Ring of Mendeln is bugged

The Proc will empower the minions just fine if you use anything but corpse explosion or army of the dead.
even tho corpse explosion and army of the dead both have lucky hit chance.
i cannot seem to proc the effect from the CE dot or regular CE or Army of the dead.

for reference my army of the dead has a tooltip lucky hit % of 77 and corpse explosion DOT is at 44% but neither DOT nor regular work.

other skills work. and can proc the empower because then mobs start to actually die rather rapidly

I posted earlier about some of my lucky hit: heal on hit being bugged as well, and I think it might just be because of corpse explosion as that’s my only dps ability I spam. So blighted corpse explosion must just not trigger lucky hit for many effects.

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are you manual casting or using explosive mist aspect by chance?

I’ve been wondering if explosive mist’s 5 CE autocasts have reduced effect for the lucky hit, it’s something I’ve suspected but never confirmed or denied, it’s so hard to tell with so many numbers on the screen.

i actually did both, and it never procc’d.
manually casting and using the unique scythe consuming up to 5.

I can’t get blighted corpse explosion to proc the ring either. It’s the only damage skill I enjoy for reasons, so I think I’m done with necro until it’s fixed or we are told it isn’t getting fixed.

Here’s hoping they fix the dozens of necro and bugs in the first big patch.

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What a ****show lol. Clown company. Over 8 years in development and a $70-100 price point, and it is full of broken abilities, broken gear, bugged dungeons and mechanics… The real modern day Blizzard quality.


You don’t understand lucky hit at all. Army has a high lucky hit but that is for the entire ult. It’s not per hit of the ult.

You need to use skills with higher lucky hit per hit. Minions can proc it, like reapers.

Bone spear has crazy high lucky hit as well.

Pick a spell that has good lucky hit.

Youve obviously never tested this yourself. Show a clip of your minion procing this ring and i’ll venmo you 1k dollars.


Bro he’s talking about the lucky hit of army which is <70% PER USE like it’s good. He is clueless.

You will be lucky to get 1 proc for the entire ult. That is how bad army lucky hit is.

On the other hand, bone spear is 50% chance PER HIT.

Learn how lucky hit works if you want to rely on it.

You literally said your minions can proc it. So show proof of that or s t f u.


Go use reapers with decripfy and army and watch the army CD drop like a rock while they hit things.

You can test it, it’s not hard.

I know they can proc the decrepify talents with minions. I use it that exact setup myself. Thanks for showcasing youve never actually tested the mendeln ring though. The best thing about these forums is people who dont actually test things themselves form an opinion about how it actually works.


MULTIPLE PEOPLE have said the ring procs. It is just a lucky hit proc so of course it works.


This isn’t rocket science.

Minions cant proc it. Corpse explosion cant proc it. Feel free to prove me wrong.


Multiple people have said you are wrong. I don’t need to prove it to you.

Read this please and go away

People have said the ring procs. Nobody has said they specifically procced it with minions or from corpse explosion. In fact i’ve only seen people mention those things cant proc it. I’ve tested myself and can attest. The funny thing is I know you dont even play enough to test yourself because you dont have the ring. You’d literally be the only person on D4 to showcase a minion proccing the ring yet you wont do it.

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That’s how i know you have no idea what you are talking about. You keep mentioning other people because you havent done any testing yourself.


They did in the thread I linked.

The one you didn’t read.

Stop replying to me. You won’t change my stance on this because I know I’m right and you are wrong.

You can go to bed now.

Ya goodluck on your quest to even get the ring chump.

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I’m just gonna say how I think it works and why I believe you’re on a different page, because you’re operating off an assumption that I think is incorrect.

Basically there’s LHApply % and LHProc %

Apply% is basically what you’re using to trigger the LH, so Bone Spear is 59%, CE is 47%, Tendrils is 24% using my stats. I do believe minions have an Apply% and it probably does vary.

Proc% is what you’re trying to proc, so mendeln is 10%, Hewd Flesh is 12%, Decrep is 10% to stun, 15% to CD reduce, and whatever other Lucky hits on your gear has it’s own %.

Now the question is what Proc’s are even applied to your minions, and this is where I think the issue is in our understanding, because I believe that minions don’t access our gears Procs, I think those only apply to the necro himself, whether that’s a bug or not is debatable, whether it’s even true or not idk, but my testing has suggested it is true.

However Decrep puts a debuff on an enemy, it isn’t just attached to our character directly like Proc’s on our gear is, and the debuff on the enemy GRANTS anyone that hits the enemy a Proc chance, aka, it also grants it to minions, and assuming the minions have an Apply%, they can then use it to proc decreps Proc’s. I don’t know if they can proc Hewd Flesh or not, but considering that Decrep aura Proc% is a mere 15% and it procs constantly like we all know how fast that procs with minions attacking it, then it’s safe to assume that if Mendeln could proc from minions, and it being 10%, it would be up literally 24/7, and it’s not. It’s objectively true that it doesn’t proc constantly from minions, anyone can see that, and it doesn’t matter what minions you use, it just doesn’t.

As for BCE proccing mendeln, i do think it does proc it, but it often feels like it’s not proccing as often as I would expect, expecially when doing Explosive Mist to cast 5 BCE’s, for some reason I feel like that should mathematically proc like once per mist cast if fighting 4 or more enemies, and that’s also just not how it works. For manual casts, it may work as intended, again I’m not sure. I’m not even sure if AoE does indeed multiply the amount of lucky hit chances we get, but this is one of those things where I’m just open about what I do and don’t know, and I don’t know that.

So yeah, I think you just assumed gear obviously applies to your minions and its only a question if they have Lucky hit apply rate or not, which they do when you look at decrep. I think that was where you went wrong with your assumptions.

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