Refund declined

Don’t worry, they will soon have refunds available in their shop for only 100$, that is high value… will sell like candy.

Nasser, to clarify a point, we don’t legally own anything in the game. Most all games with EULA stipulate that the parent company (Blizz in this case obviously) own every 1 and 0 in the code. We are only paying to be allowed to rent that code. We only OWN a license to access it. They retain all rights to modify all content, or cease to allow us access by banning accounts or terminating service in any way.

That said, the nerfs were heavy handed, and for MY character that I’ve devoted hundreds of hours to craft… It was mindblowingly disenchanting. They basically nerfed the thing I loved most about the character to near oblivion. They also launched this dumpster patch of nerfs practically on the heels of saying “time for buffs”, which felt like having my face spat in. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


You literally just created this account less than 24 hours ago… :roll_eyes:

Developing the game? This was a good joke. Sadly you were serious which is a common case of the shills.

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damn man this is the reply of the year, polite, understanding person i love u man, imagine having 10mil person like u, world will be peaceful place <3 for real not jk i gave u a like.

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Please contact a lawyer about this legal claim and report back to us

70 dollars for any game is considered a major investment when any other title is listed for under 60. show us again that youre another useful idiot for predatory game companies

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Thanks for ur money. Now move on

Far from it I just enjoy the game and I don’t cry about every little thing that doesn’t get handed to me. I don’t mind working for things it’s the whole point of playing the game it should be a cake walk. And they have done great in the past with games and this one will be no different for them.

Your 70-dollar rental is over, and $ea$on$ start today.

Maybe reading the TOS would help clear this up for you. You can’t just play a game for a month straight then want your money back lol.

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Mine is likely to be declined as well, but the good thing is, this company is dead for me. I can now move on and play games I actually enjoy, instead of a game with a name so misleading that I thought it might be good

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It’s a live service game, you are supposed to play for years, it’s completely acceptable to get a refund for under a month of playtime

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i do believe you are missing the point of everyone’s criticism of the game

PayPal do be honoring them refunds guys… skip all this noise, uninstall & hit up paypal

IKR. Millions bought the game. Thousands on the forum. That’s 0.1% of players on the forums. So people come looking for answers after a big todo and they read the horsesht and make their first post. Doesn’t mean they work for Blizzard, just mean they finally have concerns and just played the game till now.

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Gimme gimme more. Ok Britney.

Yeah this game is dogs*it.

I see you were starting to have some fun so we nerfed fun.

It’s like the clowns on the dev team don’t play the game at all.

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If they were actually developing it I would agree, but they seem to be doing nothing productive for the game. Just making the vast majority angry through various means.

Anyone that thinks these nerfs (most of them, ones like the vuln nerf were needed) are beneficial to the game do not understand ARPGs

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They wont. It will still get based off blizzards ToS unless you commit fraud and say you didn’t make that charge. Most people have more than just Diablo on their account also, so enjoy losing those games too when blizzard bans it.