đŸ’„ RIP all classes, everyone got mega nerfed

Yeah, I tried a rogue after playing a necro, and I noticed my sweat levels increased like 200% in order to survive.


Every class will say they got nerfed the most, just like it’s always been. People are just bad at the game and blame blizz


the problem is they nerfed even defense a lot, wait to see now one-shot to players everywere - rip hard core mode.


as a HOTA barb - who prioritized vuln/close/CSD dmg on my gear - and a tank who took advantage of aspect of disobedience - this was a very bad day for hota barbs

i think it’s time to find another gaming past time -

i just read through all the notes and all i see is nerfs, very very very very minimal buffs

one of my buddies asked “Instead of nerfing, why not buff the other stats/skills?”

my reply, “quicker/easier to nerf 1 thing, than buff 150 and because bliz is lazy, don’t do things the right way and are incompetent”

long history in WOW and Diablo - are proof of that, they have a “exploit” right now in Wow where the evoker en mass in a raid can basically make bosses die in 30 seconds - no one at Bliz even thought about how players might game that advantage, smh


Nerfs in all the places that allowed for at least ‘some’ fun for certain classes. Buffs in all the places no one cares about.

The one shot endgame is already rediculous and practically unplayable without a cheese/busted build that will get fixed eventually. This patch made it even worse and “fixed” almost all the previous busted builds.

This is obviously not the game for me at this point.


Yeah they nerfed the most used defensive aspect LUL.

RIP disobedience.


It is a good change for the games health long term. I mean we were pre season with millions of damage already. They needed to nerf all the multipliers.


I mean that’s everyone.

Back to playing Last Epoch.


this is why im pissed - i have 9520 armor in my build w/o factoring in disob and elixirs - i might play enough just to see how dif it is - but they already nerfed my dmg (hota) now they nerfed our survivability/tankiness - what’s the point of the tanking barb then? not to exist i guess

Incoming knights!

Omg the game is so fun, I can’t believe y’all are complaining, you should all leave right now! Get off my lawnnnn!

Dev: Sir they’re complaining that one class is OP over another.
Dev Lead: Nerf them all


HAHA i saw the many useless changes to rogue except the siphoning strikes 
 was like oh
 the one thing to keep a squishy rogue alive a lil longer
 now requires 75% lucky chance as well as being random anyway
 cool cool cool


Zero QoL improvements
 at all

Nice going


I do agree, the ultimate goal is to make as many builds as viable as possible so people dont have to rely on third party websites to tell them how to play the game. This is ultimately what I want to see.

However, if you nerf bat the things people are using to survive the endgame, I could see that being a huge problem if people don’t have viable replacements. Hardcore will be a lot scarier now.


So to make all builds viable they made all builds suck.


thats one way to get people to play seasons

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i stopped playing my end game rogue (fully geared with 4/4 bis gear) because i was so annoyed at dying from 1 shots from things off my screen i couldnt even see to avoid - they just made it even more laughable -

i got annoyed at getting 1 shot in NMD 50s-70s ; i expected it in 100, but not those
 my barb could take multiple hits in NMD 100 - operative would - “COULD” - i bet he can’t now and of course he’ll be hitting with his pillow now
 i mean hammer


It would appear that is the strategy. I guess they are planning more buffs in whatever the next patch is when the smoke clears? In the mean time people might be struggling. The game was already pretty hard.


Yeah make everything equally bad, instead of equally good.


i think is beter to leave this game