Requirement to have a SDD?

So I disconnect every time I teleport anywhere, no matter the situation.

I got a response to a ticket I submitted today. The GM told me that since I am running a HDD that is the cause of the crashes. Apparantly if we do not teleport fast enough then the game will crash. They suggested that I change to a SSD, since that is a requirement for the game.


Yes, you should be running an SSD for your system at this point. Now. Whether this will fix the disconnection on teleporting is not certain. Meaning there are people having that problem even with SSDs. However, that will certainly be a point of causing delays in things loading enough that it might be responsible too. So:

Load times are going to cause issues from a HDD. And the speed difference is so huge it isn’t funny.

Look at it this way:

HDDs - At their best, they can move data at a max of 120-150MB per second. Faster if you have a RAID, but not much faster.

SSD (SATA) - These hook to the same connectors the HDDs use, but can range in speed from 200-500+MB per second. Some are rated for 600, but its rare for everything to align to make that speed happen. They also have a slot variant that looks like the next entry, but is still considered a SATA based version.

SSD (NVME) - These are the current beasts you want to run. These have speeds of under 2000MB per second, to speeds that can run up to near 7500MB per second on PCIe X4 lane hardware. With the new X5 lane tech, supposedly speeds of over 15,000MB.

Next is whether or not your system supports the NVME style of drives. And prices are dirt cheap on SSDs right now. Now if your system doesn’t have any support for these drives, you have a couple of options:

One. Opt for a PCIe card installation of a drive board that you can mount one on, or
Two. Get a SATA SSD instead, and deal with a slower drive. However it should be fast enough for the game to play better and it certainly is faster than a HDD.

But yeah. Its no joke, running this game (many recent titles) on anything other than a SSD is going to cause you some problems, not the least of which, load delays and stutters when traversing the map.

Good luck. Need some hardware suggestions, then post with your system details. Brand and model of motherboard if its a desktop, or brand and model of laptop if its that.

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What are your thoughts on an external SSD. I read pretty decent reviews on them and looks convenient.

While it might work, you may as well just get a high speed USB stick. 128GB should do the trick:

Speeds are up to 400MBPS.

Or you can go this option, but only if you have a USB C port:

This has speeds of up to 1050MBPS. But again, you need a C port to gain the advantage of that. Or more appropriately, USB 3.1/3.2 for higher speeds. Otherwise with an adapter it will be about the same as the USB stick. But its a 1TB drive.

Note: We do not support external drives. USB/External SSDs are only as fast as the USB port you connect them to. USB resources can be split with other devices, which may not always provide a stable speed during play. We only support internal SSDs; external would be at your own risk.

Funny, I didn’t even realize an SSD is a requirement for the game (I know it is for B3). I’m running it from a HD and have never dropped on a teleport. Only issues were the drops early in the release, and even those were few.

Keep in mind, I was answering their question about external options. I really don’t recommend an external device to run the game from as an optimal solution, but perhaps as a temporary one.

Not to mention, they are having the disconnect on teleport that many people have been experiencing, so the drive performance may or may not have any bearing on the actual problem.

We are guessing here. But just wanted to clarify.


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It’s fairly easy to install a Pcie SSD card if you have an open slot, I had to do it on an older PC and other than Windows 10 buggy state about forgetting anything except the C: drive it works fine.

DTMAce No worries, you do amazing work! Thank you for the clarification! I agree with the order of operation here we need to ensure we meet system requirements first, which means using an SSD. Working with players directly, I’ve resolved a few of these issues that way.

We did have some performance issues when the game launched that added to these teleporting disconnects, which have been resolved. Not seeing any outstanding current known bugs that would cause this currently.

After you meet system requirements if the issue were to continue the next step would be connection troubleshooting Here.


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Not sure if it helps, but the disconnect on teleport has been more… apparent in the past couple weeks. There have been a few threads about it, including this one:

-Im freaking getting tired of this mini disconnection ON TELEPORT

It should be noted, that a few have been resolved as issues with system performance, but overall, I have noticed the hike in this over the past few weeks. The complaints about it have been less lately, but that may be due in part to frustration, as I have not heard anyone say it stopped.

My theory is, that during teleport, there may be a lower window of time where the game may detect a disconnection or hiccup in the network more than other times during game play. This could be an anomaly of some sort that was introduced with one of the recent patches.

Anyway, its a theory, I’m not a programmer, just observing and trying to find commonalities.

This could be fairly easy, but at this point I would need to know what kind of system they have before I would definitively say that. Preferably, I would rather have the option with a NVME slot on the board, or just go with a SATA based SSD if they didn’t. Its still better than a HDD.

Game on.

Trust me, SSD doesn’t stop the crashes. I’ve got 2 Samsung EVO+ 980 NVME M.2 drives in in raid-0 and I still have complete computer lockups within 5 minutes of attempting to play this overpriced trash.

Well, not everyone crashes for the same reason either.

Some have fixed issues by upgrading their drive. Others like yourself just haven’t discovered the actual culprit, though blaming the game is a lot easier I’m sure.


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