Reset dungeon button gone!

It could be, but they need to change their tune if so. We pay and play, they provide the entertainment. I’m just saying to them - go with the flow this time.

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As far as I’m aware, we haven’t heard the dev feedback for this yet. I honestly hope they stick to their guns though, mainly because I don’t want the meta to be “run dungeon X on repeat until your eyes bleed”, which is pretty much what happened in the open beta. Generally speaking, reducing monotony prolongs the life of a game.

That being said, they definitely need to ensure that there aren’t loopholes via group play. And it needs to be clear how/when a dungeon will reset. E.g. does it reset when you leave after having killed the final boss? If you don’t kill the final boss, does it reset 2 hours after it was generated? etc…

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I guess we’re all hoping they elaborate on this very soon and in detail because atm we know jack s*#$ and I hate the suspense :confounded:

Oh no! You’ll have to play some of the other 99.9% of the game instead of this 0.1% a second time this hour

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Casual fans mindlessly defending boneheaded decisions. Shocking.

No one is defending this though , this will affect a solid portion of the player base aka solo players

They did this in WoW, it sucked there, it will suck here.

Games are about doing what you find fun, not what the developers or others deem to be the fun you should be having.

Well if this sucks think of something people won’t exploit, I’ll be waiting [stares in the Invincible mount drop]

Every bug will be exploited. Exploit early, Exploit Often. It is the Blizzard way.

Of course but this being a fully online game I doubt there will be exploits like in Elden Ring for example

Bud, just this season in D3 they had a massive exploit. WoW has been riddled with exploits over the years. Did you forget the /s?

No but I like to think D4 is nothing like D3 when it come to dev work :crossed_fingers:t2:

So head in sand it is. Got it.

Ni , that’s called optimism give it a shot when yoh get bored of being negative :man_shrugging:t2: Frankly if my head is in the sand … we’re both here , we both pre-ordered … funny how that works right ?

I would, if Blizzard didn’t have a two decade precident of letting bots and hacking be a free for all in their games. They literally have an ACTIVE EXPLOIT going on in D3, and you want to be optimistic? An exploit that has been used a few times before and they re-introduced it each time with a new seasonal patch. This is the garbage code they make, and I am supposed to remain positive that they won’t do the exact same thing to this game. Right…

They should hire the PoE devs that managed to keep bots out of their free to play game, they could do it … investors aren’t gamers !

Your talk its solved by designers dont be lazy and put targeted affix/aspect farm; DONE BOOM.
But lazy devs will be lazy.

Devs are never lazy they just hat have to get smart to save INVESTORS $$$ and meet dead lines otherwise they’re gone , can we all stop blaming devs for once ffs ??? The people resposible for short comings and advanced bull crap are Activison and investors… devs are like clerks at the super store doing what the bosses tell them to do and they work way more hours than yo can ever think of … this goes out to the entire forum … chances are if you were a dev you’d quit after 40h LOL suck it and deal with it you normies !

Did you forget the /s again? Their whole trade system relies on bots. There are scam bots, currency bots, trade bots, crafting bots, chaos recipe farming bots. The game is riddled with bots, why do you think divines are 300+ chaos?

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I’m guessing you know a lot more about PoE than I do , I’m not a huge fan tbh :man_shrugging:t2: but the more you know :beers: