I don’t care what you think since you are wrong.
Im seeing the ring proc now, if its the big maroon swirl
please for the love of god seek help instead of insulting people this regularly
Saying someone is wrong is not insulting them. What you said is insulting. I can see how you are confused.
i think you are generally correct. but having like 66~% lucky hit on CE or BCE cant proc it once on an entire bossfight of constantly detonating corpses one by one. this feels wrong.
I’ve stacked every slot with lucky hit and while skills like bonespear just seem to proc it every odd cast, both corpse explosions have “never” seem to work.
they do work with cooldownreduction from decerpify tho.
You don’t understand lucky hit.
CE is lucky hit per use. You have less than 50% to proc 1 lucky hit per entire CE use.
If you look at blight, it is also PER USE. So you have less than 50% to proc 1 lucky hit per ENTIRE blight pool duration.
You are using crap spells to trigger lucky hit and wondering why it doesn’t work.
Corpse tendrils is 20% per hit which is astronomically higher chance.
Bone spear is 50% per hit which is even higher.
I believe the shadowblight key passive (bottom of tree) increases lucky hit of blight and you need it for blight to work. I think that is what people are saying. It applies shadow damage a lot of times.
i cast CE in a bossfight upwards of 100 times. i think i understand pretty good of how it does not proc mendeln as often as it should
Then you are clueless because only 9 count at a time (of the blight pool).
You only have 50 chances to proc the lucky hit out of 100 casts (if you are very lucky).
That is horrible.
Then on top of that the ring only procs a % of those.
You need 100s or 1000s of chances to proc.
its regular CE. its hat 6.6% chance to proc. bonespear has 7.6%. its has 10%higher.
how does CE never proc mendeln but bonespear every other cast?
thats not right.
CE baseline proc chances is 40% bud.
Bonespear is 50% PER HIT. Even the shards count. Bonespear pierces so hits MANY times per cast LUL.
regular CE with my gear has
61% regular 10%of the times → 6.1% per cast
BCE with my gear has
61% regular 10%of the times → 6.1% per cast
Bonespear with my gear has
76% regular 10%of the times → 7.6% per cast
agaist bosses, 1 target.
bonespear can what CE can’T
i can spam CE the whole fight
against normal enemy hordes
bonespear 1 cast always
CE (both)never
Bonespear hits MANY TIMES PER cast bro.
The more monsters the better bonespear is at proccing lucky hit.
Do I need to draw you a picture?
yes because you dont read. you always skip the part where i say CE doesnt proc even if i spamcast it entire fights.
like only ever use it for entire dungeons. it does not proc. its not proccing less frequently, it does not proc from CE.
give me a youtube or twitch and show me how you got it working
it works with bonespear okay i have read that many times., i even say it works
i know why it works
read the CE part and dont just ignore it
i dont ignore it, you are just wrong yadda yadda
CE is bugged for mondeln
Because it has horrible lucky hit.
Bone spear has SHARDS which return and hit at least 3 times more sometimes 5 times more per cast even on 1 target.
Also the shadowblight key passive changes how blight works and how it applies damage which makes it proc more.
I already explained this.
You don’t know how your class works which is why you are confused.
CE is aoe and can target the same # of mobs as corpse tendrils
how come it doesnt work in large bigger fights?
shadow blight cant proc from regular CE
It doesn’t matter how many mobs CE hits. It’s proc chance is PER USE.
It’s awful for proccing the ring without shadowblight key passive and blighted CE.
now that is wrong. ce is per target as any other skills are per target
No it isn’t. It’s lucky hit is PER USE.
Go to D4builds.gg and read the tooltip.
use it in conjunction with decrep cdr and see it is not per cast but per enemy affected
It isn’t. It’s per cast.
Just tested it.