šŸ’„ RIP all classes, everyone got mega nerfed

Yikes. I missed that in my first read through.

This is my life.

The dev team must have learning difficulties.

Guys I think I discovered the solution. Iā€™m going to reroll every time I get a character to 50. Got no time for one shots and minions still sucking.

Hell, maybe Iā€™ll do 60. Weā€™ll see. Whenever I hit the stumbling block Iā€™m gonna reroll though. Iā€™m dead serious, I donā€™t need the later parts of the game right now.

I mean itā€™s all just a loop anyway, right?


oh noes, nerfs. we cant just slap our balls on the keyboard and instakill everything anymore. I HAVE TO PUT FORTH EFFORT OMFG BLIZZ YOU SUCK!!



True, but Barb and Sorc are essentially useless outside of their cooldowns. Like they literally canā€™t even engage a pack in higher tier content until their shouts / defensives are up. Now theyā€™re just going to be standing around even longer than before.


as soon as i saw the disobediance nerf and the 20% to all armor nerf i no longer felt excited to try out a few nightmares. started up a diff game and ill wait for a few friends to get on so we can all get rekt together.


There is a bigger issue. We need to find ShakoGate 3.0. A substantial patch with many loot bugs?


Yeah, just uninstalled the game. The general nerfs do more to destroy every possible build than to open up more build diversity.

  • Reducing affixes that are limited to only a few item slots like CDR make the gameplay even slower as you will be waiting on cooldowns even longer now. It does nothing to reduce the requirement of these affixes.
  • They increased the likelihood of completely useless affixes to show up on gear. Making loot drops even less likely to be something worthwhile.
  • They basically removed sustain from rogue and druids while also reducing availability of DR through armor and DR affixes on gear. Iā€™m not sure how melee classes are even supposed to survive at this point
  • The reduction of crit and vulnerable damage will reduce every builds overall damage by roughly half. Good luck clearing high level NMs now

I really canā€™t believe this is what we get going into season 1.


100% - RiP Barbsā€¦along with ever other class lol. excited for S1ā€¦

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I was semi-looking forward to S1 (the season mechanic isnā€™t particularly thrilling, was just gonna go for cosmetics and then back to eternal) but honestly they nerfed my desire to play. I play Sorc and along with large damage nerfs now any survivability I could muster is also nerfed. That, along with the huge CDR nerf has really just twisted the dagger through the heart of fun.

Iā€™m on the fence about even playing S1 now. Should I use my accelerated battle pass now just to use it and get it over with in case the game never gets better, or save it in the hope there is a possibility of a better time for the game in the future? :\


You mean firing up a hardcore sorc and playing for 60 hours only to get one shot by a an evil tree you didnt notice isnā€™t enticing to you?


Thereā€™s some nerfs, but thereā€™s a tons of buffs as well.
Itā€™s quite balanced I think.
The most interesting part is the monster leveling, there will be -5 ranks below after a while, so anyway, you will be more powerful, even with some nerfs.


A significant set of players like their eternal characters and playing on the eternal realm.


Jesus christ what a patch lmaooo

What do you play?

Iā€™m not seeing much in the way of buffs for anything that I was playing. Kind of looks like Iā€™ll need to adjust half my current build and Iā€™m still going to end up worse in the end.

At least Iā€™ll be rolling a new character to start over again I guess. Big fat nerf patch with very few bright spots feels like a pretty bad way to start a season.


The whole reason that I was able to defeat Elias and get to T4 was that I changed my build to support vulnerable. So that has been nerfed but the other builds havenā€™t been buffed.


Alas, a month and a half is far too short a time to game among such excellent and admirable gamers. I donā€™t know half of you half as well as I should like, and I like less than half of you half as well as you deserve.I regret to announce ā€” this is The End. I am going now. I bid you all a very fond farewell.


I wonder if this will apply to strongholds as well. I donā€™t like that they are always 2 levels above you.

you are from another planet

i have no earthly idea how you can come to that conclusion

unless you are trolling oozing sarcasm


Season theme will compensate for the nerfs but RIP nonseason.