here - even ideas and systems from OTHER games.
Use. What. Works. For the Customer - the Player.

But as has been said many times in this thread:
It will likely be trickled down through “$Content Releases$” and to a lesser extent through patches & updates.
We all have a bare bones product right now. Don’t be shocked by this.
This is the way of the industry and it’s been like that for a very long time.

Sell you the minimum product - wait for feedback - be Everyone’s Hero and “Fix It”.
Problem. Limited content, poor QOL, vague blah blah by DESIGN.
Reaction. They like it? Cool. We go no further. Outcry? We gotchu…
Solution. New patches and paid content “Look how much We Listen and Care!”

It’s all there and it’s, for the most part, all been long since mapped out and designed.
To think they’re going to put all hands on deck to put out a fire that doesn’t exist is 100% delusional.
Everything is on a timeline and waiting to be released with only MINOR adjustments.
The day is young, the game is “New” - but it really isn’t.


While other games are coping their games and getting closer and closer to their completed game.