đŸ’„ RIP all classes, everyone got mega nerfed

So like every other class pretty much?


I read the patch notes, odd changes but what do you mean nerfs? I saw a crap ton of damage increases. Damage increase means less defense needed.

Someone explain?

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Scroll down to the bottom LULW

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The best part is that all these item stat nerfs / shifts won’t change any builds. They will just make us need to find new gear potentially.

Their logic for nerfing things like CDR because it felt mandatory makes sense in theory. But it will either still feel mandatory if it’s good enough, or people will move to the next best thing, like cost reduction or something, and that will feel mandatory.

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I did. Still not seeing the so called catastrophic nerfs you are.

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The most confusing thing is they nerfed stat bonuses on weapons. They were already not very impressive to begin with. Increasing stats in general isn’t very impressive and makes the paragon board feel a little flat. It’s odd.


LUL you think these changes don’t nerf builds.

You are so oblivious to how bad they are LUL.

I mean, I basically couldn’t be killed, so yeah
 I expected the nerfs.


I’m sorry but you obviously have no idea how people were beating Uber Lilith and 80+ NMs if you think there are no nerfs here.


I just
 truly cannot understand why they would take more armor away from sorcs when the class struggles so much with survivability. So now we die even easier AND critical and vulnerable are lessened a lot
 I just don’t understand the reasoning.


Barbarian got nerfed the worst, for sure. Followed closely by Sorc. -30% in cooldown reduction effectiveness is absolutely gutting to these classes.


These patch notes nerfed my excitement to play season 1


“To chase this goal, we’re shifting power to many offensive Affixes from defensive Affixes. We know this will make our end game content more deadly, particularly for those chasing our pinnacle boss, an encounter not meant for the faint of heart.”

Did anyone here ever have the thought of “Wow, these monsters sure aren’t killing me enough.” or even, “Wow, these monsters are way too balanced.” I had a hardcore character killed recently in two hits while trying to get an altar from a stronghold. Does this game really need LESS defense?


Thus the “someone explain”

Or did you miss that part?

CDR nerfs gut every class bro.


I consider this patch the first nail in the coffin of the game, they went too far with some of the nerfs and this will have pretty huge ramifications for S1, this will lead to people quitting I’m sure of it.


Yeah I have really tried to stay positive, but this is just depressing.


On the positive side, this team is staying true to their word of “killing the fun” right
right? cries internally


They buffed everything for me.

Could you be more specific? Every notes regarding Minions Screams buff