Refund declined

With how shait COD and WOW are, not much of a loss honestly.

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Yeah only two of the most played multiplayer games out right now.

They are far, far from even consideration as the most played.

Blizzard has been relatively bottom of the barrel for quite some time. Diablo 4 was their chance at redemption.

Well, we all know how that is working out for them.

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that’s not how it works… it simply revokes the license…

blizzard fanbois would also enjoy if blizzard released literally a sh1t put a 100$ tag on it and you will praise it it is crazy how brainwashed are blizzard fanbois


lol are you secretly a blizzard dev ? tbh… all the QoL changes that we want have not been implemented… gem stash? unli cc fix? item finder in the inventory ? more inventory space ? end game ? thanks blizzard dev

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I honestly do not understand the people that defend poor quality products. Like have some respect for yourself as a consumer. You deserve quality. Everyone deserves quality. I don’t know if they just have too much money and don’t care if they get garbage for $100 or maybe they repent for some malicious component of their past where they feel like they deserve garbage, whatever the deal with them is, they should take a step back and realize what fair trade is.

But as it currently stands, I think it’s a fair statement that the vast majority of people will not be able to ding 100 and actually push the limits of their character in a season. Most people only put in maybe 8-10 hours a week, while I feel like these hardcore people defending Blizzard put in 10 hours a day.

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Far? COD is literally one of the most played FPS games currently, not saying it’s #1 but at least top 5. I don’t even own the game, not much on that style of game, just stating facts lol.

WoW is the top MMORPG right now, what MMORPG do you think is beating it?

Either way it’s irrelevant, just pointing out that if OP did commit fraud and refund somehow then more than likely he owns more than just Diablo and he’ll lose his entire BNet account.

Literally in their support section, they can lock the entire account.

Blizzard Support - Chargeback Repayment Options.

No I’m just an OG diablo player that enjoys the game and annoyed with all the new gen COD players that got a diablo code from a chicken sandwich and don’t understand what type of game Diablo actually is. You guys are the same people that cried until WoW went casual.

yeah, game account… GAME account

doesn;'t say your entire

I honestly do not understand how some of you function on a daily basis reacting like this to a video game not going your way. Especially given the track record of Blizzard. It’s far too common for people to put themselves in a stupid situation and then whine about it immediately.

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Jesus you’re dense… Your game account is your battle net… I guess reading comprehension is hard, they can either revoke the license or in extreme cases lock the entire game account. Google it, plenty of people have lost their entire battle net account over it.


they will 100% ban your entire account for chargebacks because your financial transaction is through your account.

well then that checks out, blizzard have never been great at wording their tooltips, spells, stats, etc…

I hope they do… that way I can request refunds for that stuff too!

I just read the patch notes. There were MANY developer notes telling you exactly WHY they made each set of changes.

they’re not flailing, they’re thinking about it, they made the change and tell you why they made the change

Buyers need to learn to not to pre purchase or buy games immediately if they are not prepared to feel like they did not get there moneys worth. Especially pushing 2 months into the game.

Seems you should maybe learn a lesson from this?

When you do this, you need to be prepared to make a $70-$100 decision in less than 2 hours.

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im an old player as well… its just… i think… they havent learned from their old games… its really better if they did… dont get me wrong im not griefing because of the patches… im griefing due to the lack of content this game has and all the QoL that they should have instead fixed, why include the fix that the camel was not moaning in the devs patch notes, lol who the hell wanted those and the 5 second teleport back to town… and the lack of response from the devs to make up for their mistakes… it just feels empty getting all those loots and leveling a character (i have a lvl 100 rogue and necro… I seriously fall asleep when im doing NM dungeons and open world activities not because its easy but due to its freaking repetitiveness…

how many hours have you played so far ?

To be fair, they didn’t say 5 good classes.

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